Every Mind Matters Newsletter
June 2022 Edition

From The Psychology Foundation of Canada

Welcome summer! As you enjoy the warmer weather and longer days, please take the time to read how we are continuing to promote and support the mental well-being of children and youth thanks to your support.

In this issue, we:
  • Invite you to our 18th Annual Breakfast for Champions on December 1, 2022;
  • Recognize National Indigenous History Month and Pride Month with our Wellness Webinars;
  • Share the success of our new Stress Busters after-school program.
And much more.

Have a great summer!
You are Invited to our 18th Annual Breakfast for Champions
Thank you to our Breakfast for Champions Sponsors for your support
and commitment to nurturing resilience in children and youth.
Presenting Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Leanne and George Lewis
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Harriet Lewis Dr. Mark Smith
 I want to support the 18th Annual Breakfast for Champions
Congratulations to Dr. Eric Jackman, Dr. Ester Cole and Dr. Maria Kokai
Dr. Eric Jackman: Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Profession. 
Congratulations to our Founding Chair Dr. Eric Jackman, the 2022 recipient of the Canadian Psychological Association’s (CPA) Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Profession. This award is presented to CPA Members or Fellows who have made a significant contribution to Canadian Psychology as a profession. 

One of Eric’s greatest contributions to the field of psychology is his vision and long-time support of The Psychology Foundation of Canada, now the new brand Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada. Thanks to Eric, our organization has been using psychology to benefit Canadians, particularly youth. Read more here.
Dr. Ester Cole: Award for Contribution to School Psychology

We are delighted to share that Dr. Ester Cole is the recipient of CPA's Educational and School Psychology Section's inaugural Contribution to School Psychology Award.

Dr. Cole has been a long-time supporter of our organization. She is currently a member of our Child and Youth Committee and was also a past Board member.

Congratulations Ester!
Dr. Maria Kokai: new Chair of the Education and School Psychology Section

We are excited to share that Dr. Maria Kokai is the new Chair of the Education and School Psychology Section at the CPA.

Dr. Maria Kokai has been a long-time supporter of our organization. She is a member of our Child and Youth Committee and was also a past Board member.

Best wishes in this new role Maria!
Let's honour National Indigenous History Month and Pride Month
Check out past Board member Dr. Michelle Aihina Inkinsh Holhpokunna Johnson-Jenning's Wellness Webinar on: Indigenous health and wellbeing: Considerations for working with youth.
Indigenous History Month is another . chance for us to learn more about the significant contributions of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Watch this video which highlights Indigenous achievement in sports, medicine, music and activism through a rap! Click here to watch.
Watch Scout Gray and Ashleigh Yule's Wellness Webinar on: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Inclusivity: Building Resilience and Well-being in Youth.
Pride Month is a great opportunity to teach your kids and teens about what it means to be LGBTQ2S+. Here are 17 books for kids and teens to read during Pride Month from Canadian authors.
Stress Busters Program a Success!
In the Summer of 2021, we piloted our Stress Busters program. Since then, 120 children have participated and benefitted from this 8-week program thanks in large part to the Quinn Family Future Foundation. Pre and Post survey results demonstrate that the program is having a positive impact on children. Participants reported feeling more knowledgeable about stress, how it affects their bodies and minds, and how to manage it in healthy ways. 
They also shared some thoughts on the program:

"If you are having any worries, problems or stress you can join the stress busters. They teach you how to manage your stress and you can use those tips whenever you are feeling worried or stress." –Youth, 10 years old

“... My daughter felt listened to, well supported, well integrated into the classroom; she opened up about what she felt; she listened better to others talking about their feelings and felt connected with the kids as well as the facilitators; she developed trust and more confidence in expressing her feelings.”–Parent

If you are interested in this program and would like to find out more, please contact Pamela Sariyannis.
Tips and Strategies to Build Resilience
Helping our kids and youth manage stress is key to building life skills and promoting social and emotional development. If our kids can learn to respond to stress in a healthy and constructive way early on, they will be more resilient and better able to cope. Visit our resources page full of tips and strategies for you and your family.
Welcome Katie and Great Canadian Giving Challenge
This June, every $1 donated to us via CanadaHelps enters us for a chance to WIN $20,000. Donate now! and help us to nurture resilience and support the mental well-being of kids and youth across Canada.
We are excited to welcome Katie Mitchell
as our Fundraising Manager. Katie's expertise lies in both fundraising and event management, and brings with her more than ten years of experience working with organizations like SickKids Foundation, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Specializing in Peer to Peer fundraising, Katie has helped generate transformational funds through strong collaboration with stakeholders and delivering best in class event experiences. 
When you invest in Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada you invest in a brighter future for our children and youth ensuring they have every opportunity to thrive.
Please share our newsletter within your social media channels
We want to hear from you: How can we best support you in nurturing resilience in the kids in your life? Please contact us with your feedback and suggestions
Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada
From The Psychology Foundation of Canada
Phone: 416 644 4944 Email: