Stay up to date on what is happening in Baldwin County School District by reading August's edition of the Baldwin Beat!

August 31, 2020

In The News
BCSD has Successful Open House
Although Open House for schools in the Baldwin County School District looked a bit different than in previous years, all schools reported a successful turnout. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the area, safety protocols and preventative measures were put in place for Open House. The school district hosted both in-person Open House for parents of students taking part in traditional face-to-face instruction as well as a virtual open house for remote learners. Each school had teachers prepare open house videos for parents and students to watch prior to the start of school. To view more photos from the in-person Open House, click on the link below.

Smooth Sailing for First Day of the 2020-2021 School Year
The first day of the 2020-2021 school year for grades K - 12 in the Baldwin County School District was Wednesday, August 19th. The Baldwin County Early Learning Center began the new school year on Monday, August 10th. It was smooth sailing for students, both in-person and remotely. Students who took part in traditional in-person instruction came prepared to take part in the preventative measures set in place by the school district to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Faculty and staff went over social distancing and safety guidelines with students and discussed the importance of practicing healthy hygiene and hand washing techniques. Remote learners started the new school year with their classmates and teachers, virtually. To view more photos of both in-person and remote learning students, click the link below.

Baldwin County School Buses Ready for the New School Year
As school administrators, faculty, and staff of the Baldwin County School District prepared to get the new school year underway, the Baldwin County School Transportation Department was busy getting buses ready to transport in-person instruction students safely to their schools and back home. Wednesday, August 12th, Baldwin School Transportation Director Donald Tuft and MCO officer Steven Abrycht with the Georgia Department of Motor Carrier Compliance Division, carefully examined each school bus in the fleet as part of the department's annual inspection process. Georgia law requires each school bus that is owned or operated by a state, county or municipal government, or under contract by any independent school system to be inspected annually to ensure the vehicle is in safe operating condition. During the inspection, school buses are checked thoroughly from top to bottom as well as given a visual inspection of the passenger compartment. Among the equipment officers inspect the tires, brakes, exhaust system, fluids, belts, hoses, headings, marker lights, stop lights, and mirrors. For updates and additional information about the Baldwin County School Transportation Department, visit the school district website or check out the Baldwin County Schools Transportation Department Facebook page.

Baldwin Success Academy Opens its Doors for the New School Year
The Baldwin Success Academy opened its doors to students for the 2020-2021 school year. The Baldwin Success Academy has taken the place of the Ombudsman Educational Services alternative school and will provide academic recovery and social/emotional learning for students. In December of 2019, the Baldwin County School District decided to go in a different direction with its alternative education program by administering the program in-house for the 2020-2021 school year. The program is ran by Antonio Ingram, who is no stranger to public education. Ingram is in his 25th year of service as an educator, having served 21 of those years working in Baldwin County. He began teaching at Baldwin High School as a Social Studies teacher focusing on Geography, American History and World History. He then moved to Oak Hill Middle School and served as the 8th Grade Assistant Principal for five years. His last role in the Baldwin County School District was at Midway Hills Academy, where he served as the principal for 8 years, prior to being chosen as the director for the Baldwin Success Academy. Ingram says that his main goal for the program is to get students to see their potential and to use it to accomplish their goals: "As director, I believe in maximizing the potential of students and staff. I also believe in maintaining a positive attitude and being a role model for students to help them achieve their goals and be successful." The name of the alternative program came from Ingram. "I wanted it to have a positive name. I researched alternative schools across the state and found a name with Success Academy. I naturally added Baldwin and the Baldwin Success Academy was created." The program will serve students in grades 6-12. The Baldwin Success Academy is located at 127 Executive Parkway.
Georgia College Early College & Baldwin High School Graduate Sets New Record
Jamir Wright
Join us in congratulating Jamir Wright for being the first Georgia College Early College graduate to complete his Bachelor of Science degree in 2 years!. Jamir earned his B.S. degree in Health and Community Wellness from the University of West Georgia in July of 2020. He earned his Associate degree from Georgia Military College and graduated from Baldwin High School in 2018. Currently, he is pursuing his Masters degree in Professional Counseling with a concentration in College Student Affairs at the University of West Georgia, while serving as a graduate assistant for safety and security. Congratulations to Jamir for setting the bar high and leading by example.
Baldwin High School's Javon Bullard Announces Commitment with Georgia Bulldogs
Join us in congratulating Baldwin High School's Javon Bullard who recently announced that he gave the Georgia Bulldogs his silent commitment. Bullard makes Georgia's 13th verbal commitment of the 2021 class, choosing the school over Tennessee and South Carolina. Bullard, who is ranked among the top 100 players in the peach state, received over 20 offers from some of the top D1 schools in the country. He choose UGA from a top 7 which included Louisville, NC State, Pitt, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia. The 6-foot, 183-pound three-star cornerback becomes the second defensive back of the class for the Bulldogs Baldwin head coach Jesse Hicks said that Javon is the ultimate example of a true student-athlete. "If I could put a picture in the dictionary for the word student-athlete it would be a picture of Bullard. He pretty much runs the gamut. He’s what you want in a teammate. He’s what you want in a son. He’s what you want as a student-athlete. He’s what you want in a person. He’s one of those guys that I think I would let date my daughter. He’s one of those types of kids.” Congratulations Javon! We know that you will make your family, your alma mater, and your entire Baldwin County community proud! (Source: 247SPORTS & DawgNation).

