With Gratitude and Hope
A special thanks to all of our volunteers, generous donors and to our Jewish Federation and our Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven whose support through the Covid-19 Response/Maimonides Fund has been invaluable to JFS and our clients.

Here's some of the ways your support has helped our local community so far: 
  • Provided more than 200 tele-health sessions which is helping to alleviate stress during the pandemic.
  • Increased our Aging Adult client base by more than 60%.
  • Added 30 families to our monthly food distribution in our Food Pantry.
  • Offered Anxiety Reduction zoom groups.
  • Holding unemployment workshops for those who have lost jobs during the pandemic.
  • Provided a friendly voice on the phone with weekly check-ins to isolated aging adults and members of our Shalom group.
  • Food4Kids New Haven continues to provide supplemental weekend food while schools operate remotely.

Your support and generosity has and will continue to impact many lives in the months to come.
With Gratitude for your generous support and Hope for a New Year of Peace and Good Health!

From All of Us at JFS!
Jewish Family Service of Greater New Haven is a non-profit social service agency serving individuals and families of all backgrounds, regardless of age, race, ethnicity or religion. 203-389-5599