Update from Construction/Renovation Team
At the end of April, Habeeb & Associates delivered a report outlining their assessment of the St. Gerard and St. John properties. The report is currently being reviewed by the parish Construction/ Renovation Team.

The Disciples in Mission Team will present the results to the Parish on Wednesday, May 19 at 7:00 pm. Directions for how to sign up to attend the presentation will be sent out in next week’s update. 

Update from Communications Team
The Communications Team is pleased to announce that through the assistance of a graphic artist, Nelson Correia of NC Designs, a new logo and stationary have been designed for the parish. Nelson, who is a St. John School parent and parishioner, has graciously volunteered to create a style/branding guide for the parish which will help showcase and define our parish mission and vision.

What is a branding style guide?
A branding style guide is a rulebook that explains how an organization presents itself to the world through its logo, font and color selections, photography and much more. Put another way, it’s a reference tool that helps maintain consistency in what a brand looks, feels, and sounds like.

A style guide is important because it will help us to communicate in a consistent way through our print and social media. Using a branding book ensures that a brand looks and feels the same and materials are easily recognizable!

This is exciting news for our new parish and the team looks forward to sharing future updates regarding new parish materials.
Analytics Team Update
The Analytics Team's initial purpose was to create a "Book of Knowledge” or “portrait of the parish community” as reflected through facts and information related to 32 questions about such items as the blended parish finances, ministry organizations and participation, religious education and sacramental preparation, parish membership, community demographics, etc.  

When completed, The St. Oscar Romero Book of Knowledge will be a compilation of the information gathered by the group. The team members hope this will be helpful to the work of the other planning teams.

Join a Parish Planning Team
We invite you to help us plan our future together, as we move
beyond surviving to thriving! It is still possible to join a parish planning team to work on various aspects of our new, unified parish. We encourage all who are interested in helping us plan this future to please email 
Got Questions? Ask Us!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Do you have questions you would like answered in a future Parish Planning Update newsletter? Please ask us!

Watch for answers to your questions in a future update.

You can reach the Communications Team by emailing us at
St. Oscar Romero Parish
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