Dear member,

The Federal Government has announced an $82 Billion dollar assistance package in the face of the Covid-19 crisis. But what does that mean for you and your business?  As this is being written, Parliament, which was called back to deal with the issue, has been suspended until later today as politics is playing a role in the decision making process. While details remain undefined, here’s the general outline of the package, which includes $55 Billion in tax deferrals and $27 Billion in direct support;

  • Tax Payment Deferrals until September, 2020
  • Business Credit Availability Program – loans available for viable businesses through BDC (Business Development Bank)
  • Temporary Business Wage subsidy – Up to $25,000 per business, but not much help if no wages are being paid due to closure
  • Temporary suspension of GST/HST and Income Tax audit interactions

While the government has provided protection to the residential mortgage market, no mention has yet been made of how commercial mortgages are being protected. Banks are apparently being quite understanding re business loans and mortgages, though we hear inconsistent reports of just how understanding and helpful they are being. We hope you’re having luck with this.

No doubt if you are leasing, you’ve reached out to your landlord to work through the situation. Again… we certainly hope that conversation is going well also.

So what can we do now? Bowling centres were asked to close as part of provincial announcements requiring that all “Recreation Facilities” cease operations until a future date (fixed or otherwise). Most “recreation facilities” are publicly run. City ice arenas, swimming pools, fields and pitches, etc. OUR BUSINESSES are likely flying under the radar. As private businesses we don’t have the city lifeline and therefore we need to be heard and understood. Our position is more like that of bars and restaurants, who likely will see special measures of support taken as they are more visible. Actually, our position is worse…. restaurants can continue to operate through take-out options.  

We need to make ourselves just as visible because we are just as much at risk (perhaps more so) than they are. Bowl Canada encourages you to call your local MP and let them know about your situation. Let them know;

  • EI is fast-tracked for your staff you’ve had to lay off… but what about you? What support is there for business owners who've been forced to close and do not pay into the EI system?
  • Explain that the timing of this crisis could not have been worse…. March break lost, potential loss of year end school parties, etc. This is more than just the loss of a few weeks of business. This is the loss of the profit portion of the calendar
  • The position of Insurance companies, at this time, is that there is no coverage for the forced/required business interruption we are all living through. What support is the government providing for MY BUSINESS and the other 600 bowling centres across the country?

Find your Member of Parliament here;  

And while you’re at it…. Reach out to your provincial politicians as well (MPP’s, MLA’s, whatever they are called in your neck of the woods). Provincial government support is out there as well, so make sure you’re getting that side of the political spectrum to know where you’re at and what you and your business need.

We are MANY VOICES and we can be LOUD when we all speak together. Let’s be heard!

Bowl Canada | bowlcanada.ca