April 2022
On the Road Again!
Greetings, Local Leaders!

As we head into spring and summer, there are lots of exciting things to enjoy in our beautiful state. Including one of my favorites - road trips! Montana Community Foundation staff is looking forward to doing more travel and visiting you all this upcoming year.

We have missed visiting with you and seeing your outstanding work and community projects in-person – and this year, we are bringing more trainings and resources directly to your community! As we schedule out these visits, please take a minute to fill out the poll question at the end of this segment to help us choose a time which works with your Local Community Foundation's schedule.
We can't wait to meet with you, but until then, take advantage of some of the resources included in this newsletter, there's something for everyone!
As always, myself and others at the Montana Community Foundation are here to answer any questions you may have, and assist in any way possible. Don't be a stranger!

Take Care,
When would your LCF prefer a visit from MCF for our annual convening?
Other/Different Month
Local Community Foundation Giving Days 2022
Consider supporting these Local Community Foundations as they participate in their local giving days across the state - happening on May 5th and 6th, 2022 online and in-person.

If your Local Community Foundation is participating in a giving day and not listed above, let us know! We would be more than happy to share your giving link and get the word out. If you are interested in learning more about statewide giving days, email Maggie at for more information.
ReImagining Rural Newcomers Survey Results
In partnership with the Montana Community Foundation, Tara Mastel, Associate Specialist for Rural Leadership Development and Program Leader for Community Development at Montana State University Extension, has recently shared the results from MSU Extension's Newcomers Survey! Read more about this outstanding study below.

BOZEMAN — Only about a third of people moving into and within Montana between 2016 and 2021 moved for work, according to a study released this week by Montana State University and MSU Extension. Better access to the outdoors, a less congested place to live and a slower pace of life were the most important reasons for moving, according to those surveyed.

“This study shows that quality of life reasons, rather than financial reasons, were the most important factors for deciding where to move,” said Tara Mastel, principal investigator on the study and associate specialist for community development at MSU Extension.

About a third of respondents said financial factors, such as finding a better or higher paying job or lower cost of living, were important to their decision to move, said Mastel.

Only about half of respondents moved to Montana communities from out of state. The other half moved from one community to another in Montana. For those who moved from another state, most came from California, Washington, Colorado, Oregon and Idaho.

“Rural communities have relied on newcomers for decades to sustain the population. They replace those who move away or die and are a key part of the workforce, school enrollment and community volunteers,” said Mastel. “We hope this survey data can help local leaders understand who these newcomers are and the value they bring to rural communities.”

LCF Grantmaking Highlight: ReImagining Rural Implementation Granting
Montana Community Foundation's partnership with MSU Extension's ReImagining Rural program over the last three years has continued to grow our relationships and community involvement across the state. As part of the most recent installation of ReImagining Rural, the Montana Community Foundation, in partnership with MSU Extension and the First Interstate Foundation, granted out over $37,000 to Local Community Foundations and other community-based non-profits to allow them to make their community projects a reality!

  • The Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples Inc - MT
  • Carter County Geological Society
  • Cut Bank Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Daniels County Chamber of Commerce
  • Dawson County Economic Development
  • Golden Prairie Community Foundation
  • Malta Chamber of Commerce
  • Miles City Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Mineral County Economic Development Corporation
  • Musselshell Valley Community Foundation
  • Town of Plevna
  • MSU Extension - Powder River County
  • MSU Extension - Powell County
  • Boys & Girls Club of Richland County Montana
  • Rosebud County
  • MSU Extension - Stillwater County
  • Treasured Community Foundation
  • Valier Area Development Corporation
  • MSU Extension - Yellowstone County
Local Community Foundation Resource Highlight -
Red Ants Pants Foundation Community Grants
The Red Ants Pants Foundation has opened their 2022 community grant cycle. Each year, with proceeds from the Red Ants Pants Music Festival, the Red Ants Pants Foundation awards grants to organizations and individuals whose projects further their mission.

2022 Focus Area - Enriching and Promoting Rural Communities
The Foundation is seeking applications for projects that support enriching and promoting rural communities. Applications are open to nonprofit organizations, LLC or businesses, and in some cases, individuals.

Proposed projects should primarily serve rural areas in the state of Montana and can be projects such as: 
  • Community educational resources such as libraries, museums
  • Community gatherings or events
  • Public gathering spaces - bring back the dance halls!
  • Community cultural education sessions, gatherings, or organizations 
  • Agricultural or civic organizations with programs or resources that support rural areas
  • Can include capital campaigns and general operating funds

2022 Community Grant Application Process
New this year, the Foundation will be implementing a two-phased approach. 

The first phase is submitting a letter of intent due May 13th, 2022. 
Selected applicants will then be asked to submit a full application by June 3rd, 2022. Awards will be made on June 17th, 2022.