RCHP August Newsletter
Dear Church Family,

I’ve had an interesting insight this year—and it’s one that very few churches that I know of (at least around here) probably are in a position to see. The non-profits that were born in our sanctuary, from the prayers of the people, have bourgeoned to a level that nobody could have fathomed years ago. If you are only in the building on Sundays you wouldn’t get a sense of that. But 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday, RCHP is humming with ministries that are funded primarily by governmental entities and are consistent with our prayers for justice, peace and love. As strife in the world grows, and as the current federal administration seeks to meet the world’s challenges with proper services, our funding continues to rise.  

While I won’t get into the numbers, I can tell you that at least 75 people are working in the building during the week, and their clients are coming in from all parts of the world. People are getting help with employment, English, job readiness, health appointments, school support, mental health services, case management, intensive case management, after school care, re-entry services, legal services, housing services. In addition to those 75 people RCHP’s related non-profits have (or are about to have) 35+ staff working in other buildings around Highland Park, New Brunswick and South Jersey. In addition to our staff we have contracts with builders who are nearing the completion of the three-family new apartment house at 59 Adelaide Ave—in other words, we are creating construction, engineering and architectural work aimed at serving the poor.  

Last week I preached on Luke chapter 12. In that chapter Jesus challenges those who follow him to watch out for ‘all forms of greed.’ The parable he tells is one of a rich man having an abundant year of grain production, and his answer to a great year was just to build a bigger barn for himself. Abundance + Self-Absorption+ Worry= “store it up.” It is always a temptation to store up wealth. And, how much should one save? How ‘rainy a day’ should you plan for?  

Interestingly, it is the Government that models for us something of the way of the Kingdom of God. Government-funded grants and projects are anti-storehouse. We are given tremendous amounts of funding and the government demands that we NOT store it up in storehouses, but rather that we spend it, and fast. We are to spend it, not worrying about tomorrow. So far, the more we spend appropriately and quickly, and complete projects and show genuine care and love, the more has come to us, to continue doing good. We have very little (in our non-profits) stored up for a rainy day. But what we do have is a track record of providing incredible care for those in need. Could a change in administrations bring our programs to a screeching halt? Of course…but worrying about that won’t add a single day to our lives.  

So, church, let’s learn something from governmentally funded non-profit patterns. I’m sure there are lots of other more problematic aspects of governmental funding, but my observation recently is that governmental grants are the most exciting, most kingdom-of-God-like, of all. We are required to give lavishly—to give it all away—because it is not “ours”—it belongs to all of God’s people—starting with “the last.”

Peace, Pastor Seth
P.S. Check out the photo gallery at the end of this email for church family highlights!
Upcoming August Events & Happenings
Nature Group Meetings Global Grace Farms, August 6, 9am: Instead of an August Nature Hike, Pastor Seth invites the church family to join him for a morning of Watering and Weeding at Global Grace Farms. Some of you are fairly regular supporters of the Farm, and others have been talking about getting out there for years. Join us to carpool together from church at 9am, or, meet us at 14 College Farm Rd.  

A House Warming for Tosin and Jumoke, August 6, 6pm: It is a blessing to settle into a new home. Tosin and Jumoke invite the church family to come to Piscataway, to see their new place, and to thank God, with them, for this blessing.  

Policy Engagement Group / Prison Correspondence Group - Aug 14th @ 10:30am
Pastor Amos is convening both a Policy Engagement Group and a Prison Correspondence Group, but only the latter will be meeting this month, on August 14 after the worship service. We will meet in the Parlor at around 10:30, and until just before noon, we will be reporting back on the experiences of sending letters last month, catching up any new members to the process, and responding to new correspondences from incarcerated persons in New Jersey. We will resume a regular meeting schedule in September. For more info, contact Pastor Amos: amoscaley@gmail.com
South River Update:   
The relationship with First Reformed Church of South River continues to grow and excellent summer programming has deepened our relationship to the community. Wednesdays and Thursday, throughout August, feel free to come by between 4pm-5pm to assist with youth summer-fun or to engage in conversational english or to help distribute produce boxes and clothing.  

Also, on August 17th, from 5-8:30pm, we are looking for people to commit to coming and assisting in our first-ever FRCSR Community Market & Artisan Fair. We invite people to email riverlandcandleco@gmail.com  to reserve a table for $5. We invite you to sell art, handmade items, baked goods, to run a 'garage sale' style table, to share information...whatever you want!"
Vacation Bible School, August 22-26, 8:30-Noon: We are just 19 days away from Vacation Bible School, which is among my favorite weeks of the church year. For 5 days the church building will be transformed into a magical space for children and the most important thing in the world will be to sing songs, hear stories, do crafts, participate in a mission project and play games. I cannot wait. Please invite every child that you know to be part of it. We invite the entire church family to join us at noon, on Friday the 26th, as the kids lead us in the musical.

