September 3, 2020
Hello Threads Family,

Let's collect some winter coats!

Beginning NOW we are taking donations of winter coats. Due to the global pandemic, we have some new rules in place about what can be donated, so please watch this video (Winter Coats 101) to learn more about what to donate.

How it works:

  • Donated coats can be new or gently used, but if they are used, please WASH THEM. The Threads shop is still NOT open, so we are not able to wash clothes. As you know, everything that is gifted to children from Threads is washed or new. You may also donate clean hats and gloves.

  • You may drop off your coats in a bag or container that is labeled "Threads Coat Drive" during business hours to the All Saints' campus.

  • On arrival, please see the security guard or sexton and give the coats to them. Labeled bags are the ONLY donation that will be accepted (please do NOT ask them to take other donations, thanks).

  • You may also order coats online and have them shipped to All Saints' with attention to Threads. The address is 634 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, Georgia, 30308.

Other important notes:

  • We need ALL SIZES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS (sizes toddler through big kids size 18 and small adult coats). Experience has taught us that we will probably need more coats for boys than for girls. Why? Girls coats are just more fun to buy I guess with the sparkle power, and folks tend to order them more. Go figure! 

  • This year with the shop closed, we are asking for volunteers to deliver the coats to our families. We did this during Back-to-School in August, and we donated 136 red bags full of beautiful clothes, and it worked like a charm. See pictures below!

  • We're still working out the delivery schedule. Stay tuned for more information.
In the past, most of the coats for the drive were brought to the church during Sunday mornings in the month of November. Everyone is going to miss Bob Tick and Ed O'Halloran with their big smiles and big coat drive sign in the courtyard collecting coats!!!! I can't tell you how many people have said to me that with Bob and Ed out there every week, it reminded them to get there coats in! Without this wonderful reminder, now, YOU, dear volunteers, are going to have to channel Bob and Ed's enthusiasm!!! A hard act to follow I know, but, we can do this!!!

Last year, Threads collected 450 coats. With that said, we will need to really put our heads together and reach out to our greater Atlanta community of friends to collect enough coats for ALL kids in need this year. I would like to collect twice as many coats this year, I am confident that with our agency partnerships we will be able to identify families who could benefit from this drive.

So, what can you do now? Please reach out to your friends and tell them that your church is doing a massive coat drive for kids and ask them if they have coats to donate. If you are able, ask them to bring their coats to you, that way you can wash them and make sure they fit the criteria of what we need. Once you have collected a few, then you can deliver them to the campus, or, share the address of All Saints' so your friends and family can order their coats online and ship them to the church.

Stay tuned, I will also be asking a few of you to help in Ellis Hall on the days we deliver (and before!) to help me organize the coats and get our red bags labeled.
All my love, 


Threads Coordinator