Practicing Social Distancing TOGETHER!

  The Davison & Mohler Families

Pastor Pam is offering a Zoom meeting to share our struggles on coping with this crisis and how to find healthy ways to navigate these uncertain times.

Please email her at:  or text 765-491-7316 if you would like to be a part of the meeting. Remember you must have the internet. If you don't have a computer there is a Zoom app available
for iPhone and android devices.
Let her know by Monday morning if you would like to participate.
Time and day will be determined with participants.

We are all in this together!

Stay SAFE & stay POSITIVE!

5-1-2020 UPDATE

The Elders and Executive Team met, via Zoom, this week
and asked if I would share with you some of the decisions made.
Without knowing the outcome of the Governor's announcement on Friday,
and with your health and safety at the forefront of our concern,
we will not be holding worship services May 3, 10 and 17th, but as we have discovered,
life right now is day to day.
Please know that we are researching and staying informed each step of the way.
Our goal is to all be together for worship as soon as possible and as safely as possible.
We will continue with the YouTube channel services as well as a
written copy of the message sent via email.
                                                                    -Pastor Pam       

VBS for this year has been canceled.  Staff is working on alternatives.  Updates will be posted here.

***Those of you who ordered flowers for Easter***
The ordering of flowers for our Easter service has been suspended.
When we return to the office, we will either return your $$$,
apply it to next year's Easter service or
we will do something celebratory for our much anticipated time together,
while acknowledging the Memorials, etc.
You will be contacted at some point for your decision on this issue.
Again, updates will be available here! 



��Prayer Concerns/Thanksgiving��



Family of Mary Cantwell
Family of Mary Ellen Hammersley

For EVERYONE in isolation!
Micah Houston...Rayna reports, "forward baby steps toward recovery!"  Praise God!
Frances Dickson
Donna Stonehill
Gary Neal, Keily Mohler's Dad
Lana Congleton
Harriet Eiche
Jill Carroll
Jerry Kauffman


Strength of our Community
Frontline workers who are saving lives

 Luisa Kercheval, Rob Benge, Brian Heimbach, Vicki Ritter, Betty Gibbs and Connie Compton
Justin Hunter, Kip Pollard, J.J. Kendall, Jason H. McIntosh, Sean Cunningham, Connor Pearson and Jacob Nelson
MONTHLY PRAYER FOCUS:  Health Care Providers


Outreach at work...

The outreach team has gathered church members to form 5 teams that are participating in a

There are five locations around the community, including our back parking lot.
This outreach is organized by the YMCA and The Learning Center. 
Our teams at FCC will take Friday's through May.

Worship together @ FCC..........................................................................TBD 

In all seriousness, DON'T FORGET!
The church staff is still working.
You can drop it in the mail slot at the front of the church
...or, you can mail it to:
First Christian Church
 c/o:  Stephanie Davison
7266 N. County Rd. 400E
Frankfort, IN  46041


Monday through Thursday
If you call after office hours, please leave a message and we will return your call the next day.  Thank you!

Sunday School-9:00am
Coffee Fellowship-10:00am

Quick Links...