At Beacon of Light Pregnancy Support Centers, we are grateful that the SCOTUS has upheld the Constitution and placed the decision regarding abortion back in the hands of the states. Abortion rights can now be seen as a reflection of the values of the residents of each state. 


In New York, we have created a culture in which women are not equipped with the knowledge they need, and an understanding of the resources that are available to them, to make informed decisions before and during their pregnancies. This lack of information and support often results in women feeling as if abortion is their only option. This is the reason, the very purpose, why Beacon of Light exists. Our work, here in New York, is not going to be affected by the Dobbs decision. In fact, in many ways, it feels as though it is just beginning!

At our MyChoice Pregnancy Centers, our goal is to create an environment that supports women, that gives each of them a safe place to process their feelings about their unique situation while empowering them with the information they need to make an informed decision about the outcome of their pregnancy. There is no other situation where it would be considered acceptable for a person to have a medical procedure without first understanding all of the risks, benefits and potential outcomes of that procedure. As a free medical clinic, we do not benefit from our patient's decisions. All of our services are provided completely free of charge. At the Maternity Home of the Hudson Valley, we provide women who are pregnant and homeless or in an unstable housing situation with a safe place to live during their pregnancy and up to their baby's first birthday, again, at no cost to our residents.

As you can see, we simply exist to support women so they can can choose life with confidence...or not. That decision, in New York, at least for now, is still entirely up to them. And as long as it is - and even when it no longer is - we will continue to work tirelessly - for the glory of God - to empower women to choose life!  And we wouldn't be able to do it without you!  Thank you for your support of our ministries!

All glory to God,

Your sister in Christ, 

Amy Mathieu

Executive Director

Beacon of Light Pregnancy Support Centers


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