ECOEA...the link between your local
and the Ohio Education Association

You made it through this craziest of crazy school years. Good for you! Celebrate, relax and refresh. Below are many summer opportunities for you to get PD hours, professional opportunities, NEA Member Benefit sessions and drawings, all virtual, all for you! Participate in trainings for member wellness, local association trainings, political activism, professional development, and do it from home, the beach, or wherever you desire. The choices are all here for you to choose from offered by ECOEA, OEA, and NEA Member Benefits! Register, mark your calendar, and sit back and relax. Enjoy your summer!

Professional development, conferences, and scholarships are open to all members.
The East Central OEA district serves OEA members in Carroll, Columbiana, Holmes, Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne counties.

Registration is open for our Summer Leadership Workshop to be held virtually on Thursdays throughout the month of July. We have a great line-up of sessions planned!

  • July 8, LRCs Sarah Drinkard and Alison Hoffa will lead a Building Rep training. That afternoon Sarah and LRC Amber James will offer a session on developing strong Union Communications. Start the new year off right with trained reps and a good system for communication within your local!
  • July 15, OEA Treasurers' Training both Novice and Experienced in the morning followed by OEA Presidents' Handbook training in the afternoon. This will also include a session on Elections training.
  • July 22, we are looking forward to welcoming back Isaac Baez from Stark Mental Health and Addiction Recovery with a session on Alphabet Soup: LGBTQ+ 101. Later that day Ellen Adornetto from OEA will lead a session on finding and using High Quality Data for OTES 2.0
  • July 29, Daria DeNoia from OEA will host Special Education for All Educators in the morning. We end our Summer Series that afternoon with Avoiding Burnout with Mindful Self-Care and Self-Compassion facilitated by ONE members Taraja Shepherd-Allen, Jamie Thompson and our own Kelli Repphun of Jackson MEA. As you prepare to go back to another school year, learn the risk factors and warning signs of burn-out and how to implement self-care strategies for your own well-being.

Use the button below to sign up for one session or as many as you like! Door prizes, NEA Member Benefits, PD certificates, no cost and open to all ECOEA members. Learn from home, from the beach, or wherever you are. Sign up today!
NEA Member Benefits
Join NEA Member Benefits rep Guy Kendall-Freas for a series of one-hour sessions throughout the month of June about everyday topics to help you take care of you! All sessions are virtual, no charge, and open to all members. Choose the date/time/topic that fits your schedule. Session titles, times, and zoom links are listed here:
  • June 7@ 12:00 PM and June 28 @ 1:00 PM-Liar, Liar; Pants on Fire: Strategies to avoid or overcome identity theft and fraud Link to this session
  • June 7 @ 2:00 PM and June 29 @ 3:00 PM-Achieving the American Dream: Becoming a first-time homeowner Link to this session
  • June 8 @ 11:00 AM and June 29 @ 12:00 PM- Extra Credit: All you need to know about your credit report and improving your score! Link to this session
  • June 8 @ 2:00 PM and June 22 @ 10:00 AM and June 30 @ 1:00 PM-Student Loans and Forgiveness Link to this session
  • June 16 @ 11:00 AM and June 21 @ 4:00 PM-What I Want My Loved Ones to Know: A look at life and family preparedness Link to this session
  • June 16 @ 2:00 PM and June 28 @ 10:00 AM-Who's Got Time for a Breakdown: Strategies to reduce stress in lives of education employees Link to this session
  • June 21 @ 1:00 PM and June 22 @ 2:00 PM-Getting the Most for Your Dues Dollars: An overview of ways to save more than dues! Link to this session
  • June 15 @3:00 PM-When Can I Afford to Retire or Will I Just Die at My Desk? Link to this session
Register NOW to participate in OEA Lobby Days on June 8 and June 9. Each day will begin with a virtual briefing. By registering now for the virtual briefing link for each day, you will receive updated information in advance of the Lobby Days about opportunities that will be scheduled so that you can participate and lobby right from home. You can also reach out to legislators personally and schedule in-person lobbying in Columbus if the legislative member is available. But register now with OEA so you received updated lobbying information!
Congratulations to our NEA Delegates from ECOEA!
ECOEA is proud to have the following delegates representing you at the NEA Representative Assembly which will be held virtually June 30-July 3. These delegates will be putting in long hours on the virtual platform, 2 PM-8 PM each day, in addition to OEA state caucuses in the mornings. The RA will include debating New Business Items, as well as other business normally taken care of during the RA which includes elections, budget, resolutions, and special guest speakers. You can find delegate resources and watch the livestream at this link.
  • Julie Nelson, North Canton EA
  • Julie Holderbaum, Minerva Local EA
  • Dr. Geneva Parker, Canton Professional EA
  • Tamika Moss, Canton Professional EA
  • May Alayamini, Canton Professional EA
  • Michelle Martin Jones, Canton Professional EA
  • Andrea McSherry, Canton Professional EA
  • Holly Lloyd, Claymont EA
  • Ed Sims, Rittman EA
  • Denise Meredith, Fairless EA
  • Brian Boone, Fairless EA
  • Karen Linch, Wooster EA
  • Christine WIllison, Wellsville TA
  • Kelli Repphun, Jackson Memorial EA
  • Angel McCune, Jackson Classified PA
  • Heather Zuniga, Malvern EA
Representing OEA-Retired from the ECOEA District:
  • Carol Kinsey, OEA-R, retired from Canton Professional EA
  • Kathleen Purdy, OEA-R, retired from Plain Local TA
NEA Member Benefits $2,500 Educator Jackpot! Open to all educators-certified and classified! Click the picture for the link!
California Casualty Music and Arts Grants-Don't forget about the California Casualty Music and Arts grant open to all classroom teachers. Applications are due by June 30, 2021.
Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.

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