Weekly eNews
July 8, 2022
Staff Members Go Beyond our Walls
Matt in Baltimore, Maryland
Rev. Matt Holcombe is attending General Convention in Baltimore this weekend. As a Deputy he is gathering with bishops, clergy, and lay leaders from around the county to listen and vote on governing issues for The Episcopal Church. Upon returning Matt will share more about his experience and update us on important issues and conversations happening in the wider Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. Pictured: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, The Rev. Canon Scott Holcombe (Deputy), La Nora Holcombe (Deputy), The Rev. Matt Holcombe (Deputy) on July 7, 2022.
Amalia in Sewanee, Tennessee
Amalia Dobbins, Director of Music, is heading to Tennessee on July 11 to attend the Sewanee Church Music Conference at the University of the South! She will be attending workshops taught by prominent musicians and scholars, singing in Evensong and Sunday Eucharist services and networking with music directors from around the country. We are proud of Amalia for receiving a full scholarship to attend this conference and look forward to the ideas she will be bringing back!
Summer Choir
This Sunday
July 10
All are welcome to join the Summer Choir to help lead hymns and sing one or two easy anthems. No Thursday rehearsals during the Summer. To sing at the 8:00 AM indoor service, meet in the church at 7:30 AM. To sing at the 10:30 AM outdoor service, meet in the choir room at 9:15 AM on Summer Choir Sundays:
July 10 - 2nd Summer Choir Sunday
July 24 - 3rd Summer Choir Sunday
August 21 - 4th Summer Choir Sunday
Questions about Summer Choir? Contact amalia@stmikeschurch.com
Happy 1st Birthday
Laundry Love
Over the past year St. Michael's has washed and dried 4,529 loads of laundry, served 1,706 guests, and spent $10,357 in donations to provide dignity to our neighbors in West Colorado Springs. A big thank you to Deacon Gary and our amazing volunteers. To get involved in this ministry that meets Mondays 9:00 - 11:30 AM, please email gary@stmikeschurch.com or sign up online. Congratulations!!!!
Help on Sunday mornings!
We need your help on Sundays. Read a lesson, hand out bulletins, and help us as we come together and worship God as a community. Each Sunday we need at least 15 volunteers (at each service) to help with different jobs. Can you help? Signing up easy - just click the button below. Jobs for all ages.
This Sunday, July 10, 2022
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
10:15 - 11:45 AM Nursery Care is Available
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist In-person & Online*
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist In-person Outside
5:00 PM Lord's Dinner Offsite
Lord's Dinner
This Sunday, 5-7 PM
With the number of guests increasing, the Lord's Dinner needs a few extra volunteers for our July 10 meal. If you can help, please email Diane Verlinde at d_verlinde2006@yahoo.com. Volunteers arrive at Academy Christian Church (2002 W. Pikes Peak Ave. Colorado Springs) at 5:00 PM and will be finished by 7:00 PM.
Outreach Donation Drive
Due: August 7
Help us reach our goal of collecting 75 backpacks and school supplies for our Outreach partners! To download or print the school supply list CLICK HERE. To skip the store and buy items online that will be shipped directly to St. Michael's CLICK HERE. Select only the items you want to donate, pay for them, and they will be shipped straight to St. Michael's. *Select " St. Michael's Delivery Address" or send to 7400 Tudor Road. Colorado Springs, CO 80919. Donation Drop off will be on Sunday, July 31 and Sunday, August 7 or Mondays -Thursdays 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the bins outside the church office.
Reflect & Connect
THIS Monday, July 11
7:00 - 8:15 PM
High Schoolers are invited to our Reflect & Connect Summer Gatherings! These will be relaxed evenings that give our high schoolers the opportunity to stay connected this summer! Evenings will begin with a spiritual practice (reflect) and then we will have time to catch up and eat s'mores (connect). Look forward to seeing you there!
Remaining Dates: July 11, August 15 & 29
Vacation Bible School
July 12-14 (Evenings)
Next week!
VBS is next week and we are in need of a few extra hands to help with various tasks throughout the week. Please email owen@stmikeschurch.com if you are available and can help for a few hours before, during, or after VBS.
Worship Online
8:00 AM Sundays or OnDemand
Can't join us in-person on Sunday mornings? Traveling? Visiting family or friends? Join us online at 8:00 AM as we worship God together. You can also watch the service OnDemand around your schedule. If you have problems with the livestream, please contact a member of the clergy or email AVL@stmikeschurch.com. Thank you!
Cookies Needed
Bake 1, 2, or 20 dozen cookies for St. Michael's Cookie Ministry. Cookies are used for Sunday Coffee Hour, Funeral Receptions, and special events. Cookies can be dropped off during the week (Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM) or on Sundays. Please place cookies in the freezer in the kitchen and don't forget to label the cookies. Questions? Email jennie@stmikeschurch.com or call the church office.
Painters Needed
Do you have gift for painting? This summer we will be adding new paint on several walls and we need painters. If you are available the final two weeks of July, please email support@stmikeschurch.com and we will let you know when painting days are scheduled.
July: Summer Camps
Children & Youth Summer Camps are a great way to have fun, learn about God, and make memories. CLICK HERE to be directed to Cathedral Ridge's website for more information.
August 5-7:
St. Michael's Family Camp
Enjoy a long weekend of delicious meals, arts & crafts, hikes, high ropes and archery, field games, worship, s’mores, and so much more. Intergenerational as well as age-appropriate activities will be offered. CLICK HERE to learn more or email owen@stmikeschurch.com
Outdoor Service
Weather Announcement
The 10:30 AM Summer Outdoor Service will be moved inside for rain or inclement weather. If the service moves inside we will post a flyer at the top of the ramp. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding. Can't join us in-person? Watch the 8:00 AM service online at your convenience.
This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)
Friday, July 8
Saturday, July 9
VBS Prep
Sunday, July 10
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM - Nursery Open
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist In-person & Online
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist In-person with Children's Chapel
5:00 - 7:00 PM - Lord's Dinner Offsite
Monday, July 11
9:00 - 11:30 AM - Laundry Love
10:30 - 11:45 AM - Prayer Room Reserved
7:00 - 8:30 PM - Reflect & Connect (High Schoolers)
Tuesday, July 12
9:45 AM - Staff Meeting in St. Mary's
5:00 - 7:30 PM - Vacation Bible School
Wednesday, July 13
12:00 PM - Healing Service in Chapel
12:30 PM - Wednesday Bible Study in Chapel
5:00 - 7:30 PM - Vacation Bible School
Thursday, July 14
5:00 - 7:30 PM - Vacation Bible School
Friday, July 15
1:00 PM - Friday Women's Book Group
Saturday, July 16
Birthdays This Week:
July 19 - Charlotte Carter
July 19 - Kelly Howell
July 19 - Regina Winters
July 20 - Alex Davenport
July 23 - Cassie Sears
July 23 - Devin Stoller
Anniversaries This Week:
July 18 - Geoff & Jessica Bennett
July 23 - Curt & Diné Wiedey
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM