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Check out the 6 Weeks Calendar for come color-coded event ation!
Sophomore Year: The Big Decision!

As a sophomore at Brandeis, lots of questions might be coming up about how you want to spend the rest of your time at Brandeis & beyond. Are you overwhelmed by choosing a major/minor? Not sure if you want to study abroad? Are you fulfilling your passions outside the classroom (volunteering, singing, etc.)? 

The Center for Spiritual Life and the Department of Community Service are excited to host Sophomore Year TBD: The Big Decisions, a new opportunity for sophomores to reflect on their time at Brandeis, hear from inspirational student/faculty/staff/alumni speakers, and build a stronger sense of community. This two-day virtual retreat will provide you a time and space to slow down and pay attention to what matters most to you.

Register by February 15. Space is limited. Participants will be selected based on application responses and order of submission. Contact Lara Ericson with any questions.
Virtual Poster Sale

Looking for a poster, tapestry, or decoration for your room? Shop online with Global Prints and get free shipping on your order of $20 or more on your favorite posters, prints, tapestries & flags. Use the code C8765 at checkout! Shop here:
Apply to Conversations That Matter

Do you wish you had a space to tackle the big questions, the ones that keep you up at night? Do you want to develop skills for participating in and leading better conversations? Do you want to find community on campus? Conversations that Matter is a popular five-week fellowship in its second year. Discussions will take place weekly and tackle big questions such as “For whom are we responsible?” and “How do we disagree?”

The Conversations that Matter fellowship is facilitated by Center for Spiritual Life staff and is open to all Brandeis undergraduate students, whether attending on campus or remotely this semester. The deadline to apply is February 19. Space is limited and early applications will be given priority.

Join the Brandeis community for a one-month fitness & wellness CHALLENGE! Attend virtual and in-person programming like group fitness classes, Intramural Sports tournaments, and more to rack up points, earn prizes and climb the weBwellness leaderboard for your chance to win an APPLE WATCH!

This Week's Events
Thursday, February 4
Virtual Trivia Night: The Return!
8 p.m. â€“ 9:00 p.m.

Put on your thinking caps and join the Department of Student Activities for Virtual Trivia! Get in on this fast-paced game of Kahoot! trivia. There are two games of trivia with one being themed each week! Themes vary each week so you just may find yourself the expert any given week. Trivia Nights require you to use Kahoot! Please download the app or use the desktop version to play. RSVP for Trivia today by 5pm!
Friday, February 5
We Wear Blue (In-Person and Virtual)
11:00 a.m. â€“ 1:00 p.m.
Brandeis Booths at Fellows Garden

Stop by the Brandeis Booths at Fellows Garden (the blue structures!) wearing blue or Brandeis gear and pick up a fun surprise! Every Friday We Wear Blue and you should, too! To participate virtually, post a selfie on social media of yourself wearing blue or a Brandeis shirt, using the hashtag #BRANDEISBLUE every Friday! We'll randomly select students in the virtual space with an exclusive t-shirt!

This week we'll be giving away blue and white rugby scarves just in time for this cold weather and snow.
Virtual Concert and Q&A With Masego
8:00 p.m.

The Campus Activities Board is hosting a virtual concert and Q&A featuring Masego on Saturday, February 6 at Webinar opens at 7:45pm; Show starts at 8:00pm

Monday, February 8
Tuesday, February 9
Wednesday, February 10
Upcoming Events
Internship Search: DEI Welcoming Opportunities
Thursday, February 11th from 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Navigate your internship search with effective strategies and resources to help identify and secure your next opportunity! We'll focus on how to find and locate DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive) roles specifically welcoming to students of color. There are hundreds of employers looking to hire diverse candidates and opportunities with Black-owned and led companies right in Handshake. Join Hiatt's Zach Hicks and Sandra Sylvestre for a deep dive and new resources. 

Waltham Group Recruitment Days
February 12 - 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
February 19 - 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Are you passionate about community service? Come to Waltham Group Recruitment Days (February 12 and 19) and learn how to get involved as a volunteer with Waltham Group! RSVP here to receive the Zoom link. We are offering two Recruitment Days on Friday, February 12, 4-5pm and Friday, February 19, 9-10am.
Community-Engaged Scholars Program Student Input Session
Wednesday, February 24, 6:00-7:00PM

This input session will feature a presentation on a vision for a new Community-Engaged Scholars Program. The proposal aims to strengthen the academic support for students engaged in community and civic engagement in a “Community Engaged Scholars Program” designed to enable all undergraduates, regardless of major or minor, to strengthen their community service with a set of corresponding academic experiences and out-of-class co-curricular experiences. Your voice is important and we hope that you will join us on Wednesday, February 24th from 6:00-7:00PM on Zoom.

To ensure that you receive the zoom link to attend please REGISTER HERE. Whether you are able to attend or not, please take a moment to review a summary of the proposal and submit your suggestions, questions, and concerns HERE for the committee to review. If you have questions, please reach out to Lucas Malo at