Helping you care for our land, water, soil, and wildlife
“It’s a wondrous thing how the wild calms the child.”- Unknown

The Education & Outreach Team at Napa RCD is here to help you stay enriched during these trying times by spending time exploring nature!

Over the coming weeks we will send a weekly email with a curated list of family-friendly, hands-on activities, lessons, and projects that will encourage us all to admire and love the wild outside.

In our digests you will find:
  • things you can do online and inside
  • things you can do online and outside
  • activities that don't require any technology
  • prompts for nature journaling
  • a weekly challenge to encourage investigating nature

We will also share ideas from other RCD staff and partnering organizations to keep you moving, learning, and connecting. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and more ideas. To get you started, here are a few of our all-time favorite connect-with-nature activities.

Many thanks to the following education and outreach activity sponsors for their support: NOAA, County of Napa, City of Napa, the Watershed Information and Conservation Council, and Friends of the Napa River.
Online & Inside Activities
Webcams are an amazing way to view scenery and wildlife in real time! Watch penguins, otters, kelp forests, and even watch a peregrine falcon raise babies! How many types of wildlife can you see in one day? Which of these can be found in California? What type of habitat does each animal prefer? Pick one and do a deep dive into their natural history!

Online & Outside Activities
During these times of stay-at-home, we can get a little restless. If you're like us, you find yourself going for a walk in the neighborhood at least once a day. Why not put that time to work for the environment? Grab a bag on your way out the door, and pick up trash while you're out walking!

Take a moment and download the Clean Swell app to your phone, and record what you find. Clean Swell is a global movement to keep our oceans trash-free, and recording what you find helps us figure out how to prioritize our trash-busting efforts. On the app, you can also see what kind of trash has been collected near you, and learn about what happens to the trash that flows into our creeks and out to the ocean.
Build your own Nature Journal
Nature journals have long been an important tool for exploration and science. They keep us curious, engaged, and self-aware. Join us as we post activities and prompts! Use the link below as a guide on how to make a journal.

This week's prompt:
What do you hope to explore with your nature journal?
No Tech Needed
Observation Time!

Spend some time outside listening to the natural world around you. You will need only a pencil, paper, and attentive ears! Read more about this activity at the link below.

Weekly Challenge
Photograph or draw 5 different flowers in your neighborhood. Spring has sprung, and neighborhoods and parks are full of flowers in bloom!

To get help identifying the flowers you observed, share photos via social media, and tag @NapaRCD and #WILDnapa. You can also use smartphone apps like iNaturalist , Seek , and Plantsnap to help you learn what you're looking at!

If you don't use social media, you can also email photos to .
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Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |