Volume 72 - May 25th, 2020
"St. Joan of Arc, pray for us."
Dear SJA Parents,

Congratulations on completing
Week 8 of Distance Learning!  

This week was quite exciting for our graduates and their families. Our 8th graders said goodbye and received their diplomas, in "SJA style" , via a car parade around the school. The teachers lined the perimeter of the school, in their STREAM t-shirts and held up posters, to wish the best to our graduates. Students received the red carpet treatment. Upon arriving at the front of the beautifully decorated Mercy Center, each graduate's car door was opened by Fr. Marty. The graduate then literally walked on the red carpet, while Sr. Josephine accompanied each student, to receive the long-awaited diploma they had worked so hard for, over the years, from Monsignor McGraw. You could hear the graduation music, cheers, and honking horns from the decorated cars in the background as Mrs. Prisco and Mr. D'Alonzo called out the name of each graduate upon his/ her arrival. Finally, it was a true honor for me to declare over the microphone as each student became an official graduate of St. Joan's.  We know that the Holy Spirit will guide our graduates - their faith will be a constant and will remain with them through life’s challenges and future successes. We will miss you, Class of 2020! 

We continue to finish strong as our students complete the 4th quarter. For example, our 2nd graders became Global Horticulturists by doing a virtual field trip. They learned about hydroponic systems, how to make plant cuttings, and grow edible plants. Students also discussed global food security through self-sufficiency and the importance of the reduction of food waste.

We look forward to Rise Up Day on Tuesday, May 26th in which Pre-K4 thru 7th grade students visit next year's teachers and learn about curriculum highlights and expectations. We are also excited about our Kindergarten Zoom Graduation and Kindergarten Graduation Parade on Thursday, May 28th!

As we prepare for next year, The Diocese of Palm Beach Office of Catholic Schools allowed me to streamline our survey by merging the Diocese of Palm Beach Survey with the St. Joan of Arc Survey.  Please click on the link below and complete the St. Joan of Arc School 2020-21 Survey by Thursday, May 28th.  The purpose of the survey is to obtain your input on your preference on the commencement of the school year.  More details will follow as to how we are aiming to accommodate the varying needs of our families as we work diligently to keep our St. Joan of Arc Community safe and healthy. Please click here for the survey.

Please remember to sign up to return and pick-up items from St. Joan's via SignUp Genius.

SignUp Genius:   Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade Wednesday, May 27th

SignUp Genius:   Pre-K3, Pre-K4, and 3rd Grade Thursday, May 28th

SignUp Genius:   4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Friday May 29th

Many blessings, 

Mrs. Roberts
Take a look at the progress being made in our new STREAM Lab.
The room now has new floors and a fresh coat of paint!
A Note from the Parish Office:

The Parish office is open on a limited capacity; Mass is being offered daily online and in the Church in a limited capacity - please read the eNewsletter below for more information or click here .

Facebook Page for Live Stream Masses: @SaintJoanOfArcCatholicChurch

Also, thank you SJA families who have mailed your offertory donation envelopes to the parish office. We appreciate and encourage you to continue.  
Help support our St. Joan of Arc Community by supporting their business!
Please click on the bottom below or read the eNewsletter below.
Thank you in advance for your patronage!
If you would like to include your business, please email darelli_jeanette@stjoan.org .
03/16 - 05/29 - Quarter 4
05/26 - Rise Up Day
05/27 - K - 2nd School Supply Pick-Up / Drop-Off
05/28 - Pre-K3, Pre-K4 and 3rd Pick-Up / Drop-Off
05/28 - Kindergarten Graduation
05/29 - 4th - 7th Pick-Up / Drop-Off
05/29 - Last Day of School
FOR THE 2020 -2021
First Day of School
Thanksgiving Holiday
11/23/2020 - 11/27/2020
Christmas Break
12/21/2020 - 01/04/2021
Spring Break
03/15/2021 - 03/19/2021
Easter Holiday
04/01/2021 - 04/02/2021
Please read the following updates (dated 04/18/2020) from the Diocese of Palm Beach regarding the Coronavirus and school closures.
School is closed for the remainder of the
19-20 school year
If you have medication on file for your child in the Clinic, and you would like to have it back you will need to retrieve the medication(s) by June 5th. Any medication not picked up will be discarded. Please call the office to arrange a time for pick up between 9 AM and 2 PM Monday through Friday. Do not just come to campus without first arranging for pick up.
Students will be able to take their summer AR reading tests starting June 1st. Please use the button below to access the AR website.
Distance Learning Spotlight
Once upon a time, our littlest SJA students learned about kings and queens through online distance learning. At home, these creative minds built and designed their own castles using toy builder magnets, cardboard, paper, and other items!
Second grade went on a virtual field trip conducted by the Youth Environmental Alliance (YEA!) where the students learned about and created their own hydroponic garden in a hands-on activity using every day materials. The students started their gardens either from seeds or food scraps. They learned the importance of avoiding food waste. This lesson perfectly wrapped up their unit on plant life cycles.
All school year, our students have been reading fiction and nonfiction books and taking AR quizzes. Check out how many words our students read!
8th Grade Graduate Spotlight
On Wednesday, our 8th Graders had a graduation ceremony they will never forget! Instead of walking down the Church aisles in a typical graduation, the students drove in caravans of decorated cars with their family around the school. The car parade started in the "alleyway" where teachers and staff were standing by to wave and cheer everyone on. Around the corner and by the Church, the students saw more teachers and balloons as they approached their final stop, the Mercy Center. Here, the students stepped out onto the red carpet and were presented with their diploma. The cheers and honking of the car horns added to the excitement of the day. Congratulations!