Would you be available to drive a van to South River to assist bringing South River youth to Vacation Bible School? We are looking for a driver for an 8am pick up, every day, for 5 days. Even if you can only assist once or twice we’d be thrilled to have the help!
A Week in Detroit: RCHP’s work team is hard at work in Detroit. While the September newsletter will include more pictures and videos, it must be stated how happy we are to restart work trips as a regular part of our life together. So thankful for this wonderful team!

Committee Night, 1st Thursday of every month:  If you’ve been looking for ways to get involved in the life of RCHP please note that probably 90% of the activities that eventually occur in our church are discussed and mulled over and prayed about in committee meetings. Join us, on the first Thursday of the month, for the vast majority of the committees. Committees of the church include Worship, Property, Finance, Faith Development, Care, Fellowship. There are also ad hoc committees on Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry and Policy that are being born during this time. Please reach out to Pastor Seth at 732-882-3193 if you’d like to hear more about committees and to try to find your place within the church community.  
RCHP Holiday Grief Support Group - Begins in October
Our group is a space that allows us to explore our thoughts and feelings related to our grief and loss. It is a place to both receive and provide support and understanding while finding new ways to approach the challenges presented by our grief. Come meet others who seek meaning, offer perspective, and counter the sense of isolation so many of us have felt as we walk through this process. We will provide you with emotional and spiritual support in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
The holidays are times spent with our loved ones. This has been imprinted on our spirit from a young age. Holidays are part of the milestones we share with each other, and they generally represent time spent with family. For many, this is one of the hardest parts of grieving, when we miss our loved ones even more than usual. The need for support may be the greatest during this time, remembering we can – and will – get through this together. 
Please join us at 7:00pm on Mondays: October 3, November 14, December 5, and January 9 in the parlor at RCHP. If you would like to be part of our conversation, please contact Pastor Stephanie at RCHP, Kathleen Malkiewicz at kathmaldtr@gmail.com or Nicci Spinazzola at niccispinazzola@gmail.com  
WISE CARE Committee Seeking Help
WISE Care programming in 2022-23 will focus on Teens, Youth, Kids, Children, Babies
and those who love, educate, and protect them. During the Fall, we want to provide 
SUPPORT for resilience, crisis intervention and harm prevention for our young people as follows:
September: What parents and caregivers can do to promote resilience in our youth
October: Suicide prevention for our young people
November: School safety for all: calling out bullying.
We are seeking members of our extended RCHP community (teens, parents, caregivers) with an interest in one or more of these topics to volunteer in planning and implementing one or more of these programs.
Please contact Carol Turner, cjteddpc@mac.com , if you are willing to brainstorm and potentially contribute to one or more of these programs to support our young people in 2022.
Check out these 3 opportunities to engage with New Jersey Interfaith
Center for Cancer Care! Click on the flyers for more info.
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Worship and Education Opportunities
Psalm Plunge - August 12-13
On Friday and Saturday, August 12 and 13, all are invited to join us for a journey into the Psalms, where we will creatively explore these texts as songs of praise, lament, and prayer. Join us Friday evening at 6:00 for a meal and a brief introduction/performance by Pastor Terry and Aidan Selmer, then come back from 8:30am to 3:00pm for a series of song writing workshops. All experience-levels are welcome. Food is provided, and childcare can be available upon request. Contact Pastor Amos or Pastor Terry if you are interested in participating. Advanced registration is strongly encouraged by or before Wednesday, August 10.
Children and Youth
Vacation Bible School Decorating Parties (for kids AND adults!): On Sunday August 7th, and again on the 14th, there will be crafty artists working to transform the church building into a kid’s paradise. Contact Pastor Seth if you’d like to get in on the fun.
Connecting With God
Wednesday morning Bible Study: If you’d like to have regular bible reading as a part of your life, join us in August. 7:45-9am

Morning Prayer, Mon.-Sat. @ 9 am on Zoom 
For 2.5 years now a morning prayer opportunity has existed at RCHP. Upwards of 15 people a day join this Zoom call to begin the day showing love and support for one another and giving God the glory. You can best get to the meeting by going to the rchighlandpark.org website and clicking on the coffee cup that is on the scrolling announcements.
Connecting With One Another
Coffee & Conversations Group - Starts in September!

This is a safe and affirming space for LGBTQ+ adults to gather for fellowship and share our stories. We gather to learn from each other while advocating for and talking about issues close to the LGBTQ+ community. This is a safe and non-judgmental space where all are welcome. Please drop in, no invitation needed.

Join us at 7:00pm on Thursdays: September 22, December 22, March 23 and June 22 in the parlor at RCHP. If you have any questions, please contact Renee Burawski at rburawski@gmail.com or Nicci Spinazzola at niccispinazzola@gmail.com
"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group

If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. For more info, contact Cecilia Rowedder czr852@yahoo.com or Esther Barcun misseando@verizon.net. Please email to receive the Zoom link.
Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"
All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry caca98@aol.com for more information and for a Zoom link.

Thursday Sewing Circle
Each Thursday, from 10am-1pm, there is a wonderful opportunity to gather folks together for crafts and conversation. Please come to the Quilt Rm on Thursdays and check this out!
Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community
DIRE Monthly Meeting, Noon on Thursday, August 4 (Zoom only)

Topic: DIRE Monthly Meeting
Time: Aug 4, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Interfaith-RISE Monthly Meeting (hybrid), Noon on August 18th

Get caught up on the happenings at Interfaith-RISE.  

