Dear Class of 2024 Parents / Guardians:

Campus Ministry welcomes you and your daughter to Mercy High School! Hopefully she is becoming more familiar with our Mercy Community and ready to identify her gifts and talents.

On Wednesday, October 14, all 9th graders will be taking part in the Freshwoman Retreat. This is a mandatory retreat taking place during the school day and tentatively planned to be held at Mercy for the morning portion while the Sophomores and Juniors are testing. The activities and presentations encourage the girls to see what gifts God has given them, and to think about how they can use these gifts at Mercy and beyond. This retreat is the foundation of Mercy's four-year retreat program.

This year is presenting us with a unique situation. We need to hold our morning portion of the retreat twice. Once for each of the two different Student Cohort Groups KC and SF. If you could please complete this short questionnaire here at your earliest convenience, it will help us determine the logistics and feasibility of how this can best work for the entire class. 

Proposed Schedule for Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Class of 2024 will gather, one cohort at a time. Social distancing protocols will be strictly enforced and masks will be required at all times while your student is in the building. We will meet in the Auditorium for a presentation by APeX Youth Ministries, who show the Gospel in a fun and fresh way.
  • 8:00am - 9:30am: Cohort KC would meet here at school at 8am and would be in the auditorium until 9:30am at which time they would be dismissed to return home.
  • 9:30am -10:30am: Auditorium will be sanitized.
  • 10:30am -12:00pm: Cohort SF would meet in school at 10:30am and would be in the auditorium until 12:00pm at which time they would be dismissed to return home.
  • 1:00pm - 3:00pm: The entire Freshwoman Class will meet virtually over Zoom from home with Mrs. Brown and Link Leaders for the Diversity portion of the retreat.
Thank you for your prompt response to this survey as we plan for the Freshwoman Retreat.

Thank you,

Mrs. Dennis and Mr. Klueg
Spiritual Retreat Leaders, Campus Ministry Team