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From the Council Office of Steve Rao
July 2, 2022
Estimated Read Time: 10 minutes.  

Download the Steve Rao App!
My July 4th Message: 
My July 4th Message:

Check out Triangle 4th Events at:

Tune in on Monday, July 4th at 8 pm for PBS Capitol Fourth Concert.
My Roku TV July 4th Message:
Important Morrisville Reminders:
See you this morning at Independence Day Parade at Western Wake Farmers Market this am and tomorrow at the July 4th Family Fun Festival!  

Check out Minor League Cricket at Church Street Park Today! 

Join me in getting pragmatic and common sense leadership to Congress by supporting Wiley Nickel for District 13!  
IN MEMORIAM: Rohan Thalla 
This week our community mourns the loss of 30 year old, Rohan Thalla, son of Rajeev and Soumya Thalla, who passed away this week from Cardiac Arrest. He was a student at Duke Business School and I had known him since he was one of my tennis students since he was eight years old. I saw him grow up from the cutest boy to such a fine young man He was such a warm and loving person with a heart of gold.

We pray for his family. We will never forget him.
Komal, Sonia, Rayan and I wish each of you a very Happy Fourth of July.

At a NCLM Race and Equity Task Force Meeting a few months ago, Durham Mayor Pro Tem, Mark Anthony Middleton made a profound statement that really resonated with us. “The words of our Declaration were a challenge, not a promise”.   

What did he mean?  Let me try to explain.  

America’s founders saw religious intolerance and lack of social mobility as unjust. They embraced the American enlightenment’s revolutionary idea that all people are created equal at birth. This may not seem like a big deal to us now but at the time, this was a mind-blowing idea and ran counter to every traditional government and religious structure. It is the central principle on which our country is based, and one for which thousands of our bravest citizens were willing to die.  

As Mark Anthony reminded us, our Union has been far from perfect, and we must face and acknowledge its racist past, and make an effort to fight today for equality and justice for all Americans. It should also be a day when that the all citizens, regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

In the midst of extreme political division, gun violence, racial tensions, racial bias, economic uncertainty, it is imperative that we strive to make our union more perfect. Each generation can do our part and if we make the effort, our nation, will as in the words of President Lincoln, have a new birth of freedom, and a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall never parish from the earth.  

July 4th should symbolize and renew our faith in freedom, our devotion to democracy.  

As we celebrate this July 4th, let the images we see in Ukraine remind each of us that freedom is an ideal that is not only worth fighting for but in many cases dying for.  

We pray for Democracy and Freedom for the people of Ukraine.  

We pray that each of us can live up their challenge of equality and freedom for all.  

Finally, we are grateful for bravest heroes of our nation, our soldiers, who every day, through their sacrifices, prove that the United States of America truly is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

God Bless the United States.  
I am honored to serve as an Ambassador and participate in the Brian Hamilton North Carolina Now Survey results tour, which kicked off on Tuesday in the Triangle at Box Yard RTP, followed by a discussion with Brian, moderated by PBS Carolina CEO, David Crabtree.  

What was the Purpose of the Survey?
The Brian Hamilton Foundation, an operating foundation with national reach but strong North Carolina roots, commissioned Great Blue Research to administer and analyze a poll of North Carolinians’ opinions and perceptions in various areas of NC life.  

Survey Methodology
  • Sample: 753 
  • Method: Online Survey and supplemental call bank outreach.  
  • Number of Questions: 37
  • Confidence Level: 95%, Margin of Error; 3.5%
  • Collection Dates: Feb 15th- March 21, 2022 

  • North Carolinians are very satisfied with NC as a place to live (87.4% overall) with farm communities reporting the lowest satisfaction.  

  • Majority of North Carolinians (62.7% overall) believe things will remain good in NC But uncertainty comes as the second most frequent response.  Farm Communities are least optimistic. 

  • Top Reasons for Staying in NC:  
  • family/friends here  
  • climate 
  • born here 
  • job is here 
  • love neighborhood

  • Top Reasons for Leaving NC 
  • Political Environment
  • “Nothing would make me leave”
  • Cost of Living 
  • Job Opportunities 
  • Tax Increases 

  • Top Important Issues
  • Personal Safety
  • Local Economy that provides for myself and family.  
  • Elected Leaders getting things done regardless of Party 

  • Most Passionate Issues 
  • Local Economy that provide
  • Personal Safety
  • Personal Faith 
  • Elected Leaders Getting Things Done 
  • Growth 
  • Public Education 
  • Politics Not Controlled by Extremists 

  • Most Needed now from NC Leadership:  
  • Innovative ideas
  • More Fire in the Belly
  • Unaffiliated Candidate 
  • Question own party

In general, the survey revealed that farm communities and mountain communities were more likely to be less satisfied, less optimistic, and more likely to name personal faith as their most passionate issue.  

Clearly, for me the take away was a rural-urban divide which continues to fuel a very partisan political environment in NC.  

I am looking forward to continuing this Survey Listening Tour across the State of North Carolina and thank Brian Hamilton, Dr. Katherine Loflin, and Hamilton Foundation CEO, Charlie Bradley for their hard work on this NC NOW initiative.  
A Moment with Chris:

Thanks to everyone who joined our reception for Chris Heagarty at Swagat in Morrisville. He has been an effective advocate for schools in Morrisville, most recently the newly Public High School High School at Wake RTP and the Early STEM High School Wake Tech RTP!  And, lets not forget Parkside Elementary!  In addition, he updated us on the work the School Board is doing to address School Security.  

Keep up the great work Chris! 

Tuesday, July 26th Primaries Voting Alert:
I want to remind you that there is a primary runoff for Wake County sheriff and Cary Municipal Elections. Tuesday, July 26.

Wake County Sheriff is a run off between Gerald Baker and Willie Rowe.

District C Cary: Cary Council Run Off is between Jack Smith and Renee Miller.

At Large Cary: Ken George vs. Carisa Johnson.
For its convenience, I recommend voting by mail-in ballot. Voting Facts:

Media Appearances
American Immigration Council Interview
Great Interview with Jorge Lowery from American Immigration Council!

Interview with Dreamer Shrishti Sharma
Great Interview with Dreamer Shrishti Sharma!

Radio Nyra
Tune in Sunday at 4 pm to Radio Nyra for our Interview with Dreamer Shrishti Sharma!  99.9FMHD4, 101.9 FM and 1490 AM!

Thanks for listening to our Radio Nyra Interview with Secretary of State Elaine Marshall! We look forward to our interview with her on POD TV on ROKU tomorrow at 10 am, live on Facebook.

On the Porch
On the Porch with Randy Voller on WCHL 97.9 FM!

WPTF Steve O'Bryan show
Get with the Program
Get with the Program with Gary Jones!

Black Issues Forum
Join us on July 1st and 3rd for the Black Issues Forum

Mar. 25th Black Issues Forum Discussion!

Proud of the rising star in Journalism, Tar Heel Sonia Rao!  
Scalawag Magazine
Sonia Rao
Sonia Rao is a student at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. She has previously written for the Virginian-Pilot and the Charlotte Observer.

The Steve Rao App is Here:
Download the Steve Rao App!   

Steverao app can be downloaded at Apple App store by searching for "Steverao" app in Apple store and Google Play store.

Other Way to download the app is by below scan for Apple store scan code and Google Play store link.

Below are two links to download app from Apple App store and Google Playstore.
Apple Appstore link.
Google Play Store Scan code Link
Next Meeting July 12th at 6 pm.  
Stormwater Code of Ordinance Amendments: Town Council adopted updates to the Town Code of Ordinances for stormwater related to floodplain management measures. 

Airport Boulevard Sidewalk Construction Contract: Town Council awarded the sidewalk project construction contract for Airport Boulevard (from McCrimmon Parkway to Factory Shoppes Road). The project will commence in summer 2022.

J Morris Commons Lane Extension: Town Council authorized the execution of an agreement with Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies for an emergency vehicle access easement from the future Harris Mill Road Fire Station. The Town will be responsible for design and construction of the road. 

