Friday, April 17, 2020
COVID-19 Update from the Department of Medicine
As of April 16, 2020 in Nova Scotia
positive tests
(453 in Central Zone)
negative tests
currently in hospital (non-ICU)
currently in hospital (ICU)
A SHORT note
Dear Department Members,
I hope everyone is keeping well.

This week the province released the modelling data for Nova Scotia. It is reassuring that the hard work we are all doing to socially isolate, and the widespread screening and case tracing the province is doing, is working. Our numbers are much lower than they would have been had we not been doing a good job at this. It is more important than ever to continue with these practices, so that the system will be able to continue to respond to COVID 19 needs.

I want to recognize Dr. Todd Hatchette and the Lab for the incredible work they are doing to allow the level of screening that the province is doing. Our province is number one in the country for screening due to their hard work.

Thank you everyone for the work you are doing to respond to patient and academic needs during this time. Together we are making it through these unprecedented times.

Keep well,


Christine Short, MD, FRCP (C), FACP 
Associate Professor & Head/Chief Department of Medicine
Dalhousie University/Central Zone, Nova Scotia Health Authority
HOSPITAL ID required for entrance
This is a reminder that your hospital ID is required for entrance to any of the QEII site buildings at this time . This is to ensure that people who are not supposed to be entering hospital buildings during COVID do not. 

Please make sure you have your ID on you at all times and expect that Security may ask you to present your ID on entrance to some of our buildings. 

Some buildings are on lockdown and require an ID to unlock the entrance. If you need access to one of these sites and your ID is not working for access please let security know and they can arrange for you to have access.
Weekly updates
COVID-19 Weekly Update for DoM
Tuesdays - 8 - 9 am

Tuesday, April 21
8 a.m. - 9 a.m.
(please note: switch to Zoom)

To join, see email invitation from
We Need You
See attached schedule for uncovered shifts in the MTU, ED as Senior Internist, and spares/floats in the event of illness.

Please note: the call for spares does not mean that you are on call - just available to step in if someone gets sick.
Modelling to June 30
Nova Scotia COVID-19 Projections Released
The Government of Nova Scotia released COVID-19 projections on April 14 showing how COVID-19 could progress through the province through to June 30 if people continue to follow public health orders to stay home, social distance, limit essential gatherings to no more than five people and practise good hygiene.

Details of the model can be found here,

Public health orders - FOLLOWED:
  • could be 1,453 cases by June 30
  • the model projects a peak of about 35 hospitalizations in May and then declines throughout June

Public health orders - NOT FOLLOWED:
  • could grow to 6,269 cases by June 30
  • the model projects a peak at about 85 hospitalizations in May then slowly begins to decline
Virtual visits for inpatients
With visitor restrictions currently in place, iPads are available to inpatient units.

These iPads will have limited functionality - equipped with a video conferencing application to facilitate virtual visits with family and friends as well as limited games, TV shows and news apps, etc.

The devices will be cleaned once each patient is discharged.
iPads for inpatient units - to submit a request:

Expanded FIT testing
Why is NSHA introducing an expanded FIT testing model for N95 respirators?
Many respirators are manufactured overseas. We’re well aware that global markets could shift and change; many countries are limiting exports. As a result, we are launching an expanded fit testing model to ensure staff are fit tested to all procured models.
Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness will be working with your leadership to coordinate additional FIT testing.
Virtual town halls on personal protective equipment (PPE)
Dr. Brendan Carr , President and CEO, Dr. Lisa Barrett , infectious disease specialist and Dr. Alex Mitchell , co-lead for NSHA’s PPE working group took part in two virtual town halls on Thursday, April 9 to answer questions and provide guidance and education on PPE concerns.

Weekly wellness
Daily Zoom meetings: Coping with COVID-19
Physicians are welcome to join Drs. John Chiasson and Jackie Kinley for daily online meetings to chat about coping strategies and mental health concerns with COVID-19.

Starting Tuesday, April 14, meetings will be held daily from 12 to 1 p.m. and are open to all physicians.

A number of Zoom sessions are available through Doctors Nova Scotia, for the latest information, visit
Need a healthy perspective?
Take a minute and shift your mindset. Answer this question:

What are you grateful for?
Start by naming one thing.

Do exercise with a friend or colleague and take turns saying what you're grateful for.

NSHA / Dr. Lynn Johnston
Uploaded: March 13, 2020
Video: 10 min

NSHA / Dr. Glenn Patriquin
Uploaded: April 3, 2020
Video: 3 min
Websites to reference
Department of Medicine
Employee Health
When you take care of yourself, you take care of others.