Let's Catch-up: June 2022
Our mission is to empower families to foster resilience and prioritize mental health and emotional wellness in their children through educational programming, access to resources, and peer support.
We're celebrating LGBTQIA+ Pride!
While we embrace our children's unique qualities all year long, this month, we take time to honor our LGBTQIA+ community. It is strong, it is growing, and it is proud.
We know parenting a child who is exploring their gender identity and/or sexual orientation can be challenging. A young person may change their name, pronouns, and manner of dress, but one thing that remains constant is their need for love and acceptance.
Learn about caring for LGBTQ+ youth in the CATCH Journal including a primer on terminology, strategies, and links to resources.
Our Children's Mental Health
Watch the Recording
NAMI Presentation for Parents
If you have questions about your child's mental health, this program, sponsored by Northbrook School District 28 and presented last month by NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness, is a great place to start.
Watch the recording and learn to recognize the warning signs that your child is struggling with their mental health, how to get them talking, and where to find help.
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Learn from Experts: Two New Topics
Children who express intense fear that's getting in the way of daily life may be experiencing a phobia.
OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can leave a child in a cycle of unwanted thoughts, fears, and worries.
In this video series from CATCH's Learn from Experts, Dr. Andrea Barmish Mazza, PhD, Co-Founder and Director, Center for Anxiety and OCD, Deerfield, IL, discusses OCD signs, symptoms, and treatment options, as well as the role parents play in the entire experience.
We know parents have limited time, so we've turned to local mental health professionals to help all of us Learn from Experts in short videos. Check out the entire series on the CATCH YouTube channel.
In Real Life: Read or Listen
What do you do when your parenting woes are running in your head nonstop?
In this essay from the CATCH series, In Real Life, Linda Davis shares her strategy to cope with the distress, find calm, and get through the tough moments.
Real Talk: Essays from Real Life
If you'd like to contribute your own essay, we'd love to hear from you.
Listen, support, and share.
We know it may be hard to take the first step, but parents who come to Coffee Talk say they are grateful they did!
CATCH Coffee Talk is happening every other Wednesday from 12pm-1pm via Zoom, and you're always welcome.
Our confidential conversations cover the hurdles and pitfalls we all face.
Sign up, and we'll send you the Zoom link shortly before we meet.
Upcoming Dates:
Prioritize your mental health with the self-care of a CATCH Coffee Talk. #TalkAboutIt
CATCH Podcast
Parenting the Mental Health Generation
Making Sense of Our Chaotic World
The world is a mess, and the headlines are alarming: senseless shootings, a difficult war, an upcoming and controversial Supreme Court decision... and the list goes on.
If it feels overwhelming to you as a parent, imagine how your child may feel.
Listen here or find Parenting the Mental Health Generation wherever you get your podcasts.
More mental health access coming to Illinois
Glenview State Senator Led Effort for New Illinois Law
We often hear from families how difficult it is to find professional mental health support simply because there aren't enough providers to meet the growing demand.
State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) proposed the legislation earlier this year.
If you are looking for support for yourself or others, check out this list of local providers on the CATCH website.
Crisis Line Changing to 988
Starting on July 16, 2022, you only have to call or text the three-digit number, 988, to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
The current Lifeline phone number, 1-800-273-8255, will always remain open for people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis.
Trained counselors are available 24/7 to listen, provide support, and connect callers to resources.
Thank you, Family Service Center
CATCH Honored with Heart of the Family Award
Thank you, Family Service Center, for honoring CATCH earlier this month with the Heart of the Family Award and for featuring our Board of Directors in this video.
Click "play" to hear what inspires our team to spread the word each and everyday that mental health matters.
Summer Program for High School Peer Advocates
Hearts, Minds, & Heavy Breathing
July 11-15, 9:30am - 3:30pm
High school students are invited to this week-long program sponsored by Response for Teens. Participants will learn to advocate and become a peer activist in the areas of healthy relationships, mental health, and sexual health. Learn more.
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CATCH is dedicated to making a difference in our community.
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