Topic: Interfaith-RISE Monthly Meeting, Noon
Time: Aug 18, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
HP Food Pantry

During COVID our community is in need of the food pantry more than ever. The HP Food Pantry is collecting donations via an Amazon Wishlist. To donate badly needed items, click on https://tinyurl.com/s7pxpzn Contact Kathi Lombardi with questions: foxyrox18@gmail.com The items needed most this month are:

Food Pantry needs for August:

Tomato Sauce
Tuna, Chicken, Salmon
Adult Diapers
Baby Diapers- Sizes 2, 3, 4 and 5
Stayfree feminine protection products

In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details.
Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times
W.I.S.E. Care Blog - August 2022
Prepared by Sandy Russell Jones

August is Wellness Month in which we are reminded that health encompasses the whole person – the physical, social, mental, emotional, financial, environmental, intellectual, occupational, and spiritual dimensions of our lives. During the coming month we consider the parts of ourselves that cry out for care. 
Lord, we pray for the health and well-being of our bodies, for the willingness to cooperate with You in maintaining a simple, healthy lifestyle- not just as an end, but also as a means for giving and receiving love of neighbor as ourselves. We acknowledge that many lack clean air and water, adequate nutrition, and opportunities for restorative sleep. Others are drowning in plenty, unable to self-regulate. We ask You for the willingness to build healthy habits regarding our physical well-being as well as the ability to end unhealthy ones. 
Lord, we pray for the health of our social relationships, for the time and energy to nurture the bonds that support and sustain us. In our relationship with the wider world, help us to resist the negativity often found in the culture around us on social media, news outlets, and advertising, to see and respect the divinity found within all people regardless of our differences, to choose kindness first and always. 

We pray for the mental and emotional strength to cope with the stress and challenges of daily living, the ability to name our feelings and honor them in healthy ways. We pray for innovative solutions to address the continuing crises impacting the web of life that we are only one part of – the animals and birds and plants and trees and living beings, the air we all breathe, the water we drink, and the soil that feeds us all. 

NOTE: To read the full blog CLICK HERE
The Self-Help Support Group

Join co-leaders Jess Munger and Terry Horyn for nurturing support for the body, mind and spirit every Monday and Thursday from 4-5 p.m. in the parlor. Seating is socially distant and masks are required. Topics addressed can be anything from Covid fears to physical ailments to emotional challenges. All are welcome! For more info, contact Jess at jessmsn409@gmail.com
Bereavement Calendar
RCHP remembers all those who died in August and all those who still mourn

The following names have been offered for remembrance in August 2022: 

Richard Homeyer, Beloved Father of Michael Zalewski

Yves Emeline Jeremie, Beloved Mother of Gihane Jeremie-Brink,
and Beloved Grandmother of Mateo, Naya, and Yael Jeremie-Brink

Bruno Juricic, Beloved Father-in-law of Jacquelyn Juricic,
and Grandfather of Ana and Noah Juricic

Blanca Martinez, Beloved Mother of Carmen Baum

Blanche McCartney, Beloved Mother of Pat McCartney

Edward Mroz, Beloved Grandfather of Michael Zalewski

Michael Nussman, Beloved Father of Wendy Nussman

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.
Selma has touched so many people spiritually and literally for many years with her special brand of congregational care and prayer shawls. She may be far away now (in Las Cruces, New Mexico), but will always be close to our hearts. We recently gave her a video send-off with plenty of blessings to send her on her way.
Global Grace Health has added Monkey Pox vaccines and has provided hundreds of shots.
The Maintenance/Housing Team at RCHP-AHC has grown...here the team is getting their morning assignments at the warehouse. AHC is averaging setting up 10 apartments per month, plus providing an abundance of furniture to 'host families' who have added Ukrainians, Cubans, Haitians and Unaccompanied Minors in recent weeks.
RCHP has a new van, complete with a wheel chair lift and easy grab bars! This van should empower us to start taking trips with all ages of church members for fellowship and service.  
RCHP Work Trip departed Saturday July 30 and will be returning on August 6th. Thanks to all who are giving of their time and service!
Global Grace Marketplace now features Bolivian items (brought back by Sena and Leah from a women owned cooperative that supports child victims of sexual abuse) and items from Ukraine (brought by the Ukrainian Orthodox Cultural Center). Please come and see beautiful items and support our marketplace!
The DIRE Legal team grows...here our three attorneys and three paralegals work on Haitian and Afghan cases. 

South River Summer Zone keeps rocking and rolling with cooking class, arts and games
Pastor Terry brings 7 RCHP youth to Camp Fowler

New 'Interfaith-RISE Recycled Wood Shop' starts to sell its wares.  Anyone want a bed frame made out of old pallets?  
The annual Jim Hudson Classic softball game.  Can you tell the difference between the losers and the winners?  We can’t, either.  Praise be to God for good times!