What resolutions top your list for 2021? Here are a few ways we can help you.
Stressed? Simply opening a book can provide an escape from your daily stress. Reading can relax your body by lowering your heart rate and easing muscle tension. Calming your mind with a story offers many health benefits.

Want more motivation to read? Sign up for the Winter Reading Program happening now through March 2. (You get a sweet GFP_ coffee mug just for participating!)
This is probably no surprise: borrowing books is cheaper than buying them. In fact, check out your receipt next time you borrow books - we have a tally on the bottom showing how much money you saved! Plus, we have more than books. Video games, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, Rokus, hotspots, State Park Passes, STEM kits, and more - all free!
Maybe you're trying a new exercise routine in 2021? Good job! Listening to an audiobook on Libby could help the time on the treadmill pass quickly. Take a lunch break and listen to a good book while you walk the block. It's self-care for your mind, body, and soul.
Are you scrolling too much? Kids spending too much time watching screens? Get some books! Reading is a great way to disconnect and keep your phone on the charger instead of constantly in your hand.

Not sure what to get? Simply give us a call (701-772-8116), and let us know what topic or reading level you would like. Or send an email with your request to childrens@gflibrary.com (children’s materials) or accessinfo@gflibrary.com (adult and teen materials). We’ll handpick a bundle of books for you and let you know when it’s ready to pick up Curbside.
Expand your view. Challenge your thinking. Discover something new. Grand Forks Public is full of resources that can help support your personal development journey.
If spending quality time with family is on your list of resolutions, consider all the resources available at the library. Get a bundle of children's books and cozy up for a night in. Reading together plays an important role in encouraging reading for fun, which has a long-lasting impact.

Beyond books, we recently added Kanopy to our online resources, which is an on-demand video streaming platform dedicated to thoughtful and thought-provoking films.
Want to meet new people? Join a virtual book club! We offer a variety of book clubs with something for everyone who loves great book discussions.