HOVC Scouter Newsletter | June 17th, 2022
The first award of the T. Brady Saunders Summer Camp season goes to Troop 709G! Congratulations, Scouts, on earning the Spirit Log in week 1 of camp.
Closed in Observance of Independence Day
Please note that the Scout Shop and Leadership Center will be CLOSED on Saturday, July 2nd and Monday, July 4th for the Independence Day holiday.

We look forward to serving you when we reopen on Tuesday, July 5th with regular business hours.

Enjoy a safe and happy holiday!
Scout Night at the Diamond - Camping Guidelines!
Sa-wing battah battah battah! We're getting excited about hitting it out of the park at the July 29th Scout Night at the Diamond game and camping opportunity. The Flying Squirrels have been kind enough to pass along some Camping Guidelines for those Scouts who plan on spending a night out on the field. Tickets are still on sale - you can get your own for $10.00 ($13 if you'd also like a special patch)! [Learn More]
Cubmasters and Pack Committee Chairs...
We have been approved to participate in the Family Den Pilot Program by the National Council of the BSA. The program will allow you to form dens that are comprised of boys and girls instead of being limited to single-gender dens only. Participation in the Pilot Program is 100% voluntary. HOVC is proud to offer two virtual Kick-Offs via Zoom on June 28th and July 30th.

Eagle Challenge Brick Program
A great way to honor your Eagle Scout is to sponsor a personally engraved Eagle Brick. The cost is $200 per brick located at the Camp T. Brady Saunders Flag Plaza. To be included in the 2022 Eagle Brick Unveiling Ceremony, brick orders must be received by July 8th, 2022. The Eagle Brick Ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, September 17, 2022.
Announcing Our Spring Fundraiser Top-Sellers!
The 2022 Camp Card and Spring Popcorn fundraiser was a tremendous success thanks to the hard work of Scouts from 91 Packs, Troops, and Crews! Over 11,250 Camp Cards were sold at a retail value of $52,930! The Top-Selling Troop was Troop 709 (Cardinal District), and the Top-Selling Pack was Pack 360 (Rivers District). A total of 12 Units participated in the Spring Popcorn fundraiser and sold $14,443! Pack and Troop 101 (Crater District) was the Top Seller of Popcorn selling $11,620! We thank all our Scouts and Leaders for participating in the sale and hope that you have a GREAT summer as these funds help support Summer Camp and other fun Scouting adventures! To see a full list of the Top 20 Units and Top Units by District, click here!
โ€œSummer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most
beautiful words in the English language.โ€
- Henry James
Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Prepared.For Life.