Hello St. Alphonsus,

Tragedy in Highland Park

We mourn together this week after the shooting during the 4th of July parade in Highland Park. May those affected by acts of violence, in Illinois and elsewhere around the country, experience the support and comfort of our loving God.

Homily of Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, archbishop of Chicago, for the July 5 Mass of Peace and Healing at Immaculate Conception Church in Highland Park

Celebrate Sunday Mass at St. Alphonsus!

In this Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. Love of God and love of our neighbor are essential beliefs. The question of who are our neighbors has been deliberated by many. Jesus demolishes all boundary expectations. It is not social definitions such as class, religion, gender, or ethnicity that determines who is our neighbor. A neighbor is a person who acts with compassion toward another. The point becomes not who deserves to be loved as we love ourselves, but that we become people who treats everyone with compassion. How should a believer live in the world? A believer is called constantly to make the sacrifices that our relationships with our neighbors who are suffering in any way ask us to make. “Who is my neighbor?” Anyone placed on the road with me by God who created us. There is a relation between us because we were created by God to whom we owe our being, whose love we return by responding to one another.

Invite your friends/loved ones to worship at Mass! Daily prayer keeps you in good relationship with the LORD, and yourself.

Mass Readings for Fifteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time

Fifteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Reflection

July 10 Parish Bulletin

Next Friday July 15 from 6 to 8:30 PM, St. Alphonsus will be hosting Night of Mercy, with Adoration, Reconciliation, and music.

**We are in need of volunteers to make Night of Mercy possible. If you are able to volunteer or if you have questions about volunteering, contact our Pastoral Associate Brooks Robinson.**


Do you have upcoming exciting events that you would like to share with our St. Alphonsus Church and our parish school communities? You can share them here!

Did you know that you can view all upcoming church events on the calendar on our website? If your ministry has an event that you would like to host at St. Alphonsus, you can complete the Plan An Event formAny inquiries can also be directed to the parish Office Manager, Mario Serrano.

Serve as a Wedding Coordinator!

Are you looking to get more involved in our parish? St. Alphonsus is currently looking for wedding coordinators to join our team. Being part of the Wedding Ministry is a rewarding opportunity, fun, and all volunteers receive a stipend for their time. For more information, contact sacraments coordinator Kaitlin Holyk 


Faith Formation News- Register for Totus Tuus starting next week 

Rev. Steven Bauer and our parish staff are always open to the faithful in assisting with your spiritual journey. May God bless us with patience and peace as we seek to live in harmony with one another and all creation!

We are excited to offer Totus Tuus Summer Camp here again at St. Alphonsus! Totus Tuus is a week-long, summer youth retreat for young people in 1st through 12th grade. Participants will grow in their faith through skits, games, songs, the celebration of the sacraments, and engaging, interactive teaching. Costs are kept low through the involvement of parents and volunteers!


Day Program: Grades 1 - 6

Monday July 11 - Friday July 15

9:00 AM - 2:30 PM

$60 per child (yes, really!)

To register:

Highlights include: 11:15 AM. daily Mass (parents welcome to attend), outdoor recess, silly skits, Friday water fight. Sack lunches & water bottles required for students


Night Program: Grades 7 - 12

Sunday July 10 - Thursday July 14

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

$15 per student

To register:

Highlights include:  New friends, fun games, an evening of Adoration with our Lord, conversations about how to live out faith in high school and college, Thursday night social. 


What is Totus Tuus?

Hosted at 30 Chicago parishes, a Totus Tuus team of four college students and seminarians will inspire our young people with their energy and enthusiasm for the Catholic faith. They bring to our parish a zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel and a missionary spirit. Their joy is contagious and will remind us that Jesus “came that we might have life and have it more abundantly” (Jn. 10:10). 

The Totus Tuus program is built upon five pillars: love for the Eucharist, Marian devotion, authentic catechesis, Christian vocations, and fun! Our hope is to deepen the relationship our young people have with the Lord Jesus, while showing them how exciting a lifetime adventure with the Lord can be.

A Totus Tuus promise: If you can convince your kids to come the first day, we promise you they’ll want to come back the next day! 

