Upcoming Budget Forums and Drop-In Sessions
As we launch the FY2022 budget planning process, the Office of Finance and Business Affairs has scheduled several opportunities for the campus community to learn about our budget outlook, understand the process and timeline, and have robust opportunities for dialogue and feedback. University-wide forums and drop-in/question and answer sessions are open to all faculty and staff.

Budget Forums
Dr. Glen Nelson, Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs, and Jen Steele, Associate Vice President for Budget, Planning, and Analysis, will present the budget outlook for FY2022, guidelines and parameters for unit budget development, the budget planning process and timeline. The presentation will be followed by questions and open discussion.
January 20
2-3:30 p.m.

Passcode: 230949
February 16
1-2:30 p.m.

Passcode: 575408
Budget Drop-In/Question and Answer Sessions
Budget Office staff will be on hand to answer questions, provide guidance, and discuss feedback and ideas. This is a casual format and individuals are welcome to drop in at any time during the session.
Idaho State
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