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Pacific Palisades, CA, 90272
                                                                310) 230-2145

Data & Facts On The Coronavirus
March 202 0

Article by 
Edward D. Wagner DC
Data & Facts On The Coronavirus

 Most of you have been asking what the real data is on the coronavirus. How does it compare with the other flu strains and viruses that we have experienced? Is it that serious or is this being blown out of proportion by the media?   
I wanted to pass along to you what one of my favorite teachers put together about the severity of this illness and hopefully it will put things into perspective for you.  This information is from Jerome Rerucha D.C.,B.S., C.S.C.S., C.H.P.S. from Performance Chiropractic & Wellness.      

The coronavirus has captivated the media and has affected all of our daily routines in some way. Schools are being closed for weeks, some sporting event seasons have been canceled, and others shut down for extended periods. Certain products in stores are entirely unavailable. The list of personal and public stresses could go on and on. These are inconveniences, but more seriously, these are an unfortunate reminder of the senior population who are immune-compromised are at the highest risk of severe illness and fatality.
The Corona Virus provides us who are natural healers another chance to educate our communities on what is available to them during our normal day-to-day lives as well as the proven benefits during crises.
Statistically speaking, most of the recommendations to prevent the effects from the current strain of Corona Virus are the exact same recommendations to help ourselves from the much more common and severe pathogens that have been around for hundreds of years, claiming thousands of lives per day.

The CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) released the chart below in March 2020. 
As you can see from the above chart, there have been many contagious diseases before COVID-19 that have claimed many more thousands of lives, daily, that do not get nearly the amount of media attention that  COVID-19  has. I am not trying to be insensitive; I just want to help remind fellow clinicians of the necessity to educate our patients.

I live in Georgia. Confirmed cases on 3-17-2020 are 146 and 1 death.

The state quarantine center is located at a state park in my county and maybe 20 miles away (as the crow flies). At the time of this newsletter, the state of Georgia has had 1 person quarantined (a 30-year-old diabetic male), and he has already been released. From the time of diagnosis, immediate self-quarantine, it was a 2-week period when he was released with no symptoms and no longer contagious. The quarantined male communicated that at the peak of his symptoms he had a typical fever, joint pain, and flu-like symptoms. The reason he was quarantined, to the remote facility, was due to a newborn baby in his house of residence and his choice of responsibility not to infect anyone else. The below picture is a public post on his last day.
Oddly CNN, NBC, and other networks, that only promote the apocalypse, did not provide any information that this case is the norm for those under 60 and not at high risk (although the 30 year old quarantined is diabetic which is a risk factor for a weakened system). And, in the majority of the population who has been infected, the illness has a general life span of only a couple weeks.

               If you are at risk (senior age with heart disease, lung disease, low immune system) the death toll is currently low (statistically speaking) but the concern should be properly compassionate with additional precautions.

     Other countries were affected earlier than the United States, and there are significant differences between the severity of COVID-19 effects in China, Korea, Italy, and Australia. Understanding the demographic and cultural differences can help us decrease fear and promote solutions. With what we know, I am guessing that the recorded cases and response in the United States will get worse before it gets better. But the solutions for education and preparedness have not changed.

     I was in Portland, Oregon, this past weekend, teaching a seminar as usual. Although the location is in the highest concentration of the virus, the doctors that provide immune enhancement protocols regularly in their practice, nutritional supplementation, adjustments, and laser therapy protocols, are not as affected by the recent fear. Those who offer advanced clinical services: LLLT, sales of immune enhancement services, and supplements that portion of the clinic sales had increased. The educated consumer patterns are predictable, but it is the uneducated and people most susceptible to fear that makes any problem worse.

There are precautions that need to be taken seriously, and we all are in a position of influence to help decrease fear and provide proactive information to help empower others as well as offer chiropractic adjustments along with functional medicine and nutrition.


Always look for the natural cure.  Spread the word and 
tell your friends who may be suffering.
No one does it better than... 

Wagner Holistic Center
17383 Sunset Blvd. Suite A230
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
310) 230-2145 

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