March 2021
"Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn."
-Lewis Grizzard
Social Work Month 2021
Social Workers are Essential
About a year ago, when many industries faced the question, “Are we essential?” social workers across the nation never had a doubt. Each day more than 700,000 social workers nationwide make life better for others. They empower people, giving them the skills and encouragement they need to overcome life’s challenges. They also link clients to resources they may need to live more fulfilled lives. They know at times, they may be the only reason someone feels seen, heard, valued, and supported.

Social work services of B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging, Inc. are provided by a team of skilled Care Managers, who assess for in-home care needs and coordinate services that support independence for older adults. As it became clear the COVID-19 pandemic was disproportionally affecting the aging population, Care Managers became fierce advocates for policies prioritizing the health of older adults.

Care Management Supervisor for Bradford & Sullivan Counties, Rose Lloyd, noted that while the pandemic has presented a definite challenge over the past year, the Care Managers on her team have continued to go above and beyond to make sure consumers’ needs are met. Tiffani Warner, Assessment Supervisor, agreed; noting that the over 40 years of combined social work experience between the two members on her team demonstrates remarkable compassion and commitment to the field. Susquehanna County Care Management Supervisor, Bev Griffiths, added that Care Management staff often go out of their way to help, consistently showing kindness and compassion despite the challenging situations often faced. Tioga County Care Management Supervisor, Holly Lamonski, said, “I am proud and privileged to work with staff that show such work and dedication.” From delivering emergency food assistance in the community, to offering a helping hand to coworkers, Care Managers of B/S/S/T Area Agency on Aging, Inc. are known to go above and beyond.

Social workers often are unsung heroes, but they play an essential role in helping people from all walks of life and backgrounds to live life to the fullest. During social work month we hope you will learn more about this life-changing profession, say a kind word to the social workers in your lives, and advocate for the populations they serve.
Nora Demusz, Tioga County Active Living Center Director, is pictured with Bill Yacovissi of the Wellsboro Food Pantry.
Joining the March

Through the generosity of the community and the dedication of volunteers from the Wellsboro Food Pantry, local Meals on Wheels recipients received a bag of nutritious food along with their recent meal delivery. Thanks to Bill Yacovissi, pictured with Tioga Co. Active Living Center Director Nora Demusz, and everyone at the Wellsboro Food Pantry for their contribution to ending senior hunger!
Spreading Cheer

The youth of Susquehanna Community Elementary School recently made over 100 friendly cards to share with local Meals on Wheels recipients and nursing facility residents. The cards held cheerful illustrations and inspirational messages that certainly lifted many hearts.

Click here to view some of their artwork.
Adjust Your Sails
Jimmy Dean once said, “I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” Since we are in the month of March, we are very aware of wind. It howls in our ears, causes us to shiver, and topples unsecured objects. This past year has been a whirlwind, which has caused us to shriek and to tremble. COVID has blown us off course and demanded us to adjust our sails.

The schools and the Foster Grandparent Parent Program, along with the rest of the world, had to adjust their sails, reroute to safe waters, and adapt to a new way of teaching/a new way of learning. Read more here. 
National Nutrition Month 2021
Personalize Your Plate
National Nutrition Month ® is an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. During the month of March, everyone is invited to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits.