State of the School Town Hall Meeting
Next Wednesday, January 13, 2021
6:00 - 7:30 pm via Zoom
Dear Richmond Waldorf Community.
Please join members of the Board of Trustees, Administration and Faculty for a virtual State of the School Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, January 13th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a brief school update, share some announcements, and provide an opportunity for Q&A with the community.  We hope that every family will be represented for this important and comprehensive school update!
Sharing Your Questions:
For this meeting we will use an application called Slido to collect questions in advance.  This application allows the community to not only ask questions in advance, it also allows you to vote for the ones you like the most. This will help in prioritizing the discussion topics for our meeting. Please click on the icon to access the application. Once you are logged into the Slido event, you can ask a question under the Q&A tab with the option of including your name or not. There is also a poll on the Polls tab for you to share one or two words about how you are feeling or what is on your mind.
Logging into the call:
Phone one-tap: US: US: +13017158592,,99348970947# or +13126266799,99348970947#

Meeting ID: 993 4897 0947
We have also enclosed a copy of the presentation below. Apologies this was not included in the first email. We encourage you to take a look and share any questions or comments from this information in advance.
We look forward to sharing an evening with you and discussing the health and well-being of our school.  
See you on Wednesday evening at 6pm!

Warm regards,
Chair, Board of Trustees
Richmond Waldorf School | | (804) 377-8024
Celebrating 100 Years of Waldorf Education