The Green Digest
A Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care Initiative
RETScreen is a Clean Energy Management Software system for energy efficiency, renewable energy and co generation project feasibility analysis as well as ongoing energy performance analysis. Learn more
Sustainable Transportation
In the interests of public safety, and in consultation with our health care partners, we have cancelled our joint Plug'n Drive event scheduled for Halifax (March 31).
Please follow health agency guidelines to help keep us all safe. For more information and prevention tips, visit the Government of Canada's COVID-19 site
Second NEW Leader Profile Just Released
Sunnybrook electrifies to meet zero-emissions vehicle challenge
Toronto’s Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre is Canada’s largest trauma centre and has a proud history of environmental stewardship which has helped to reduce the environmental impact of hospital activities and allowed Sunnybrook to better realize its vision of inventing the future of health care.
The five keys to their success include: energy conservation, green procurement, waste management, an awareness and education campaign and sustainable transportation which in 2017 saw them begin their quest to add zero-emission vehicle (electric vehicle/ZEV) charging stations into their infrastructure. Read
Sustainable Transportation Webinar Series
Tuesday March 24, 2020
Webinar #2
Workplace charging in a health care context
- key reasons to consider workplace charging - pluses and pitfalls
- health care context considerations
- case study (workplace charging install in hospital setting)
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM EST
Duration: 60 minutes
Presenter: Cara Clairman, President/CEO - Plug’n Drive
This webinar are suitable for:
- Energy managers
- Facility managers and operators
- Transportation managers and supervisors
- Project managers
- Capital planning staff
- Climate change resiliency planners
- Finance officers
- Procurement officers
- Gearheads and car geeks who like electric vehicles
Workplace charging in a health care context
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM EST
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: FREE
Electric car chargers for your home
All electric cars need to be charged by plugging in. You can recharge using a standard wall socket or an EV charging station. The time it takes to fully charge your EV's battery is based on the level, or speed, of charging and how full the battery is. Learn more about the many options available to you by clicking
Security of EV Chargers
It is important for workplaces and building owners to identify any necessary measures that would prevent vandalism and/or theft of EV charging stations. Your organisation should also ensure that the communications and information technologies built into the charging stations comply with existing cyber security policies. Security measures might include the use of RFID activated access cards for authorized users, an additional stop on security sweeps and/or cameras dedicated to the EV charging spots. Learn more about chargers
2020 Request for Proposal (RFP)
Natural Resources Canada has just launched the 2020 Request for Proposals (RFP) under the
Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative
(EVAFIDI). The objective of EVAFIDI is to enable greater uptake of electric and alternative fuel vehicles by supporting the establishment of a coast-to-coast EV fast-charging network, natural gas refuelling stations along freight corridors and hydrogen refuelling stations in metropolitan centres. To date, the Program has funded 837 EV fast-chargers, 23 natural gas refuelling stations and 8 hydrogen refuelling stations. Note that for this RFP, priority will be given to projects that increase the fast-charging options in under-served areas and refuelling projects that extend freight corridors or create new ones. For more info contact NRCan's
Transportation and Alternative Fuels Division at
We want your ZEV success stories
If your hospital or LTC home has adopted zero-emissions vehicle technologies, we want to hear your story. Possibly even profile you and brag about your successes. Please email us at
Selkirk Regional Health Centre makes access to natural light and the outdoors fundamental to patient health
The two-storey, state-of-the-art, LEED Gold Selkirk Regional Health Centre is a 184,000 square foot regional health care hub, offering everything from a birthing centre, dialysis, surgery, cancer care, MRI diagnostics and outpatient programs. The constant volume air delivery systems comply with CSA Z317.2 ventilation standard for health care facilities. Fresh air rates outlined in the CSA standard ensures indoor air quality to enhance patient recovery and the wellness of occupants. Most regularly occupied spaces are located on the perimeter of the building allowing access to daylight and views. Check out the
Medical waste companies prepare for elevated volumes as coronavirus concerns accelerate
Medical waste companies are closely monitoring the spread of the rapidly changing coronavirus pandemic in the United States, with mounting questions about a potential uptick in volumes as well as elevated risk to workers. "From a waste perspective, the biggest [question is] what will be happening with the guidance associated with medical waste coming out of health care facilities," said Elise Paeffgen, a partner with the firm Alston & Bird, who specializes in health care and environmental regulatory issues. China has seen staggering amounts of medical waste and it is unclear if U.S. impacts might be similar. More
GHS Deadline Extension...
The spread of COVID-19 has accelerated to the level of a national emergency and we know you as health care workers are doing your best to battle against the virus for the sake of us all.
THANK YOU for everything you are doing!
In an effort to try and relieve some of the pressure on your time, we are
extending the deadline
for the current Green Hospital Scorecard (GHS) program survey
until May 1, 2020.
Have you started your submission yet?
Click here
to access this year's survey, which collects information for 2018 (January – December). If your organisation has multiple sites, a separate survey is required for each site. Please coordinate with your in-house team to ensure only one survey per hospital site is submitted.
