Workshops - Choose one to join
May 18, 2021 3:00 - 4:30 PM EST
Korina Ramsland Short, MS,
Director of the Gender Equity Center at Johnson & Wales University
Gender is more than “pink or blue”. This session will establish a base of vocabulary and definitions; explore emerging practices to support cultural competency and inclusivity; and identify strategies to build trust and enhance trauma-informed practice with transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse individuals and communities.
Karen Hangartner, LMSW
Project Director at the Southern Regional Children’s Advocacy Center
Disasters happen. Disasters may be different depending on your geographic location. The one commonality is that at some point, CACs will experience some event that can affect the ability to provide services to kids and families. The recent experience with COVID-19 reminds us that we need to prepare for any event that interrupts service delivery for children and families who experience abuse. This workshop will explore how to start planning and preparing for a disaster or critical incident.