Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week while we are Physically Closed but Spiritually Open.
Spotlight On: 

Lenten Journey Fellowship Hour
We invite you to the first of five Lenten fellowship gatherings next Friday, February 26th at 5:00 PM. Julie Hyde will host the discussion on Zoom. Our theme for this first week is 
In the WildernessWe'll consider and share our personal experiences of 'wilderness' in this time of uncertainty, between the familiar and the unknown, awakening to what is, and to the better world we know is possible.  

Please register in advance HERE to access the Zoom link.  

Click HERE to download the Lenten booklet. 
From the Minister

My Dear Friends--
Lent has begun! And as we join Jesus in the wilderness that leads to Easter, we hear God speaking. To Noah, in the Book of Genesis; to Jesus in the Gospel of Mark; to us, here, today. As we grapple with uncertainty and unease-as we struggle with the uncomfortable and the unknown-God beckons to us, speaking to us of covenant and God's own abiding, steadfast love.
As we hear of Noah's forty days on the ark and Jesus' forty days in the wilderness, we're reminded that we didn't invent this journey-we follow in the footsteps of the prophets. Our ancient practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are not a gauntlet to be run, but rather a way to be walked-a way that leads us toward covenantal relationship. What does that look like? In the words of our Lenten letter,
  • an abiding sense of God's presence
  • an unguarded sense of ourselves
  • a deepened awareness of the needs of this world
We pray and we fast and we give, not to prove ourselves or even improve ourselves. We do these things to put ourselves in the way of grace. We do them to draw closer to that Spirit that transforms. We do these things to draw closer to each other and to the God who covenanted with us, our world, and every living thing in it.
In faith and love,
News and Announcements

Confronting Racial Injustice: Lecture on Slavery, Wealth Creation, and Intergenerational Wealth | TONIGHT from 6:00-7:00 PM
From the seventeenth century to the twenty-first, slavery has been central to creating wealth and generating race-based inequality in Massachusetts. Family fortunes, institutional endowments, and public budgets in the commonwealth have all benefitted from the spoils of slavery. This panel discussion between academic and public historians explores Massachusetts's connections to slavery and the slave trade, the wealth -- and the poverty -- slavery created and bequeathed, and how the legacies of slavery are reflected in injustices that haunt Massachusetts to this day. 

King's Chapel is one of the co-sponsors of this free virtual program happening TONIGHT at 6:00 PM, hosted by the Massachusetts Historical Society. For more information and to register, click here
Online Exhibit Available throughout February 2021

Throughout Black History Month, join the King's Chapel History Program in exploring and honoring Black history within our archives. The History Program's new online exhibit, Uncovering the Past: Exploring Black History Through Primary Sources, encourages viewers to step into the role of historian as we research the lives of historical Black attendees at King's Chapel. Pulling from the pages of King's Chapel's 18th and 19th century registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials, the exhibit guide viewers through the process of examining primary sources from King's Chapel's archives and discuss how we work to uncover the stories of Black congregants whose names were hidden in the archives.

New Mailing List for Environment Action Initiative

The Environment Action Initiative continued its conversation with 18 parishioners and clergy at a Zoom meeting this past Tuesday. Our biggest development is that we now have a group email open to anyone at King's Chapel who wishes to participate in our journey towards environmental justice and climate crisis response. If you wish to join the email group, even if you just want to follow it, contact mail to: We now have email threads on sustainable lifestyle choices, action alerts, and our environmental knowledge base.  We expect soon to add threads on greening the church, activities of other church environmental groups in our area, and event planning.
Register here for our Zoom meetings Tuesdays at 3:00 PM.  Our next gathering is February 23.

