Happy Earth Day!

πŸ’πŸŒˆβ˜€οΈπŸŽ‚πŸͺ🎸🎼 Happy Birthday to me. Come join me for a fun Zoom call today at 11am - Details below. I'll also play some music on FB live at around - I'm not sure o'clock.

Our foster cat, Lucky, had 5 kittens, recently.
In the "of course this should never have happened, but OK I'll take a swing at fixing it department"

Portland LED Street Light Replacement Project:
Please Join us

This won't take long

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John Krasinski highlights some good news around the world (including weather from Emma Stone) and has his friends from The Office join in to surprise a newly married couple. Special thanks to Emily Blunt for the intro and Zac Brown for the live performance!

PS - Albert here. Every one of his episodes is worth a watch.
My 59th birthday is coming up now . I'm a big fan of cards - my address is below - save the postal service! Use it! Also, I intend to host a birthday party for myself at 11am PST on 5.11. If you'd like to join - click on this link at that time. It will probably go on for a while - so you can come late - I'm looking forward to playing some games, singing to you and introducing friends to one another!

Robert Hubbell's 5x a week newsletter is still keeping me sane. I highly recommend signing up for it .

Wileyware , pictured below. I highly recommend purchasing a glass for yourself soon. Maybe Marcia will even deliver them to you herself :) It's been a good week.
We're making good progress vis a vis leaf blowers. Have a look at this incredible white paper by Quiet Communities . Please help spread it around!

Keep on keepin on - and reach out if you want to say hi!

Lots of love,
