Muscle March: Week 3
Bulking Season
Did you catch Courtney on this morning's Reveal Your Champion workout? Courtney is live on Facebook every Monday for the month of March at 11 AM ET helping to start you off for the week.

This week's Mind over Mat will not be live but we will be releasing a yoga video session done by our friend Jim Lacey.

Jim's yoga flow will help you relax and get ready for the weekend ahead!

Use hashtag #RevealYourChampion and tag us on social media!
Canoe Kayak Skills n Drills
Wednesday, March 17 at 4 PM ET
Join Special Olympics Canoe Kayak Athlete Sarah and Coach Grace for the 1st of 3 live Canoe Kayak Skills n Drills sessions! Grace and Sarah will show us what it’s like to be a canoe kayak athlete with a 30-minute dry land session including a paddlers’ warm up, canoe and kayak drills, and paddlers strength exercises and stretches.

This session is an introduction to canoe kayak and is accessible for all levels and abilities. Please bring stretchy clothes, running shoes, a water bottle, a broom
stick (or any household item that resembles a paddle shaft), and a yoga mat if you have one. You will need a space that is big enough to swing your arms and legs!  

Wellness Wednesday
Wednesday, March 17 at 7 PM ET
MyPAHL Webinar and Q & A for Athletes, Coaches and Caregivers
Thursday, March 18 at 4 PM ET
Attend this session if you have used MyPAHL before or are brand new to the program. Learn how to use the different MyPAHL features, or ask questions about how to connect your devices, set reminders and more. 

Time: 4:00-5:00 pm ET

Social Club With Rochelle and Chantel
Friday, March 19 at 2 PM ET
Cop Talk
Friday, March 19 at 3 PM ET
Cop Talk is now happening bi-weekly for 30-minutes on Zoom.
Your host - Constable Adam Young, who will perform a show-and-tell style interview with a law enforcement member.

Each episode showcases a behind the scenes look at a day in the life of a different law enforcement officer. Upcoming episodes will feature a ride along, K9 dogs, police helicopter tours and MORE! The goal is to engage and connect with as many athletes as possible. Every episode ends with a Q&A, so athletes can come prepared with any and all questions they want to ask!

St. Patrick's Dance Party
Friday, March 19 at 9 PM ET
Our friends at Special Olympics Alberta are inviting athletes across Canada to join them for the Shamrock Shaker - a virtual St. Patrick's Day themed dance on March 19, 2021, 9 PM ET.
The dance will be hosted live on Zoom. Wear green and celebrate St. Patrick's Day, alongside your fellow athletes! 

#21WorldDance - Virtual Dance Party Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day
The Down Syndrome Association of Ontario and Global Down Syndrome Foundation are co-presenting a 21 hour Worldwide virtual dance party (#21WorldDance). We are inviting the world to celebrate and raise awareness of World Down Syndrome Day.

Save The Date for SO Hang Out Day:
Spring Fling
Registration Opens This Week!
The verdict is in - the first SO Hang Out Day was such a huge success that we are going to be hosting a Spring Fling SO Hang Out Day on April 10, 2021!

Please save the date! See below the sneak peek of some of the fun events taking place.

Our Friends At MLSE Foundation Are Looking For Youth Aged 6-29 To Help For A Research Project
MLSE Foundation needs our help! They have launched the Change the Game research project, an Ontario-wide youth sport census to understand sport/recreation access, engagement and equity issues in Ontario.  

Who can participate?: The survey and is open to anyone 6-29 in Ontario, or parents on behalf of a child aged 6-29.

How long does it take?: The average completion time has been 7-8 minutes. 

Are my responses private? Yes! The survey is designed to be an anonymous online questionnaire. It will not be possible for the study team to match an individual answer to the identity of the respondent.  

When does it close? March 31, 2021 

What do I get for filling it out? The knowledge you helped inform important conversations on equity and sport, AND all youth participants are entered into a draw for tickets to a future Raptors, Leafs, Argos or Toronto FC home game experience (when safe) or a special apparel package for one of your favourite teams (each prize valued at ~$1000). The winner (s) will be contacted directly after the survey closes. 

Share With Us On Social And
Stay Connected
We want to see what you're up to!
So remember to tag Special Olympics Ontario and use #SOHealthyAtHome

Your photo/video/story could be included in a future
Healthy @ Home newsletter!
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