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Welcome, 2021. I hope your new year is off to a safe and peaceful start.

I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions. Especially this year, with the pandemic still leaving so much beyond our control, it feels unwise to make too many commitments.

However, one resolve I am determined to meet is finding new ways to connect with my wonderful community of reader-friends.
It's been a challenge for me to learn, much less embrace, new techie tools. My comfort level with technology pretty much ends with woodstoves and spinning wheels. Still, I'm feeling at least a wee bit more comfortable.
To that end, I am excited to announce my first online class! 
 Memories Matter

One of the things I missed last year was the opportunity to teach writing workshops. So, I'm taking them online. My first offering is "Writing Your Family Stories," a two-part class this January 19th and 26th.
Everyone has stories to tell! Whether you're starting from scratch or returning to a project, all are welcome to participate. Let's gather virtually and take a break from the outside world.
For more details, or to sign up, visit my brand-spanking-new event registration page. Space is limited to ensure a good experience for participants. I hope to see you!
If you have a suggestion for a different type of class or program, please let me know. What would you like to see?
 Chloe Ellefson Mysteries
Chloe Ellefson Mystery 11 Front Cover
First reveal of Chloe 11 Cover.

The 11th Chloe Ellefson Mystery has a cover! I hope you love it as much as I do. The designer and artist who created the first ten Chloe covers agreed to work on this one. I'm grateful that they made it possible to keep the familiar series style.
The Weaver's Revenge is on track for a spring release. When it is available for pre-order, you'll be the first to know!

Speaking of Chloe books, I have started the slow process of transferring titles to my new publisher, Three Towers Press. There's no way to do that for an individual book without having it unavailable for purchase for a short time. If you encounter that, please know that the situation should be temporary! 
 Brighter Days

Despite the obvious, I'm allowing myself to feel hopeful about the new year. Please take good care this winter! Here's to brighter days.  
Warm Regards,
       Kathleen signature in script.

(Email written by Kathleen, formatted by Mr. Ernst, and critiqued by Eliza Jane.)

P.S. -- Do you ever purchase books online? Please consider shopping at, which supports independent bookstores. They're struggling and truly need our help.
Chloe Ellefson          Non-Fiction           Young Readers
Bestselling author Kathleen Ernst writes award-winning mysteries, and historical fiction and non-fiction for adults and young readers.  
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Over the years Kathleen's work has earned many honors, including an Emmy for Educational TV, a Daughters of the American Revolution National Award for Literature, a Major Achievement Award from the Council for Wisconsin Writers, the Sterling North Award for Excellence in Children's Literature, plus Edgar Allan Poe and multiple Agatha Christie mystery award nominations . . . and more.
To date nearly 1.8 million audio, ebook, and print copies of her 38 published books have been sold. For more details, click HERE.
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Tree and Pen graphics from Pixabay.
The Weaver's Revenge cover by Kevin Brown and Charlie Griak.  
Kathleen author photo by Kay Klubertanz. 
This email © 2021 Kathleen Ernst, LLC.