Questions? Contact Erica Cook at

Young Adult Ministry

Join us this Wednesday July 13 at 6:30 PM as our featured young adult couples, Lawrence & Katie Joy Daufenbach and

Evan & Alexandra Lutomski discuss what it means for them to live a sacramental marriage. Given all the different meanings assigned to marriage by society today, we'll specifically talk about what it means to live marriage as given to us as a sacrament by God.

We hope to see all St. Alphonsus parishioners this Wednesday for this engaging discussion!

Upcoming ToT speakers in July:

July 20: Liz Meenan— “Gesundheit– The Last Great Conversation Starter”

July 27: Julia Hogan— “Tools To Discern God’s Plan for Your Life”

YAM at Roscoe Village Farmer's Market this Sunday after 9 AM Mass

Visit our Facebook page or monthly newsletter for more upcoming events in July, including Cocktails After Mass, Beach Day, Service Day and more!  

Young Catholic Professionals are hosting a new upcoming event on Monday July 11 at 6 PM, YCP Belong. All professionals in their 20’s and 30’s are welcome for a free summer networking happy hour at Castaways. This is an opportunity to learn more about the benefits and opportunities of joining the nation’s largest young professional Catholic network and coming together to work in Witness for Christ!

"Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine." (Proverbs 3: 9-10)

What Does It Mean To Give First Fruits?

If you would like to learn more about living a stewardship way of life, please visit our section on giving on our website, or contact a member of our parish stewardship team by calling the rectory at 773-525-0709 or by emailing parish Director of Operations Daniel Szymanski.

Thank you and God bless you!

  • Text sunday to 773-570-7600
  • Click on the link you receive via text
  • Fill in the information and click "Submit Form" to make your gift!
Donate Online

Knights of Columbus

CONGRATULATIONS to our recently elected KofC officers and well done, Parish Knights, on achieving Star Council! Incoming Officer Installation will be on Sunday July 17, at the 5 PM Mass, with parish reception to follow.

The KofC was founded by Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney to support our Pastor, our Parish and those in need, as well as to support strong marriages & families. If you are interested in learning more about our St. Alphonsus Parish Council #15158, then please contact parishioner Paul Gillespie. Join online at online exemplification


At the Athenaeum

Upcoming shows include:

P.J Morton, Watch the Sun Tour; Sat July 16 

Hillbilly Thomists, Fri July 29; new album is now out!  video below for "Good Tree"

Ladygang: The Lady Secrets Tour, Tuesday September 13

Check out more upcoming shows at ACTC here!

Archdiocese of Chicago

QUO VADIS DAYS Sunday, July 31 – Wednesday, August 3, 2022 Mundelein Seminary Mundelein, IL

Quo Vadis Days is a 4-day/3-night camp cosponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Joliet and led by the seminarians. The camp is filled with dynamic talks, small group discussion, prayer experiences, as well as plenty of fun – sports, canoeing, capture the flag, fires and smores, and much more. The camp is open to all 13–18 year old men that want to grow in their relationship with the Lord and learn more about the priesthood. More information and registration is available here. Questions? Contact Ray Grieshaber 

Catholic Charities Golf Classic - COMING SOON: Monday, July 18

There still is time to register for this very special second Catholic Charities golf outing of the summer! Choose a fabulous day of golf at Shoreacres, in Lake Bluff or at Knollwood Club in Lake Forest. Special events and prizes will be on hand to make this an outstanding day, start to finish. Proceeds benefit Catholic Charities programs and services in Lake County. To register for golf and/or dinner, or become a sponsor, or contact Kathy Altonji

Community News

Lakeview Roscoe Village Chamber Newsletter

Donate Blood Tuesday, July 12th - LOCAL AREA IN NEED

There are still many available slots for blood donation for a drive on Tuesday, July 12th. Please consider giving blood this week. There is short supply of life saving blood in and around the city of Chicago. A few minutes of your time will save lives! Sign up here.

Nourishing Hope Self-Care Workshop Tuesday July 19- Flyer in English and Español

Catholic Baseball/Softball Sports Camp- Monday and Tuesday July 25/26 at Montini Catholic H.S. in Lombard for kids 8-12 years old, led by current & former major leaguers!  Limited spots left, sign up now.