Environment Action Alert

 The Environment Action Initiative and the clergy recommend that you consider contacting your legislators right away regarding the Mass Climate Bill that has been vetoed by the governor. All environmental organizations active in the state and church environmental groups that we are aware of favor a quick response not to water down the provisions in the bill as the governor has suggested.  See, for example, messages from the UU Action Network or from the local Beacon Hill environmental group Mothers Out Front . 
The Community Action Committee partners with the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, March 1st and May 9th
Save the Date: 
"Why Re-entry?" with Milton Jones of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute
Monday, March 1st, 5:00 PM on Zoom

What can we do to prevent violence? Our community action partner, the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, has realized over their many years of working with those impacted by murder, grief, trauma and loss that "a vast majority of murders were of those who recently came out of incarceration." Learn more about this problem, and how we can help them to address it, by attending a Zoom presentation by Milton Jones, Director of the Re-entry Program of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute.  Milton will tell us about the new work he is doing to develop a wraparound program, together with other agencies, to support young men being released from Plymouth County House of Corrections, developing a healthy transition back into the community.

Jesus directly engaged with prisoners.  Supporting this program, and the Peace Institute, is one way for us to engage. Advance Registration required. 

Celebrating 25 Years of Walking for Peace
Sunday, May 9th, online

King's Chapel will once again join the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute's Mother's Day Walk for Peace, in this, the 25th year!  The Mother's Day Walk is a beloved Boston tradition that celebrates the potential to create more peaceful communities while commemorating loved ones who have been murdered.  Our participation will be virtual again this year-watch this space for details to follow.
The Nominating Committee Needs Your Help!

The Nominating Committee needs your help! We invite all parishioners to send suggestions, by phone or email, to any or all of us on the Nominating Committee.

We are also happy to talk with anyone who would like to learn more about ways to become more active in the KC community. Most of our committees could use more contributors!

2021 Nominating Committee
In This Issue
Sunday Services 

February 21, Morning Light | 9 AM on Zoom
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Skip Lewan, Piano
  • Sarah Graber and Stephen Courtney, Lectors
February 21, Morning Prayer |  11 AM on YouTube
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
  • Carol Genovese, Amy Meyer, Cliff Allen, Lay Readers 
  • Mary Katherine Morn and John Bowman, Lectors
Scripture: Genesis 9:8-17 & Mark 1:9-15
Did you miss last Sunday's service?  If so, click HERE to watch.
From the Bench
This Sunday's service echoes some of the music heard on Ash Wednesday. Once again, we will sing "The Glory of These Forty Days," also the inspiration for our organ voluntaries by Bach and Pachelbel. And the choir will sing the Parker/Shaw arrangement of the old American hymn "Wondrous Love."
Upcoming on Zoom

Morning Light Worship Service 
Sunday, February 21 | 9:00 AM 

Environmental Action Initiative Open Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 23 | 3:00 PM

KC Kids Time
Tuesday, Feb. 23 | 7:00 PM

Parents of Young Children 
Tuesday, Feb. 23 | 7:30 PM

Bible Study
Wednesday, Feb. 24 | 6:15 PM

Coffee with Clergy
Thursday, Feb. 24 | 10:00 AM

Lenten Journey Fellowship Hour
Friday, Feb. 26 | 5:00 PM
Giving to King's Chapel

Please consider a stewardship offering in a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time.  Every single gift in any amount is equally valued and helps enormously.

Prayer Circle 

The King's Chapel Prayer Circle, led by Cynthia Perkins, stands ready to pray for any who request it, in complete confidence.  

To request prayers, contact one of the clergy: Joy or David
or Cynthia Perkins:
Sandwich Chefs and Shoppers Needed
The Community Action Committee needs volunteers to make 50 sandwiches and place them in lunch bags with hearty snacks for the following Sundays:
March 7th
April 4th (Easter Sunday)
To sign up to help, please email Amanda Pickett or Carol Genovese .

