14 May 2021

Peace and Greetings to you!

As we conclude of another week, we learned yesterday about the CDC releasing an update on the masking guidelines for vaccinated individuals.
While this brings continued news of hope for the future, it also brings yet again, another “new normal” on the ways things are done and handled in our lives.
I want you each to know that throughout this entire pandemic of being quarantined, along with developing new and creative ways of worshipping with one another virtually, that you pastor and board of directors have been diligent in keeping up to date with the city, county, and national guidelines about returning to worship in-person.

That being said, the board and I have begun a new conversation, looking at the process and ways in bringing us back together for in-person worship. At this past Tuesday’s Board of Directors Meeting, it was decided to tentatively have a re-open date, for the first weekend in July.
However, with today’s news from the CDC and our President of the United States, that board will relook at our guidelines and policies when this re-open occurs. Unlike retails establishments and schools, places of worship is still considered somewhat of a high risk, even if one has been vaccinated. In addition to the CDC’s update, our Mayor announced as well, that he is hoping that all establishments will be at 100% come Mid-June.
As the Board and I have stated from the start, that the safety for each and every one in our congregation comes first, followed by how we can look at regathering in a safe manner, while following the guidelines and recommendations from the Wisconsin Council of Churches, our local and national health departments, along with mandates and guidelines from the City of Milwaukee.
Please watch you mail and email in the weeks ahead for updated news, as it relates to returning back to an in-person environment. Know that the Board and I miss getting to see each of your wonderful faces in person.
Elsewhere in the news, this past Thursday was Ascension Day officially, and I was honored to be invited amongst other clergy to partake in worship with our Armenian siblings out in Racine, for a very moving and spirit lead worship celebration, celebrating the Feast of the Ascension.
While I was worshipping on Thursday, there was a completely different surrounding and feeling within me. Worship isn’t something foreign to me, but on this day, there was this sense of something special in the air, this sense of a spirit filled room, feeling a sense of the Holy Spirit touching each person in that sanctuary.
We come to that point in the lectionary where Jesus has just told his friends, that they are just at the beginning of what God has in mind for them and tells them that they’re going to receive this power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them, while at the same time being witnesses for Jesus in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. And then the very next thing we experience, is that Jesus withdraws from them, his actual physical presence now obscured by this cloud that hides him from sight.
As we gather this Sunday, we continue our sermon series titled: “Traveling the Road from Easter to Pentecost!” We start to come to a conclusion to our series looking at Jesus’ journey from the resurrected grave, up through the Trinity.
I Invite you to join me this Sunday, for Worship ONLINE, starting at 11:00AM Central Time, either on our YouTube or Facebookwhere we will hear the Ascension Story and how as Christians we continue "Building our Faith!"
As always, I invite you to take a moment to scroll down for other important announcements and events in the life of our congregation and community, as we continue to be the vibrant, inclusive and progressive community of faith that we are.

Blessing to you!
Rev. Tory
Scripture: Luke 24:44–53 (The Inclusive Bible)

Then Jesus said to them, “Remember the words I spoke when I was still with you: everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets, and the psalms
had to be fulfilled.” Then Jesus opened their minds to the understanding of the scriptures, saying, “That is why the scriptures say that the Messiah must suffer and rise from the dead on the third day. In the Messiah’s name, repentance for the forgiveness
of sins will be preached to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witness to all this. “Take note: I am sending forth what Abba God has promised to you. Remain here
in the city until you are clothes with the power from on high.” Then Jesus took them
to the outskirts of Bethany, and with upraised hands blessed the disciples. While blessing the, the savior left them and was carried up to heaven. The disciples worshipped the risen Christ and returned to Jerusalem full of joy. They were found
in the Temple constantly, speaking the praises of God.
We invite you to join us for Sunday Worship, by joining us at our Facebook and YouTube Channels for our

Connect with us starting at 11:00AM on our Facebook Page
or YouTube Channel. Links to our Facebook and YouTube pages.

Join us over as we continue following
the lectionary, traveling with Jesus from the
Resurrected Tomb to Pentecost and the Trinity.
We continue our series this Sunday as we continue
"Building our Faith"
FX Channel to Premier 6-Part Docuseries on LGBTQ+ Civil Rights in America - May 14th and May 21st

FX’s upcoming docuseries about the fight for LGBTQ+ civil rights in America, “Pride,” has set its full director slate and lined up a May premiere date at the cable network.

The six-part series, which will begin with the 1950s and work forward through
the decades, will see six LGBTQ+ directors explore stories ranging from the FBI surveillance of homosexuals during the 1950s Lavender Scare to the “Culture Wars” of the 1990s and beyond. Civil rights pioneer Bayard Rustin, writer
Audre Lord and Senators Tammy Baldwin and Lester Hunt are among those interviewed for the series. Our very own Founder, The Reverend Elder
Troy D. Perry, will also be included in Episode #3.

The series will premiere its first three episodes back-to-back on May 14
at 8 p.m. ET, followed by the final three episodes on May 21 at 8 p.m. ET
on the FX Channel. All of the episodes will also be available the day after
premiering on FX on Hulu.

Check your local listings for exact times for viewing, or to set your recording devises so you can view this must see docuseries.

If you use PayPal for your purchases and other things, you can now provide a microdonation of just $1, YES $1, when you check out with PayPal. It’s east as 1-2-3-4!

This new program from PayPal,
Give at Checkout is an easy way
for consumers to give what they
can when they are able. Over time these small amounts can grow exponentially, offering charities a way to diversify fundraising efforts.

Simply go to your PayPal Account Dashboard and …
  1. God to the bottom right to the Make an Impact Section and click on Set Your Favorite Charity.
  2. Type in Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church and Click on the church name.
  3. Receive confirmation that Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church is now your FAVORITE Charity.
  4. Begin making an impact and/or make an additional donation.

Did you know that when you shop SMILE.AMAZON.COM you can help Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church receive a donation from Amazon, and at no additional cost or efforts to you?

Each time you shop Amazon Prime or Smile at Amazon, and have Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church as your designated Charity of Choice, Amazon will make a charitable donation to Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church.

Registering is easy by simply going to your Amazon account and designate Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church as your designated charity. Once you've done that all your need to do is log in via smile.amazon.com and Amazon will do the rest.

You can still shop with SCRIP in 2021, making it simple and easy to shop virtually.

By purchasing and shopping with SCRIP Cards, you can continue to shop in your normal way, whether in person or virtually, while continuing to support Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church.

Order forms can be obtained by clicking below on the SCRIP ORDER FORM LINK below. You can mail your payment to the church by using one of your tithing envelopes or going online and using our online giving portal, noting in the comments that your payment is for SCRIP Cards. SCRIP Orders will be mailed to you once received.

Join us following Worship
for our
Virtual Fellowship Gathering viz Zoom
SUNDAY, June 6, 2021
at 12 NOON via Zoom

Rev. Tory and the Board of Directors invite you to join them this Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 12 Noon, immediately following online worship for our virtual get together and enjoy some congregational fellowship and social time!

We know that we all miss being together with one another, and having that ability to give one another a hug, pass the peace or have that ability to socialize with one another after Sunday Worship. So come join in for some great conversation and fellowship with one another!

DON'T BE LEFT OUT! Connect with us on June 6th at:
Join us for
Theology-on-Tap ONLINE the First Thursday
of each month!

Our next
June 3, 2021 - at 6:30pm

Join us for our next gathering, Thursday Evening, June 3, 2021 at 6:30pm via ZOOM to take part in our discussion!

Grab your favorite beverage and some snack type foods for an evening of good discussion. 

For questions and more information, feel free to contact the church office by calling 414-383-1100
or by email at info@milmcc.org

Connect with us on June 3rd at:
Since we have still been unable to pass the offering plate during this time of pandemic at worship in person, our giving continues to be down. 

If you auto-give, through your financial institution, or already give online, we THANK YOU. But, if you have typically placed your gifts in the offering plate each Sunday, we ask that you please consider the options we have available for giving to the church, until we are able to be back in-person again.

There are several ways YOU can make either a one-time donation or even a recurring donation. Here are the ways you can make that happen:
  1. Through our Secure Online Giving Portal, or either of our two PayPal links. You can go to our Secure Online Giving Portal and/or our PayPal Giving Link for your regular offering or one time giving. You can also go through our regular PayPal Link if you’re wanting to start and set-up a recurring monthly giving for your offering. Click on either of the links below to make that happen.
  2. You can mail your offering via check or credit card by using one of the pre-printed offering envelopes that have been distributed to all our members. Simply insert your check in the envelope or complete the information on the inner flap, should you choose to donate by credit card, and return it by mail. If you are in need envelopes, please contact the church, either by leaving us a message or emailing us at info@milmcc.org. We will be happy to send some to you.
  3. You can send your offering via check in a regular addressed envelope to: Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, 1239 West Mineral Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204.
  4. You can go to our website at www.milwaukeemcc.org/giving to do your giving.
Click link above to do a regular
offering or one time gift through our Secure Giving Portal
Click link above to do a regular
offering or one time gift
Click link above to set up a monthly recurring gift
As a board, we are praying with you, and for you. We look forward to the day when we can once again gather and worship together. In the meanwhile, please continue to follow the social distancing guidelines outlined by health officials to keep you and your family safe.

Please prayerfully consider making a gift to support your church, so that we can continue to meet the needs of the congregation.

Peace and Blessings,
Milwaukee MCC Board of Directors
From our Denomination
Our denomination is doing vital work around the world.
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