March 4, 2021
Weekly Update
A Message from Principal Simpson
Dear Parents,

Thank you for filling out the parent survey this year. BFA is always looking for ways we can improve, and we appreciate your feedback. Also, thank you to the SAC for working hard to streamline the survey and write thoughtful questions.

This month's virtue is Tranquility. While reading the definition, it struck me that this virtue has been one we’ve been tested on during the past year. 
This is how we define Tranquility: Keep yourself from reacting poorly to others. People are not perfect, and the world is not fair. Learn to deal with both despite imperfections. Be Patient.

A year ago, we were announcing that school might be closed for a couple of weeks following spring break. Little did we know what the next year would bring. COVID and its implications are still very much a part of our everyday lives, but lately I’ve begun to feel much more optimistic. I truly see the light at the end of this tunnel, and with that comes tremendous gratitude and pride. I am so grateful to be a part of this community, and I especially appreciate all of the support you’ve showered on our teachers, staff and me. You’ve shown us patience while we navigated these completely unknown waters. I also am extremely proud of our students and their grit. Their daily smiles and positive attitude remind us all why we treasure educating and being around your kids every day. Our staff has demonstrated integrity, professionalism and immense dedication throughout all of this adversity. This has not been easy, and I am so very proud of their hard work each day. I am confident we will come out of the 2020-21 school year a stronger and more resilient community. 

I hope you all have a nice weekend...the weather is supposed to be gorgeous; I hope you find many opportunities to get out and enjoy some sunshine! As always, please reach out to me directly with any questions or concerns you may have. 


Mrs. Simpson
BFA News
Calendar Reminders
Tomorrow, March 5, is an EXTRA Dress of Choice Day to thank our students for helping us reach our DanceFit fundraising goal. We can't say it enough--BFA and the PTO sincerely appreciate your generosity, and it's no secret that we believe the BFA Community is absolutely amazing. Thanks again!

Our next remote learning day is Wednesday, March 10. And, our next regular Dress of Choice Day is next Friday, March 12.
Middle School Virtue Awards
Each month, we feature some of the students who were recognized for displaying one or more of the 13 Virtues. The virtue for February was Purity. We describe the virtue of Purity as: be pure in thought and deed, white lies, a little gossip, and small, mean words are painful and say more about you than about others. What you think about others is how you will treat them. Develop good thoughts and feelings toward all.

Congratulations to all the students who were recognized for the virtue of Purity in February, and to our two featured students (below).
Jalen Estes, Eighth Grade
Adam Jurkowski, Seventh Grade
Great Job Books and Battles Participants!
BFA had 24 students participate in this year's "Books and Battles" competition hosted by the Douglas County Libraries. Thank you to all of the students who participated in the weekly online quizzes! And, congratulations to Aaradhya Verma who scored in the top 10 (out of 150 participants) two weeks in a row! BFA finished fifth overall in the competition--Great job! 
BFA's DI Teams to Compete in Virtual Event
BFA has two Destination Imagination (DI) teams competing in the DI Colorado Showcase this spring-–a Rising Stars and elementary level team. THANK YOU to the parent team manager volunteers and team members for your time and dedication to this year's participation in DI. The students have put in countless hours to devising creative solutions for their specific challenges, and the team managers helped guide them along the way.
The teams are as follows: 
Team Name: The Adventurers, Critter’s Big Adventure, Early Learning, Rising Stars Level
Team Members: Wyatt Henbest, Owen Johnson, Ada Littrell, Jacob Littrell, Brody Maas-Baldwin and Benjamin Sparks
Team Managers: Christiana and Scott Sparks
Team Name/Challenge: Creative Stallions, The Next Level, Technical, Elementary Level
Team Members: Delaney Deidel, Elias Lidstone, Charlee McChesney and Taylor Neale
Team Manager: Michelle McChesney
Good luck to BFA's DI teams!
One More Day to Give Feedback; No Gmail Account? Use Your Desktop for Survey!
There is only one day left to complete the Parent Satisfaction survey! If you share your family number, your student gets an EXTRA Dress of Choice Day on April 23, and you are entered into a drawing for a BFA reserved parking spot for August 2021.

If you had any trouble completing the survey because you don't have a Google account, try the survey from your desktop computer. If you're still having trouble, email SAC at

If you do not know your family number (hint: it's on your carpool tag), you can email us and we'll send it to you. (Family numbers are not associated with specific feedback in the report received by the Board and Administration.)

