By translating our deepest experience of being into time and space, we develop spiritual autonomy—an independence of spirit capable of manifesting the enlightened condition in daily living for the highest possible good.” ~ Adyashanti, Taking the One Seat
November 2021 News & Offerings
Spiritual Autonomy
Pier by the ocean
With the stillness of winter approaching, there has been a reverent passing of the torch at Open Gate Sangha. As Adyashanti embarks on a well-deserved yearlong sabbatical, his wife, Mukti, long-time student and a teacher in his lineage, will be assuming the role of head teacher for our sangha.

Muktis teaching conveys a unique combination of warmth, devotion, and a piercing wisdom. We are delighted at the prospect of discovering the possibilities she will bring in the coming year.

During this time of transition, we are presented with an ideal opportunity to reflect on the meaning and importance of spiritual autonomy. In this issue, we feature articles from Mukti and Adyashanti that provide pointers to expressing spiritual autonomy in our lives. In addition, we offer complimentary downloads and teachings, along with featured products related to this month's theme.
To express spiritual autonomy, you must fully occupy your own life, even consciously consent to inhabiting your incarnation. And you must intend to align with life as a whole. Engaging these actions (occupying, consenting, aligning) begs several questions.
“The real search isn’t a search into tomorrow, or to anywhere other than now. Its starting to look into the very nature of this moment. In order to do that, you have to stand in your own two shoes, as my teacher used to say.”
Adyashanti on Sabbatical

An excerpt from Adyas message:
I look at this time away from teaching as a time to rest, heal, and rejuvenate.

I have entrusted Mukti (my wife and longtime Open Gate Sangha teacher) to assume the head teaching role during my absence.
Winter Weekend Retreat ~ Online with Mukti
We invite you to join us for Mukti’s Winter Weekend Retreat!

December 10-12
Pacific Time Zone, Replays Available
Registration opens November 3

Life-changing events primarily begin within one’s self as a fundamental inclination to grow, to discover, to live and express fully. When inclined toward peace, truth, and wholeness, such discoveries and expressions can bring about a growing sense of satisfaction and well-being.

This upcoming Winter Weekend Retreat is a time to set conditions for change and for deepening Self-realization and Self-knowledge. . .
  • Dive into fresh teachings from Mukti as head teacher of Open Gate Sangha.
  • Take time to refresh and fully devote yourself to spiritual practice.
  • Engage in deep meditation to ground yourself more fully.
  • Reflect upon and ask your innermost spiritual questions.
Upcoming Free Video Broadcasts
Adya Prerecorded Broadcast 

“Meditative Self-Inquiry”

Wed, Nov 3 ~ 6:00 pm PT
Thu, Nov 4 ~ Noon Replay

Go to the Broadcast page or YouTube to watch this prerecorded broadcast. A replay will be available for 24 hours on YouTube.
Mukti Broadcast

Upcoming LIVE Broadcast!

Wed, Nov 17 ~ 6:00 pm PT

Go to the Broadcast page or Mukti’s YouTube to watch this live broadcast. A replay will be available for 24 hours on YouTube.
Sunday Community Practice

The intention with Sunday Community Practice is to put focus on the spiritual practice of meditation and have the teachings be oriented toward the various aspects of effective spiritual practice as it is integrated and lived in daily life.

We welcome all who wish to meditate on a consistent basis and dedicate themselves to making enlightened living a significant priority in their lives. During Adyashanti’s sabbatical, Mukti will be leading these sessions. Adya may join in meditation.

Join by subscription or by single practice sessions. Scholarships are available for monthly subscriptions. (Apply between December 1 and 15.)

  • Nov 7 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT
  • Nov 21 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT
In-Person Programs

We will resume offering in-person programs when we feel confident that we can provide an environment that encourages openness and a feeling of safety, where people can comfortably share lodging and dining together, and in which we can gather safely in close proximity to each other. For now, we will continue to monitor news and information regarding public health concerns. When we feel ready to add an in-person program to the calendar, it will be announced via email in our monthly newsletter and published on the calendar page of our website.
Visit Mukti’s and Adyashanti’s Teachings pages to access their complimentary introductory teachings, new and selected teachings, videos, audio recordings, and writings. 

New Teachings:

Selected Subject of the Month:

Adya’s Library: Spiritual Autonomy
Mukti’s Library: Spiritual Autonomy
Complimentary Audio Downloads
Spiritual Sovereignty and
the End of Conflict

I this talk and dialogues, Adyashanti explores subtle facets of spiritual autonomy and its paradoxical relationship with unity.
Discovering the Inner Guru

Through stories and insights gained from her exploration, Mukti shares flavors of her own journey and relationship to spiritual teachers, including Jesus, Yogananda, Buddha, and Adyashanti.
$90.00 $65.00
Featured Course

Taking the One Seat: Spiritual Autonomy and the Souls Discovery of Meaning
by Adyashanti

Before the soul can be realized and lived, it must be brought to the surface of consciousness, nurtured, and chosen to be one's own. Taking the one seat is to fully occupy this very life—our individual life and all of life—as the ultimate ground of being. To do so is the expression of enlightenment itself.” 
~ Adyashanti

Now on sale at a reduced price!
Featured Downloads

Muktis October 20, 2021 Online Broadcast

A talk from Muktis Summer 2017 Connecticut Retreat

Muktis September 6, 2017 Online Broadcast

Set of two retreat talks from Adyas 2014 Mount Madonna Retreat

A talk from Adyas 2012 Portland Meeting

An episode of Radio Adyashanti from February 2011.
50% Off CDs and DVDs

We are offering an ongoing sale of our entire selection of DVDs and CDs at 50% off.

While we have these products in stock, consider getting them for yourself or others as gifts!
Check out the Community News pages of our website which include our Press Page, where you can discover projects that Adya and Mukti are doing or have participated in outside of Open Gate Sangha, such as interviews, talks, programs, podcasts, and articles.

Featured this month: Adyas new guided meditation series, Recognition, on Sam Harriss Waking Up app.

Also access our monthly News & Offerings archive.
Sunday Community Practice: You are invited to join our ongoing community for Sunday Community Practice which meets live online twice a month for deep spiritual practice and inquiry.
Gatherings: Adyashanti’s and Mukti’s teachings are shared globally in Gathering groups which meet in locations around the world to listen to recordings or watch videos. Search our database to find a group near you.
Open Gate Sangha: We stand for racial equality and social justice. We are for finding actions that speak as loudly as words, perhaps even louder than words. We are for creating together a more inclusive sangha experience for everyone.

Donations: Thank you for considering a donation to Open Gate Sangha. We are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Our mission is to make the teachings of Adyashanti and Mukti available to all of those who feel drawn to this expression of Truth.

We offer a recurring monthly donation service for your convenience.
Adyashanti, author of The Direct Way, Sacred Inquiry, The Most Important Thing, and The Way of Liberation is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence. 

New to Adyashanti? Here’s a complimentary download of his 53-page book: The Way of Liberation: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Mukti, whose name is translated as “liberation,” is a teacher at Open Gate Sangha, in the lineage of Adyashanti. Her talks point audiences back to their natural state of wholeness or undivided consciousness. For teaching excerpts, audio downloads and CDs, qi gong videos, and a calendar of Mukti’s programs, visit her website.