HQ Happenings
Dear UCEA,
Happy Summer!! ☀️
We were able to host our first official “event” at Headquarters since we moved here two years ago! The Convention Planning Committee (CPC) was here the first week of June making #UCEA22 a reality. We are very grateful for all our reviewers who make the Planning Committee’s work possible. I am grateful to the CPC, proposal submitters and reviewers, and our HQ staff for working so hard to make the Convention program UCEAwesome!
In May we launched the Inaugural President Spring Lecture Series entitled Academic Freedom and Critical Scholarship: Voices of Scholar Leaders (click to view). President David DeMatthews, Dean Frank Hernandez (Texas Christian University), Dean Gaëtane Jean-Marie (Rowan University), and Dr. Ann Lopez (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) as panelists. The panel discussed the definitions, limits, and power of “academic freedom.” It was an enlightening conversation and I encourage you to watch it.
In this month’s Spotlight we have more information on Convention (Registration is open!), summary of the 2022 Clark Scholars Seminar, new research on educational leadership preparation, and more.
I hope you are enjoying some of the respite that summer offers … just be sure to stay hydrated and apply sunscreen!
Thank you, as always, for all you do for UCEA.

Adelante UCEA,
Mónica Byrne-Jiménez
Executive Director
Convention Corner
Thank you to all proposal submitters and reviewers! Acceptance/Rejection notifications will be emailed in late June or early July.
View the #UCEA22 Convention logo.
Register for the Annual Convention today.
Reserve your hotel room at the Hyatt Regency Seattle.
Learn more about Seattle.
Graduate Student Hub
David L. Clark Scholars 2022
The 2022 David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar in Educational Administration & Policy, sponsored by UCEA, AERA Division A, AERA Division L, and SAGE Publications, was held April 20th among a distinguished cohort of 37 doctoral students and 18 faculty mentors across the United States and Canada. The Clark Seminar was held in-person at the Omni San Diego Hotel, and featured a program of panel discussions, roundtable conversations, and smaller mentoring sessions between cohort groups representing a diverse range of research approaches, expertise, and backgrounds.
Barbara L. Jackson Scholars Network 2022
The UCEA Barbara L. Jackson Scholars Network (JSN) is a two-year program that offers formal networking, mentoring, and professional development for graduate Students of Color who intend to become professors of educational leadership. This year’s JSN workshop at AERA was hosted in-person at the Omni San Diego Hotel on April 21st. This seminar featured Jackson Scholars Alumni on an early career panel and roundtable discussions about navigating AERA, grant writing, research collaborations, conceptual frameworks, and methodologies. 
The Research Development Program (RDP)
The Researcher Development Program (RDP), a joint initiative between the UCEA Graduate Student Council (GSC) and the AERA Leadership for School Improvement Special Interest Group (LSI SIG), provides graduate students and faculty members at different institutions with opportunities to form research-focused collaborations. To commemorate these collaborations, RDP facilitated an in-person research symposium on April 23rd at the Omni San Diego Hotel. This symposium highlighted six presentations on justice work for preservice teachers, equity-centered pipeline initiatives, bilingual policies in Singapore, mindfulness in leadership retention, principal support and supervision in special education, and the impact of COVID-19 and increased awareness of racial equity on middle school teaching.
Policy Minutes
Gun Violence in Schools

In the wake of the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, TX, President Biden and Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona offered their condolences to those affected. Policy responses across the U.S. reflect political divides over guns, from the U.S. Senate drafting a narrow bipartisan bill to state, county, and municipal laws that strengthen gun control. Other areas like Ohio have loosened restrictions, including reducing the amount of training time teachers must complete in order to carry a firearm in a classroom. This story from The Washington Post outlines policy responses to mass shooting events since 1999.
‘Implementing ESSER

“Expectations for ESSER” is an insightful article series from K-12 Dive about this massive school Covid relief law. Stories investigate impacts of spending, pressure to show return on investment, and potential sustainability of improvements.
School Funding for Undocumented Students

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is bringing a legal challenge to Plyler vs. Doe, a 1982 U.S. Supreme Court case that bars states from denying children a free public education based on their immigration status. Critics of the challenge argue that repealing the ruling would violate students’ fundamental rights to an education and have a devastating financial impact on both individuals and the economy.
Two new research reports, supported by The Wallace Foundation, highlight the promise of high-quality principal preparation. A report from RAND Corporation focuses on the University Preparation Program Initiative (UPPI) from 2016-2021. Institutions involved in UPPI worked to redesign university preparation programs. Another report from The Learning Policy Institute investigates the kinds of learning opportunities that support the development of principals and how policy can support the equitable distribution of high-quality principal development opportunities.
Leaders We Need Now - brief series by NAESP, click here to read.
UCEA Library
Browse all of UCEA's publications
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Employment Possibilities
Organization: University of Texas at Austin
Location: Austin or remote
Title: Post Doctoral Researcher
Organization: Augusta University
Location: Augusta, GA
Title: Chair, Department of Advanced Studies and Innovation
Organization: University of Texas at Arlington
Location: Arlington, TX
Title: Visiting Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Organization: University of Virginia
Location: Charlottesville, VA
Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Partnership for Leaders in Education