Do you have a car and COSTCO or BJ's card? The CAC also needs volunteers who can make a shopping run to COSTCO and/or BJ's to pick up sandwich ingredients on the Thursday or Friday morning before March 7th, April 4th, or June 6th.  Please contact Carol Genovese for more info or to volunteer.
Internet Fraud - Protect Yourself

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, churches across the nation have seen a steep rise in incidents of internet fraud and scams, especially using ministers' names and targeting church members. Please watch out for these. I promise, we will never ask you to send us gift cards.  We will never ask for your personal identifying information or bank account info.  If we ever purport to say that we can't be reached by phone, be suspicious. Click the link below for more information on how to protect yourself and your family from internet crime. 
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Communications Coordinator Jennifer Roesch with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.
Need to reach us?

While we are not physically at our offices, you can reach us via email. You can find our contact information with office hours on our website.
Looking Back

Last Sunday's Virtual Concert

Just when we needed it most, on Valentine's Day our dearly beloved Heinrich, and his lovely crew of thirteen Valentines from our Choir, delivered a loving hour-long virtual concert of their own favorite love songs to cheer us on. The program was dedicated to two former choir members who have passed away: Pamela Gore, whose beautiful Mason and Hamlin piano was featured in the program, and Barbara Papesch, whose recent bequest will benefit the Music Program at King's Chapel. 

Individual singers chose their songs, recorded them either at home or privately in our Parish House parlor (whose pastoral wallpaper was a beautiful backdrop for some of the songs) and sent their videos to Heinrich, who, in a stunning feat of mixing, editing, and programming, turned them into an hour of delight. Imagine the intricacies of mixing twenty-odd solos and duets, most recorded individually at home, some with instrumental partnering, and with masterful piano accompaniments by Heinrich, conscientiously wearing a flowered mask. It beggars the mind.

Here was great variety of music in genre, era, and style, and the singers put their individual dramatic stamps upon the performances, some with hilarious effect. A few examples were Art Songs by Schubert, Britten, and Lili Boulanger; musical theater pieces from Music Man, Kurt Weill's That's Him, from One Touch of Venus, Love Song duet from Pippin (lying on their sofas, texting on their phones) even a duet from Monteverdi's The Coronation of Poppea, (again, featuring the lovers texting emojis!)  

Space is limited for this Paean of Praise, which is why the individual performers aren't named; they were all stunning, and I hope that your interest will be whetted by this article. But the good news is that you can visit the King's Chapel website and see these generous, creative and talented musicians in the YouTube video of the concert.

Beginning the Lenten Journey: Shrove Sunday Pancake Breakfast, Ash Wednesday

This week we embarked on the Lenten journey, celebrating Shrove Sunday with our annual Pancake Breakfast, hosted by our Church School community. Led by Roger Wellington, our Church School kids made pancakes and shared fun and fellowship with the members of our King's Chapel community who attended. On Ash Wednesday David distributed Ashes to Go outside the Chapel on School and Tremont to over 50 passersby, and later that evening hosted Theology on Tap, where our members gathered to discuss their history with Lent and their hopes and plans for a transformative journey this season.
Ashes to Go on Social Media

Photojournalist Angela Rowlings stopped by the Chapel yesterday afternoon while David was distributing "Ashes To Go" and captured some remarkable photos. The photos accompanied a beautifully-crafted post she shared on Instagram. This was part of her photography series on how Bostonians are coping through the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read her post here: "From dust you came and to dust you shall return. From love you came and to love you shall return," says Assistant Minister David Waters as he distributes ashes to passersby, including Tiffany Janney of Chelsea, in front of King's Chapel on Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021 in Boston, Mass. Waters used a combination of hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes and gloves to protect against COVID-19. "The thing about Ash Wednesday is that you get the opportunity not only to give people a blessing, but to remind them of the seasons and the passage of time. A lot of people are working from home and one day morphs into the next... so this Ash Wednesday marks the start of the season and the journey of 40 days toward Easter."

Be sure to follow our social media accounts (@KingsChapelBoston) to stay engaged with us even more between Sundays!