Purchase of 123 Scoggins Lane: Town Council authorized the purchase of 123 Scoggins Lane. 

Master Sustainability Plan Adoption: Town Council adopted the master sustainability plan. The plan outlines goals, strategies, and objectives in six focus areas over the next 6-years to demonstrate the town’s commitment to sustainability. 

Appointed Public Bodies Administrative Policy Update: Town Council approved the updates to the Appointed Public Bodies Administrative Policy. All Advisory Committee members will be provided information and training as necessary on the updates. In a related action, Town Council approved the transition of a PRCAC member to MESC in compliance with the provisions of the policy for relatives not serving on the same committee. 

2024-2033 Draft STIP (State Transportation Improvement Program) Overview: Danielle Kittredge, Senior Planner, provided Town Council with an update on the STIP planning process and status of various projects of interest to the Town of Morrisville. Ms. Kittredge will follow up with Town Council should potential swaps become available for projects funded in the draft plan. (I will share this plan)

Development Agreement for Construction of a Portion of International Drive: Chris Lawson, Planning Manner, provided an overview of the opportunity to complete the connection of International Drive segments and the related Town of Morrisville role in overseeing the environmental process and cost for crossing two streams in the town right-of-way. This project will allow for the thru connection of International Drive and construction of the East-West Connector. The public hearing was opened, with no speakers. The hearing remains open until July 12. Action is expected on July 12. 

Town Center Development Plan: Town Council continued its discussion of the development plan, with updates and information related to Town Council’s questions following the June 14 presentation. Town Council will receive anticipated final updates on July 12, with a proposed endorsement of the concept plan on July 26. Following endorsement of the Development Plan, the Development Services Agreement would be drafted over the next 3-4 months for consideration by Town Council this fall.
This Week in Morrisville: July 4 - July 10
Independence Day is July 4
  • The Town of Morrisville administrative offices, Morrisville Aquatics & Fitness Center, Cedar Fork Community Center, and Morrisville Senior Center will be closed Monday, July 4, for Independence Day.
  • Police, fire, and rescue services will remain available. For life-threatening or in-progress emergencies, call 911. Trash and recycling services will also continue as scheduled. 

Upcoming Meetings

July 5 – 6:30 p.m.Public Education Advisory Committee
Western Wake Farmers’ Market Hosting Independence Day Parade July 2
The WWFM is hosting an Independence Day parade around the market area, 280 Town Hall Drive, on July 2, at 10 a.m. Dress up your kids, dogs, and yourselves, and decorate strollers, wagons, and market bags to join the fun! 
Morrisville Family Fun Festival July 3
The Town of Morrisville's Family Fun Festival will take place Sunday, July 3, from 4 to 9 p.m., on Town Hall Drive. The family oriented event will include live music and entertainment, food trucks, family friendly games, prize giveaways, arts and crafts vendors, small businesses, Town-specific project information, and more. A fireworks show on Town Hall Drive will conclude the evening! (Note: The fireworks display will only be visible from Town Hall Drive.)  

There will be no onsite parking on Town Hall Drive, where the event is taking place. Parking will be available at Cedar Fork District Park, located at 232 Aviation Parkway, and Cedar Fork Community Center, located at 1050 Town Hall Drive. Shuttle buses will transport participants to and from the event. 

Town Hall Drive will be closed from the roundabout near Jeremiah Street to Morrisville Carpenter Road from 11 a.m. until 11 p.m.

Learn more about the festival here.
Big Chief to Play at Music in the Park July 8
Big Chief will play at the second Music in the Park concert of the season. Big Chief is known for playing music for all ages, and their set list ranges from authentic New Orleans music to older country and rock, classic music from the 1950s, and children's songs.
Bring a chair or blanket for this free concert at the Healthy Food Hub, 280 Town Hall Drive, and enjoy a meal at local food truck Baton Rouge Cuisine, which will be on site for the evening.

Check the Music in the Park page for additional dates.
We Need You: Join a Town Advisory Committee
The Town is growing, and your opinion matters! Advisory Committees offer residents a chance to be involved in the Town’s decision-making processes by providing input on important matters to Town Council.

