Happy Holidays from the Westport Marina crew! We sincerely appreciate your business and wish you well this season. While 2020 has proven to be a unique year, we are proud to have consistently provided moorage and services to our long-term customers and guests at the Westport Marina. 
In addition to our boaters, Westport saw a tremendous increase in visitor traffic to our beaches, parks, and port facilities in 2020, we hope to see this trend continue. The Waterfront Esplanade, Fishermen’s Boardwalk, and Centennial Viewing Tower continue to provide much-needed space for adventure. As always, our purpose is to provide you, our customers, with top-notch service while fulfilling the Port’s mission to facilitate, enhance, and stimulate international trade, economic development, and tourism for the region.
Operations |

While staff is on-site 7 days a week, the marina office is accessible by appointment only at this time. We continue to offer all services and amenities and are available via
phone at 360.533.9562,
email:, and accept payments online at
| Dredging Updates

After nearly 2 years, the Westport Marina Dredging project is complete!

The project was a successful collaboration between marina staff, tenants, contractors, and state agencies. In total, contractors have removed nearly 131,000 cubic yards of sediment from the boat basin.

Many thanks to the moorage tenants of the Westport Marina for their steadfast cooperation with the effort. Throughout the 19 month project, nearly every slip was impacted by the dredging activity and needed boat relocations to temporary slips. 
Dungeness |
Crab Season

The highly anticipated start of the Dungeness Crab Season is around the corner. Visitors to the marina will find commercial crab pots lining every nook and cranny of the community in anticipation of the start of this valuable fishery.
Staging is again available for gear at five different areas throughout the marina district 14 days prior to the start of the season at Parking Lots 1, 2, 3, the overflow lot on Wilson Street, and Neddie Rose Drive. All pots should be registered with the City of Westport or the Marina Office.

Pot storage on the Docks is available for commercial fishermen 10 days prior to the season's start. Must register with Marina Office.
E-mail, e-mail, e-mail!

Please update your email address and customer information. The marina will be transitioning from paper billing to e-statements. By the end of 2021, all annual moorage contracts, invoices, newsletters, and the majority of communications will be sent via email. It is critical that you have an active email on file with the Westport Marina office.
Project Updates
Marina Office CLOSED for the holidays:
December 24, 25
January 1

Best Wishes for
Safe & Happy Holidays!