Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
January 8,2021
Happy New Year!

We hope you had a safe and joyful holiday season.
Extension of Stay-Home Order is Anticipated

With a regional COVID-19 sheltering order set to expire today, January 8, Marin County Public Health officials are expecting the State of California to issue an indefinite extension of restrictions intended to slow the spread of the virus that has led to 115 Marin deaths.

Due to dwindling intensive care unit (ICU) capacity at hospitals across the region, the state implemented a stay-home order for the Bay Area region, which includes Marin, on December 17 for a minimum of three weeks. The stay-home order will be lifted once the region’s ICU capacity forecast meets or exceeds 15%.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) ICU capacity projections are based on four factors:
  • estimated regional ICU capacity available
  • measure of current community transmission
  • current regional case rates
  • the proportion of cases being admitted to the ICU

“As case rates increase, ICU capacity decreases, and the numbers are still moving in the wrong direction,” said Dr. Matt Willis, the County’s Public Health Officer. “The Bay Area is down to 4% ICU capacity, the lowest it’s ever been. We feel it’s best to inform our communities that the stay-home order likely will remain in place until we reverse the trend across the region. We can all do our part to reopen our community by sticking to the stay-home order and preventing new infections.” 
Note that the Marin County vaccine information page will continue to be updated as more information becomes available. Make sure you sign up for daily Status Updates which will provide the most current information on vaccines and other COVID-19 news and events. To learn more, you can view the latest update from Dr. Matt Willis at this week’s BOS meeting or click on the image below:
Free Covid Testing Options Expanded for Ross Valley

Testing for COVID-19 is one of the most common questions asked of Marin Public Health. The County of Marin has partnered with Curative to offer coronavirus testing by online appointment for anybody, whether insured or not. A testing site is open each Tuesday at the United Market parking lot (100 Red Hill Avenue) in San Anselmo from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Online appointments for that testing location and others can be made via

Check the Curative website for other Marin testing locations if Tuesdays are not convenient.
Application Open For Rental Assistance

The County of Marin has created a new phone number and email address to guide residents with requests for financial rental assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone needing help paying rent may call (415) 473-2223 or email staff to learn more about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, which is open for applications now.

For more information click here.
Marin Sanitary Service will be doing curbside pick up of trees from January 4th thru January 15th. After that pick up can be arranged for $5. Trees can also be cut up and added to the green bin, anytime. Please note, the lid must be able to close with the tree inside.

Upcoming Meetings & Events
Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
January 11th - 7pm

Climate Action Committee Meeting
January 19th - 7pm

Town Council Meeting
January 20th - 7pm

Planning Commission Meeting
January 21st - 9am

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.
Fairfax Food Pantry

Saturday mornings from 8-10am
Fairfax Community Church 
2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax.

The Fairfax Food Pantry continues to be open. Drive through or walk up service is available. In addition to our regular bagged groceries, folks will be receiving 15lb produce boxes as part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). 
Climate Action Committee
January 11th

The Climate Action Committee is getting close to completing the 2030 Climate Action Plan. It will impact all of us. It is important to the Town that everyone’s voice be heard. Please join us on Monday, January 11th for a conversation about Buildings, and how we de-carbonize. 

Click here for the Zoom link and more information.

And, add next Saturday to your calendar. Saturday January 16th, from 9-12, the CAC will be building its workplan and budget for 2021. All volunteers welcome!
Free Online Climate Action and Resilience Workshops 

Start the new year with a new carbon footprint! The Resilient Neighborhoods' climate action workshops are now online! Receive support to personalize your own climate action plan and get your household prepared for emergencies, wildfires, and power outages. You will achieve measurable results in five meetings while connecting and working with a fun group of people. Click here for details and to sign up.
Zero Waste Marin

Re-Solve to Re-Home, in 2021!
You sort and recycle, compost your food scraps and avoid plastic bags. That’s great! Moving to zero waste also means making sure that the stuff you no longer want gets used by someone else, and that we all buy less in the first place. Whether you swap, donate or share, the result is the same – giving reusable items a second life. Learn how to get started at
Fairfax Recreation
In compliance with the County Health Order, we are only offering online classes, such as, Senior Yoga and our Age Friendly programsOutdoor Yoga with Veronica will continue outside on Contratti Field when weather allows with masks and distance protocols. All these programs are free of charge.  

We are hopeful that we will be able to resume more activities in person as we move further in 2021. Please look out for our spring and summer plans in future newsletters. 
Fairfax Open Space Committee Has Openings

Do you care about the open space and green areas in and around Fairfax? Are you concerned about losing those open space areas to development? If so, please consider becoming a member of the Fairfax Open Space Committee (FOSC), which advises the Town on matters affecting open space lands and participates as an advisory body to review planning and development matters. FOSC currently has two member openings. 

If interested, please contact Jack Judkins, Vice Chair, FOSC, at
Town of Fairfax sitio web se puede traducir al español

El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.

Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.