Chamber Chatter
A Publication of the Belle Glade Chamber of Commerce
OOPS, We Would Like to Correct Information
From Our Last Newsletter
HCA Florida's hours were incorrectly stated in last month's newsletter. Please note that their hours are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our apologies for the oversight!

Chamber Summer Hours
The Summer is here and we would like to share with you our summer hours. Thursday, June 30th we will be closed and re-opening on Monday August 1st. Messages (voice and emails) will be checked weekly throughout July, with calls returned each Thursday.

Wishing you all a wonderful and safe summer!

4th of July Extravaganza!
We thank our Sponsors
Mark your calendar!

This year's July 4th celebration will take place at Rodeo Las Palmas!

Festivities start at 2pm with food, music and rides for the entire family! Concerts will start at 4pm with Latin Sensation, Sonora Dinamita followed by country artist Tom Jackson and finally the great sounds of Motown Magic! At 7pm an action packed rodeo with Rank Bull Riding, Wild Bucking Horses, Ladies Barrel Racing & more! The night will end with a spectacular fireworks display! And- the entire event is FREE!

2pm - Gates Open - food, rides, vendors - fun for the entire family!
4pm - Concerts
7pm - Rodeo
9pm - Fireworks

Black Gold Jubilee
Wins Award!
This year, Black Gold Jubilee was nominated for the BEST EVENT/FESTIVAL/FAIR - South Lake in the Lake Okeechobee News Reader's Choice Awards Contest.

Nominations were submitted by readers with the top nominations placed on a ballot for online voting that was open from February 14th through March 31, 2022, and extended twice due to overwhelming response from the community! The winners were honored at an award banquet on June 9th.

Runners up in the Best Event/Festival/Fair category were Chalo Nitka Festival & Rodeo, Smoke Under the Oaks Ribfest LaBelle, and Swamp Cabbage Festival.

We would like to thank everyone that voted - we are truly honored and promise to keep working to make this the best festival for our community.
Check out Palm Beach County's 561
Information Video Featuring This Year's
Black Gold Jubilee Event!
The Leadership Glades Program will return for the 2022-2023 year. Applications are now being accepted.

For those that are not familiar with the program;

Leadership Glades is an exciting program designed to prepare potential leaders to meet the challenges facing the Glades area.

Participants explore critical issues through a series of seminars and related activities. Interaction with key decision-makers, experts, community leaders, and representatives of local government assist participants in better understanding the forces that impact their business, community, and daily lives.

Leadership Glades believes the cooperative effort of well-informed citizens is the key to preserving and enhancing the quality of life that Glades residents enjoy.

Leadership Glades gives the participant opportunities to:
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Learn about critical issues of the Glades
  • Discuss concerns with key decision makers
  • Establish new contacts
  • Contribute to the future of the Glades

If you are interested in serving the community, committed to professional growth, and dedicated to the future of the Glades, then you are a candidate for Leadership Glades.

Spaces are limited and filling up fast! Please submit your application soon, if the class fills before your application is received, it will be placed on a waiting list for next year's class or if there is a cancelation in this year's class.

Voices of the Glades
The Glades area has a new voice! The Voices of the Glades is a blog and Youtube channel that allows residents of the region to have a voice and be heard. Giving people in the Glades a platform to be heard, they encourage thoughtful comments to their site.

Check out their website and blog - click here
Boost Mobile Back to School Bash!
Boost Mobile 8th Annual Back to School Bash. We will be giving away Over 4000 BACKPACKS mixed SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Come by hangout have fun enjoy the FREE FOOD, Games, and giveaways for the whole family. 

This is the largest BACK TO SCHOOL BASH in our community. We are looking forward to seeing the smile on all the kids and parents faces August 6th 2022. 

For more information click HERE

SPONSORSHIP Details Contact 
Amin 561-449-1039 or email

The Children's Healing Institute
Cornhole Tournament
Register here
Renewing Members
American Legion Post #20
Bridges of Belle Glade
Ester Berry
Everglades Dental
Glades Truck Ice
Gumucio Dental
Hugh Branch Inc
MCM Enterprises
Michelle Oyola McGovern
Original Equipment Company
PBC Housing Authority
PBC Clerk & Comptroller
Palm Tran
Print It Plus
Roth Farms
Shiver & Company
South Bay RV Campground
SSI Petroleum
Trinity Temple SDA Church
Turfpro Services
Belle Glade City Events
Interested in additional City events? Check out the calendar.

Jury Duty Questions?
Have Jury Duty Questions? We’re Here to Help!
Jury service is an important and critical civic duty. It allows a fair hearing of a court case in front of a cross section of the community, reflecting our county’s diverse population.
In Palm Beach County, your Clerk’s office handles the day-to-day management of jury service. Our jury team is here to make sure that your experience at the courthouse runs as smoothly as possible. As you prepare yourself for jury service, our Jury Web portal covers many of the frequently asked questions that jurors have when summonsed.
How am I selected to receive a jury summons? Prospective jurors are randomly selected from the Florida Division of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles; U.S. citizens at least 18 years of age, are legal residents of Palm Beach County and who possess a driver license or identification card.
What happens after I receive a summons? Once your summons arrives in the mail, check the date of your jury service. The day before your summoned date, go to our When to Report page after 5 p.m. and find out if you must report the following day. If you are unable to report to jury service, whether due to age, caregiving, pregnancy or other allowable excusal, you may request a postponement or excusal from jury service by filling out a short form on our jury portal.
It's the day of my service, what should I know? In the morning, arrive to the courthouse with enough time to navigate rush hour. Be aware the City of West Palm Beach and Florida Department of Transportation continue road work improvements downtown around the courthouse. Free parking is available at the Judicial Parking Garage located at 505 Banyan Boulevard in addition to public transportation options.
Security at the courthouse has a list of prohibited items that you cannot bring with you, including glass containers and nail clippers. Once inside, head to the Jury Duty office on the first floor to check in and follow the directions from our
jury management team. They will make sure you get through your day and answer any specific questions you may have.
I appreciate your ability and willingness to participate in jury service and to serve the people of Palm Beach County. You can always reach the Clerk’s office at one of our five locations in addition to accessing us online 24 hours a day.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter and follow us on social media at @ClerkPBC to stay up to date on everything we have to offer.
Joseph Abruzzo
Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
About the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm Beach County
The Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is Palm Beach County’s protector of public money and records including marriage licenses, court documents, financial reports and real estate records. Visit and find us @ClerkPBC on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Habitat for Humanity News
West TEC News
Spa Day - Make & Take Event
Did You Know?
Chamber Member Benefits
We are choosing to run this segment again this month - please let us know if you would like to use this benefit, it would be our pleasure to assist you in setting it up.

This month we would like to focus on one of our member benefits - job postings.

We all either know of a business, visited a business, or we are that business. What business you ask? The business that is looking for employees. Today, many job seekers turn to the internet searching job boards or posting sites for employment.

Did you know as a Chamber member that you have a job board at your fingertips, and it is FREE and simple to use? It actually is easy as 1-2-3.

1- Sign into the Member Info System
2- Select the "Job Postings" button and select "add job posting"
3- Fill in the information fields and select "submit for approval"

Once approved, your job will be posted on our website

Here are screen shots of the process
Select "Job Postings"
Select "Add Job Posting"
Fill in Job Information
Interested In More Events?
We have more events going on this month! Check out our updated events calendar by clicking here.
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Forward our Newsletter with your friends so they can keep up with the news!

Sign up for the newsletter here.
Newsletter Sponsor Opportunities
Share Your News in the Newsletter!
Interested in becoming a Newsletter Sponsor?
We have both monthly and yearly opportunities, call Lamar Weathers at the Chamber to discuss which option is best for your business.

561-996-2745 or

Have any News to Share?

How about an announcement that you would like make, then let us know! 

Just contact us by the 20th of the month and we will place it in the newsletter for the following month.

Contact Lamar Weathers at the Chamber.

561-996-2745 or

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