After opening and saving the survey, you will be emailed a unique link that will allow you to resume and edit your survey. Hospitals with multiple sites should open a new blank survey for every site by
re-clicking HERE
Educational Webinar
The Coalition hosted an educational webinar to review the GHS survey and answered questions on how to submit your data. This webinar reviewing various sections and GHS updates can be viewed
Submission deadline - EXTENDED:
May 1, 2020
Participation in the Green Hospital Scorecard is FREE. To help cover program delivery costs we encourage all participants to become members of the Coalition. For membership details, contact Dan at
The Coalition looks forward to sharing results from this year's GHS survey and we hope you are staying safe and supported during these times.
thank you to
for their continued financial support for the Ontario Green Health Care Award and the Ontario Energy Behaviour Award
Climate Change Resources
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care has the resources you need to help your facility take action on climate change. Learn more
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the following events have been CANCELLED/POSTPONED
NOURISH/SSE PanCanadian Sustainable Menus Webinar (March 24, 2020) -
2020 Environmental Leadership Awards (
ELPH Awards March 21, 2020) -
Circular Economy Webinars
Canada's health services sector is poised to become a major influencer in helping change our traditional linear extraction and waste-based consumer economy into a new, functional circular economy which supports the maximum extraction of value from every item before being systematically and judiciously reinvented and/or regenerated at end of life. Are you prepared to do your part?
Webinar #1
Designing out health care waste: exploring opportunities of a circular economy approach
DATE: Wednesday April 8, 2020
TIME: 12:00 - 1:00 PM Eastern
Webinar #2
The Circular Economy Imperative: How Philips is introducing new business models to benefit health care and the environment
DATE: Wednesday April 15, 2020
Both webinars suitable for:
- C-Suite
- Finance
- Procurement/Purchasing
- Climate Change Resiliency Planners
- Sustainability Leads
- Waste Management
- Engineering
- Biomedical engineering
- Radiology
- Food Service
We wish to thank Philips Canada for their generous support of Webinar #2 and this collaborative learning initiative.
CHES 2020 Awards - Call for Nominations & Grant Submissions
Deadline for Submissions: April 30, 2020
CHES is seeking nominations for the 2020 Awards. Members are reminded to nominate a deserving member or facility for one of these prestigious awards today!
Wayne McLellan
Award of Excellenc
e in Healthcare Facilities Management
CHES is also seeking booth sponsors and candidates for the 2020 Young Professionals Grant. The application forms for Sponsors and Candidates are available on the
CHES Website
Prix 2020 de la SCISS – Appels à mises en candidature et demandes de subvention
Date limite des soumissions : 30 avril 2020
a SCISS est à la recherche de candidatures pour ses Prix 2019. Il est rappelé aux membres qu’ils peuvent dès aujourd’hui proposer la candidature d’un membre méritant ou d’un établissement performant pour l’un de ces prix prestigieux !
Prix Hans Burgers
pour contribution exceptionnelle à l’ingénierie des services de santé
/ La SCISS est également à la recherche de commanditaires et de candidats concernant la dotation 2019 pour jeunes professionnels. Les formulaires de candidatures pour commanditaires et candidats sont mis à disposition sur le site Internet de la SCISS.
CHES Ontario Conference
Engineering Sustainable Healthcare Facilities
May31-June2, 2020
Caesars Windsor
Join colleagues from across Ontario at the 40th annual CHES Ontario Trade Show and Conference.
Learn from some of Canada's brightest facility and engineering minds at this year's two-day educational event. Details
. Register
CHES 2020 National Conference
September 20-22, 2020
Halifax Convention Centre
Halifax, NS
Enriching Patient Experiences by Optimizing the Environment
We encourage you to submit your contract to exhibit as soon as possible to ensure space is available.
Remember to ask about being placed in the CHES National Conference
Green Park where participating vendors have goods and services with a clear environ
mental advantage to Canada's health service sector.
See you in Halifax!
CHES 2020 Webinar Series
Wednesday April 15, 2020
- Commissioning in a Health Care Facility
Speaker: Wayne Stokes, CET Arch, FMA, RPA.
Wednesday May 20, 2020
- An Overview of Smoke / Fire Doors and the 2015 NBC
Speaker: Ben Coles, M.Sc.E., MBA, P. Eng., PE
Wednesday June 17, 2020
- Optimizing Design with Virtual and MIxed Reality (AR/VR)
Speaker: Daniel Doherty, BTech, C.E.T., CM BIM
Wednesday October 21, 2020
- CSA Z317.13-17 Role of the Multi-Disciplinary Team - Pros and Cons
Speaker: Wayne Stokes, CET arch, FMA, RPA
Wednesday November 18, 2020 -
Awareness / Update on Med Gas Qualified Operators
Speaker: Roger Holliss
Organ Donation - The Ultimate Recycling
Have you registered as an organ donor?
Contact your local organ donation agency and speak to your family about your wishes. You have the power to save and transform lives. Or visit the
Government of Canada
website to register and donate.
to learn how RETScreen Expert software can help your organisation quickly analyze cost savings, feasibility and emissions reductions.
If you have inspirational greening stories or photos to share with Green Digest readers, please send them to Kent at
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is Canada’s premier green health care resource network, leading the evolution of green in Canada’s health sector as a national voice and catalyst for environmental change.
Some articles referred to in the Digest make reference to services and/or product offerings from specific suppliers. The CCGHC recommends that readers research the service and product offerings available through a wider range of suppliers for comparison purposes and in keeping with public sector purchasing guidelines. These articles should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any product or service.