Just a quick reminder that our first CAP Team meeting is happening this Wednesday, January 20 at 9:00 a.m. 

Below please find an updated agenda, as well as the PowerPoint presentation we will be reviewing on Wednesday morning.

All of the information we sent previously is below. 

If you have any questions about the CAP Team meeting, please contact Sarah Diedrick-Kasdorf at 608-663-7188 or diedrick@wicounties.org.

Materials and Instructions

Congratulations on your appointment to serve as a member of the Wisconsin Counties Association’s County Ambassador Program (CAP) Team. 

Our first CAP Team Day at the Capitol for the 2021-2022 Legislative Session will be held on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 beginning at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom. The meeting will end at approximately 11:00 a.m. The meeting can be accessed here: 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 0702 9422
Passcode: 903458

Meeting ID: 829 0702 9422#
Passcode: 903458

The meeting will be set up as a webinar so you will not be on camera that day; however, you will be able to ask questions via the Chat & Q&A functions. You will also have the ability to unmute yourself to ask questions as well; however, we ask that you stay muted when not asking a question to avoid any unnecessary disruptions when others are speaking.

Your first duty as a member of the CAP Team is to contact your county’s legislative delegation and request a meeting with each member on January 20 after 11:00 a.m. or another date/time that works for you and members of your legislative delegation. If you do not have the capability to set up your own Zoom/WebEx, etc. meeting, please see if your state representative/senator can do so from their end. If not, please contact Chelsea Fibert at fibert@wicounties.org and she will be happy to assist. You also have the option to set up a socially-distanced in-person meeting in the district or a conference call if you prefer.

Contact information for your legislators can be found utilizing the following links:

Following please find the issue papers you are asked to speak to your legislators about on January 20. The five issue papers address the following topics:

Following is a link you can share with your legislators/staff that will allow them to access the issue papers you will be discussing with them during your CAP Team visits: CAP Team Issue Papers (5)

A briefing on these issues will be provided prior to your Capitol visits. Please review the papers prior to the meeting and, if possible, know the particular impacts of these issues on your county. Closer to the meeting date you will receive another communication from us that contains the PowerPoint presentation the WCA Government Affairs Team will be using for the legislative briefing.

If you have any questions about the CAP Team meeting on January 20, please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Diedrick-Kasdorf at diedrick@wicounties.org or 608.663.7121.