Oak Hill Middle School Students Participate in the Great Pollinator Census
A group of Oak Hill Middle School students took part in the Second Annual Great Georgia Pollinator Census, August 21st and 22nd. The Great Georgia Pollinator Census is coordinated by the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. The goals of the project are to gather data on pollinator insect populations, foster pollinator habitats and increase entomological literacy about these insects. Census takers are asked to count pollinators on a favorite pollinator plant with abundant insect activity for 15 minutes each day using the provided observation sheet.

Midway Hills Academy Receive a First Week of School Surprise from Local Church
Midway Hills Academy teachers and staff were greeted with a surprise during the first week of school of the new school year. Freedom Church generously donated a collection of school supplies for teachers and students. Almost $4,000 worth of school items were donated to the school. Freedom Church donates to random schools yearly. This year, the church chose Midway Hills Academy to be the recipient. The donated Items included both school supplies and sanitation products such as tissues, pencils, pens, folders, composition notebooks, crayons, scissors, hand sanitizing wipes, book bags, and hand sanitizers. A big thanks goes out to Freedom Church for helping our staff and students stay safe and well prepared for another successful school year at Midway Hills Academy.

Midway Hills Primary Students Practice Their Hand Washing Techniques
One of the first lessons that Mrs. Giles and Mrs. Callaway's Montessori Kindergarten class at Midway Hills Primary learned when starting school was how to wash their hands properly. Students received a lesson on germs and perfected their handwashing techniques through the use of a Glo Germ Gel and a black light. The gel was used to simulate germs, and the black light helped students see how easy it was to spread germs. They then practiced using their handwashing techniques to make sure they washed all the germs away.
The Early Learning Center Adds New STEM lab for Students

The Baldwin County Early Learning Center has added a new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) lab to the building that provides hands on activities for students. The new STEM lab contains various work stations focused on a wide selection of problem solving activities that cover different subjects. Kids are free to rotate through the different stations and take part in entertaining and educational hands on activities. Each classroom at the ELC is permitted access to the STEM lab at least twice a week. The lab is also kept clean and sanitized. The room is fogged with a cleaning solution between uses.

Lakeview Academy Students Head to the Moon
Lakeview Academy's 4th Grade classes are starting their school year off by heading to the moon. Students have been learning about the phases of the moon and the reasons behind the moon phases through fun and creative hands on activities.
The New School Year for
Lakeview Primary Rocks
Lakeview Primary teachers and staff returned to school ready to rock and roll. Friday, August 28, the car rider staff put on a show for parents and students. One parent commented, "From behind the mask, we still arrive every morning and greeted with a warm smile, a “good morning”, a quick temp check, and a shuffle out the car to class. I arrived yesterday afternoon to for pick only to see the car rider staff doing the electric slide. It was the BEST thing ever! I wish the kids could’ve seen it! These kids feel that spirit & I as a parent thoroughly enjoyed the “show!”

Stand Up and Be Counted: The 2020
U.S. Census
Make sure to stand up and be counted in the 2020 U.S. Census. Responding to the 2020 Census online, on paper, by phone, or in person with a census taker, helps secure vital resources for our school district and community. The census helps shape the future of our community through Education, Medicare, Medicaid, Grants, Head Start, Lunch Programs, Family Services, Child Health Care and so much more. Based on our current census count, the Baldwin County School District stands to lose millions of dollars from the federal government. Please complete the census form and be counted.

The deadline for completing the 2020 Census has been extended to Oct. 31 due to COVID-19. If there is anyone who needs assistance in completing the form or wants to learn more about the U.S. Census, services will be offered on Sept. 5th from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at The Vaughn Chapel church, 1980 North Jefferson Street. The public is invited to drive through the parking lot of the church for help and additional information. Social distancing will be practiced, participants must wear a mask, and are asked not to get out of the vehicle. Experts on site will be able to assist you with completing your 2020 U.S. Census form without you leaving your car.

Georgia Department of Public Health Releases Updated Guidance for Georgia K-12 Schools
On Wednesday, August 12th, the Georgia Department of Public Health released an updated guidance document for Georgia K-12 Schools and School-Based Programs regarding COVID-19 mitigation and preventative measures in the school environment. The document contains recommendations and requirements on social distancing, cleaning and hygiene, face coverings, reporting and handling confirmed cases, as well as guidance for school nurses and school health providers. The guidance is intended to be used as considerations for Georgia schools as they continue to reopen and return to in-person instruction. It is suggested that families and students use this guidance document to better understand what health practices are being put in place in their child's school. Practices in the document that are required must be implemented by all Georgia public schools. These practices are essential baseline actions in order to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19 for students, staff, teachers, and families across the state. Recommendations mentioned in the document are additional strategies that schools may choose to use to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

Donate Now to Support our Schools!
The Baldwin Charter School System Foundation serves as the primary fundraising tool to fund the REACH Scholars program, providing thousands in scholarship opportunities for students who represent the first of their families to have the opportunity to attend college. The foundation also supports our employee and student recognition programs. Please support our schools, students, and teachers by making your tax- deductible contribution today.
Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step by step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on

Download the MyStop App Today!
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to the new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested. As a result, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, which is available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces. 
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival. 
District Social Media Links
Follow the links below to all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happening in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!

Click the link below to access the Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Policies, Communications, and About Us. Our District Strategic Plan/School Improvement Plans are currently being revised for 2018-2023.

Baldwin High School
Early Learning Center
Georgia College Early College
Lakeview Academy
Lakeview Primary
Midway Hills Academy
Midway Hills Primary
Montessori Academy
Oak Hill Middle School