We genuinely value your feedback and hope to hear from every BFA family. The survey closes March 5, so please complete
BFA Summer Camp Program
It’s hard to believe—but, it’s time to start thinking about summer camp! BFA will be offering an exciting Summer Camp program this year. We’re still working on all the details, but we’re planning to ensure your kids have a fantastic summer!
Do you need full-time day care for the summer? Or perhaps you are just looking to get a break from your children a few days per week. Maybe your kids would like to connect with other BFA kids and enjoy fun, activities and social time. Whatever your situation, our Summer Camp program is sure to keep your kids safe and entertained; and the best part is that our Summer Camp program is staffed by people you know and trust! Summer Camp is open to any currently enrolled BFA student 5-years-old and above. (Your child must be 5 on or before June 2 to participate.)
Program Details:
Dates: June 2 -August 13
Holiday closure: July 5-9
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.

One time Registration Fee: $25.00 per child, all registered campers will receive a day pack
Daily Tuition: $40.00/day/child

Watch for the summer camp calendar to be available in April 2021. If you have any questions please email us. Information on registration will be coming out soon via the newsletter.
In Case You Missed It...Board Nominees
We are so excited to announce the 2021-22 Ben Franklin Academy (BFA) Board of Director nominees: Haley Maglieri, Matthew Olson and Mette Castor. To learn more about each nominee prior to the Board forum March 23, please visit the Board Election page.

This spring, the BFA community will elect one (1) director and the BFA Board of Directors will appoint one (1) director in accordance with the Board of Directors Election Policy to serve on the volunteer, seven-director BFA Board. Each seat is for a three-year term.

2021 BFA Board Election/Appointment Process 
There will be a Board forum at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23, before the regularly scheduled Board meeting. All Board nominees are required to attend and participate in a Question and Answer session. BFA Parents are invited to the forum so they can learn more about the nominees.
Voting for the Seat 1, Class A director will take place electronically April 9-18. Members of the BFA School Voting Group will receive access to an electronic ballot on Friday, April 9, and will have until Sunday, April 18, at 11:59 to cast their vote. Results of the election will be announced, and the appointment will be made on Tuesday, April 20, at the regularly scheduled Board meeting. All Board nominees are encouraged to be in attendance for the results of both (1) the election and (1) the appointment.
Modern Market Spirit Night Coming Soon
Make plans to take the night off from cooking, and come enjoy some delicious, healthy food while supporting BFA! From 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23, Modern Market (537 W Highlands Ranch Pkwy #108) will donate 30 percent of your meal’s price back to BFA! You can order online with the promo code: giveback008, or if you order in-store, please be sure to mention the BFA fundraiser, so that BFA gets credit for your purchase. Thanks for supporting the BFA PTO!
CEC Celebrates BFA Dads
The Community Events Committee (CEC) has a twist on their annual 'Donuts with Dad' event. The newly named "DIY Dads" will celebrate the dads and/or special men in our families virtually this year! A gift bag will be sent home with all families on Thursday, March 11. Remote families are invited to pick up their gift bags from 8:30-10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 10, in the preschool parking lot (only 1 per family please).
The next CEC Meeting will be rescheduled due to Spring Break (originally scheduled for March 17). Please stay tuned for updated date/Zoom information! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the CEC.
Help Wanted
Make A Difference, Meet New People & HAVE FUN
If making a difference, meeting new people and having fun sounds appealing to you, then consider volunteering for the PTO! The PTO is looking to fill volunteer positions for the 2021-22 school year, and they would love for you to join their team.

They have a variety of volunteer positions that can be done from home or school, and that fit any schedule--days, nights or weekends. They also have behind the scenes volunteer opportunities, as well as those that put you front and center. You name it, they’ve got it!
PTO elections will be held April 26-30. For more information on the PTO, including job descriptions of the volunteer positions, please visit their webpage, and click on PTO Elections. In addition, feel free to join their monthly meeting (held via Zoom) on Wednesday, March 10, to learn more about what they do.
Spirit Rock
BFA Rocks - Sign Up to Rent the Spirit Rock!
Have a birthday coming up? Is your child celebrating something special? Or, do you just want to cheer on the Bolts? Rent the rock and shout out your news! Rental dates are available through the end of the school year! Reserve your dates today on the BFA Spirit Rock Sign Up Genius.  The daily rate to rent the rock is $15 per day.  If you have any questions about renting the rock, please see the flier or contact Sara Hope, Spirit Rock coordinator.
Upcoming Events
BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.