Water Storage Improvement Projects
Access to clean water is vital to our community.
EWEB is hard at work making sure safe, reliable water continues to flow even as critical infrastructure ages and new challenges arise. In the next decade, we plan to construct new water storage facilities near 40th Ave. and Donald St. and replace the water storage systems at EWEB's College Hill and Hawkins Hill sites. The projects will be built to seismic and contemporary operating standards, providing more than 40 million gallons of resilient, safe water storage.
Dear East 40th Neighbors,
In this email, you'll find:

  • Sign-up for March neighbor meeting
  • Information about tree planting event
  • Heads up regarding activity at the site
Sign-up for neighbor meeting
As mentioned in our February 4 letter to neighbors, we are planning socially distant meetings with adjacent neighbors to walk the site and talk in-person about the engineering and design process, site layout, and construction timeline.

DOWL will be present to discuss the results of the ecological survey, and you will have the option to tour the site to learn more about the habitat/ecology assessment. Please wear appropriate shoes and clothing for walking the site.

To ensure small groups, we are asking neighbors to sign-up in advance and limit capacity to 10 households per meeting. Click the link below to sign-up for one of the following meeting dates:
Friday, March 5 | 2 p.m.
Saturday, March 6 | 10:30 a.m.
Saturday, March 6 | 1 p.m.

Masks and social distancing required!
Restoration project planned
We are excited to announce the first restoration project at the E. 40th site. On February 27, volunteers with Friends of Trees will plant approximately 15 trees on the south side of the ridgeline.

The species selected by Friends of Trees include white and black oaks, valley ponderosa pine, incense cedar, pacific madrone, and Oregon myrtles--species that are consistent with the oak and prairie-dominated habitat that historically characterized the area.
This partnership project with Friends of Trees is a modest first step toward replanting and restoring species that are appropriate to the site and that will support a diverse community of native plants and animals.
Heads up regarding activity at the site
Gravel placement: Within the next couple of weeks, trucks and workers will be on-site to place a gravel pad at the Patterson Street entrance to the site. This will allow EWEB crews and contractors to park trucks on the site and reduce some of the impact to Patterson Street neighbors.

Security patrols: We understand that security and nuisance activities are a priority concern for neighbors. EWEB's security team is now performing weekly checks at the E. 40th project site. 

Mulch placement and tree planting: A load of mulch will be delivered on the south side of the side in advance of the Feb. 27 tree planting.

Tent set-up: A large tent will be set-up in advance of the neighbor meeting.
Project timeline

Early-mid 2021:
  • Detailed tank design and site layout
  • Tree plan
  • Landscape design and public input process

  • Construction details and mitigation plan shared with neighbors
  • Begin earthwork, site prep and construction

  • Complete construction, landscaping and fencing

How to stay informed and involved
Contact the Project Team:
Call 541-685-7899
Emails sent to this address will reach:
Laura Farthing, Senior Civil Engineer/Project Manager
Jen Connors, Communications Supervisor
Jeannine Parisi, Customer Relationship Manager
Wally McCullough, Water Engineering Supervisor

Visit the project website: