April Board Report

The UUCH Board met for its regularly scheduled meeting on April 27, 2021. The Board discussed the congregational feedback received from the Town Hall Meeting on Reopening and drafted a Tiered Plan for Reopening complete with metrics for instituting each reopening tier. When this Plan is complete it will be sent to all members along with a survey to gather feedback on how people can feel safe within each tier of reopening. After the Board receives the additional congregational input, the Board will finalize the policy. No changes were made at this time to the current COVID-19 Policy, but significant changes to the Policy will be forthcoming soon.

In other business, the Board discussed the successful Annual Budget Drive and plans for the budget for next year. It discussed that there is a need to repave the parking lot and that the hot water heater in the RE wing had to be replaced. The renovation of the sanctuary is moving along, and plans are out for bids. The Board approved a request from an Eagle Scout to help upgrade our playground. Money had already been allocated in the budget for playground upgrades.

A date was set for the Annual Congregational Meeting—June 13, 2021. We will meet online in the zoom room right after the worship service with a slight break in between to establish a quorum and prepare.

The next scheduled meeting of the Board will occur on May 25th, 2021 at 6:30 PM.

Submitted by the Board
Amanda is Graduating Today!
For the last 9 years you have been an integral part of my Ministerial formation, and graduation day wouldn't be complete without you. 
On Thursday, May 13th at 7:00 PM central, I will graduate from Starr King School for the Ministry with my Master of Divinity. Due to COVID-19 the ceremony will be on-line. Admission is free, and you can reserve your ticket by clicking here. This ceremony is the culmination of many years of discernment and work, and I would be honored to have you there to celebrate this special occasion with me.
Amanda Schuber
Submitted by the Minister and Board
Tips for Plant-based Eating

For those who are trying to consume less meat and/or are daunted by going vegetarian (or have a partner/family member who would fight kicking and screaming about intentional vegetarianism), I have adopted the mantra of "crowd the plate." I can’t say that I came up with this mantra but read it somewhere. The concept is to fill you with plant-based items leaving just a little room for meat. Or another approach which I recently read, try to eat 30 DIFFERENT plant-based items in 7 days. This includes legumes, grains, fruits, vegetables. I am not good at denying myself a complete category of food unless forced to do so for health reasons. I find these approaches gentler and easier.

Submitted by the Hospitality Committee
Little Food Pantry

The Little Food Pantry needs your help. The pantry is being heavily used and church members have been generous in filling it. While the weather is still cool, fresh fruits and veggies are always welcomed--apples, bananas, carrots, taters, onions, etc. For some reason, black beans, lentils, and chickpeas aren't well-liked. Let's keep helping our neighbors! A big thanks!
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee
Donating by Text or Online
By Text:
To give a plate offering to UUCH from your mobile device, text the amount (without dollar sign) to 833-559-0257, and follow the instructions. Text giving is by debit or credit card only.
To give from your bank account, you can still use the UUCH website or the GivePlus+ mobile app.

Like our other online and mobile giving options, this option is through Vanco, is secure, and has a good option for "plate" donations as well as "pledge" and "AHA".
Submitted by the Finance Committee
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
May 9, 2021

Did you miss our virtual worship service on Sunday? Want a midweek re-watch?

Fear not, you can visit here to watch a recording of the service.
Remember, the building is closed,
but CHURCH is open!

Submitted by the Worship Committee
COVID-19 Relief Funds Available

Funds are available for members of the congregation who have been negatively impacted financially by COVID-19.

If you are a member of UUCH and have financial needs caused by the pandemic, please contact Board President John Schulz or a member of the Care Committee.
Submitted by the Board
Care List
This Sunday at our Circle of Candles:

Maria Rhamstine lit a candle of concern: Prayers for my 70-year-old mom, Victoria, who currently has COVID-19. And for my pregnant sister, Miriam, age 41, who has COVID-19. I am very concerned for their health.

Susan Coddington lit a candle of joy: Liam, my younger son, graduated from UAH on Wednesday. Our celebration was complete with my step-daughter, Lynn, coming in from Atlanta and our older son, Raine, coming in from Utah. It has been great being together after so long apart.

Pam & Brad Korb lit a candle of joy: We're so happy that our daughter Sarah is home with us from college for the summer!

Rachael Scheib lit a candle of joy: That Jack Long was moved into his new home!

Joanna Lubkin (she/her) lit a candle of joy: Of getting to visit with my dear friend and colleague in ministry, Jaimie Dingus(!), and to join you all for a Sunday service while I’m on vacation. Thank you for the welcome.

Paul and Bridgit lit a candle of joy: I got my second shot!! Can barely wait to resume some of my former hobbies.

Harper Goodman lit a candle of joy: Glad you all enjoyed the story! Your kind words are so appreciated. :)

Joanna Lubkin (she/her) lit a candle of joy: For the creativity of that story for all ages! Excellent use of props.

Tim and Theresa Miller lit a candle of joy: It was a special Mother’s Day weekend having Allie and Stacy bring all the grandkids here to celebrate with us. Missing Vanessa.

Kathy Fisher lit a candle of joy: Many joys this week. My first grandson returned home after nearly a year in basic training and specialty training in the Army. My brother-in-law gets to go home this week after 6 weeks in a rehab facility. And because of the vaccination, I was able to get my pianos tuned at long last!

Jes Zelaya lit candles of joy and sorrow: Healing from my tonsillectomy has been a challenge with a few setbacks. I am very thankful for all the help I have received from the care committee, friends, and family.
Upcoming Events

Please note that all meetings, worship services, and gatherings will be held online until further notice. Please check our Facebook page and website for updated information and links

Thursday, May 13
Worship Committee Meeting
5:30 PM

PFlag Meeting
6:30 PM

Stewardship Committee Meeting
7:00 PM

Sunday, May 16
9:30 AM

Soul Circle Group D
9:30 AM

Worship Service
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
10:45 AM

All AL Young Adults Group
12:30 PM

Social Justice Meeting
2:00 PM

Monday, May 17
Hospitality Committee Meeting
7:00 PM

Tuesday, May 18
Council Meeting
6:30 PM

Wednesday, May 19
Susan's Happy Hour
5:00 PM

Choir Practice
7:00 PM

Thursday, May 20
Worship Committee Meeting
5:30 PM

Sunday, May 23
Worship Service
Rev. Jaimie Dingus
10:45 AM
Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment.
UUCH 2020-21
Board Members
John Schulz
 Vice President:
Nick Wilbourn

Nancy Finley

Bob Locklear

Suzey Delacey
Jack Long
Bryan Walls

Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Do you have an agenda item for the Board? 
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President John Schulz via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before). The next board meeting is scheduled
for Tuesday, May 25, 2021.
Office Administrator
Holly Hinkle

Main Office Hours:
Monday Thursday
9:30 AM 1:30 PM
*Please email office if you need building access.

For more info on any event, contact the church office or visit our website.
The Overlook is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church,
3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810

Laurel Bollinger

Holly Hinkle
PO Box 5545
Huntsville, AL 35814
(256) 534-0508
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