The deadline to apply is Monday, July 18, at 5 p.m. Apply now on the Town website. Contact Town Clerk Eric Smith with any questions at (919) 463-6168 or
Morrisville Carpenter Road Project
Traffic Pattern to Change on Church Street in August

Phase 3 work on the Morrisville Carpenter Road Improvements Project between Page Street and Old Savannah Drive is estimated to begin near the end of July or early August. During this phase of the project, the contractor will pour the median on Morrisville Carpenter Road in front of Church Street, which will require a traffic shift. Traffic will become "right-in/right-out" only on Church Street at the intersection of Morrisville Carpenter Road.
For more information on the Morrisville Carpenter Road Improvements Project, and for regular updates, please visit the project page.  

Project update for the week of July 4:

  • Contractor will not be working on Monday, July 4, due to the Independence Day holiday.
  • Contractor will continue with road work in the culvert area (including stormwater work and concrete work).
  • Contractor will be doing Phase 3 stormwater work (between Old Savannah Drive and Leafycreek Drive).
  • Contractor will be doing work at the Morrisville Carpenter Road and Church Street intersection.
  • Drivers should be prepared for flagging operations in these areas between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Southbound traffic for Town Hall Drive continues to be redirected along the northbound side of the median (between Fire Station No. 1 and Morrisville Carpenter Road).

The Town of Morrisville and the Morrisville Police Department advise pedestrians not to walk on either side of Morrisville Carpenter Road between Town Hall Drive and Misty Groves Circle. This section of the road is an active construction zone area and does not have a sidewalk and is not safe for pedestrians. Please observe the posted sidewalk closed signs.

For Morrisville Carpenter Road Project updates Visit
ADA Sidewalk Assessment
The Town has contracted with Precision Infrastructure Management (PIM) to develop an ADA Transition Plan. As part of the plan development, sidewalks along public streets throughout the town will be surveyed and assessed. Over the next several weeks, you may notice PIM vehicles and personnel throughout Town performing this assessment. 
Morrisville Community Park Phase III Construction Updates
As work continues on Morrisville Community Park and restroom building by the future tennis courts, additional space is needed by the contractor for materials. Beginning on Wednesday, June 22, until October (estimated), an additional section of the Kudrow Lane parking lot will be fenced off and unavailable to the public. 

The contractor is anticipating finishing grading at the tennis courts over the next few weeks, as well as starting survey and grading for the walking trails. Additionally, the contractor will be working to finish the stormwater piping and other control measures onsite. The crew will be working on pouring the footings for the tennis court retaining wall and starting rough-ins for the electricity and plumbing of the restroom building before they pour the foundation. 

Click here to read more on MCP Phase III.
Church Street Park Tennis Courts to be Closed for Resurfacing June 27-July 8
North State Resurfacing has been contracted to repair and resurface the tennis courts at Church Street Park, 5817 Cricket Pitch Way. The painted surface of the tennis courts has faded over time, and cracks and other imperfections have also formed. This project will make repairs to the asphalt and then repaint the surface. The work will require that the courts be closed for approximately two weeks.
Morrisville Starts Sustainability Newsletter 
The Town’s first sustainability newsletter was sent out on July 1. This quarterly publication will include a message from MESC, information on current projects, a sustainability spotlight feature, and information about upcoming or past events.

If you’d like to subscribe to the newsletter, contact
Puttin Around Town Update
Puttin Around Town is a program that places a temporary disc golf basket at a different park on a rotating basis to give people the opportunity to practice throwing discs so they can work on their mid-range game or putting. Plans are being finalized for a temporary course to return to Cedar Fork District Park in July.

The Town is continuing to explore effective uses of temporary baskets in open to encourage outdoor recreation.

Read more about Puttin’ Around Town here.
Pop-up Dog Park at Morrisville Community Park
The Morrisville Pop-up Dog Park is back! Bring your dogs out to enjoy the sunshine at Morrisville Community Park. The dog park will be open May 8 - September 18 on select days. Click here for more information and to register.
Summer and Fall Athletic Program Information Available
Registration for summer camp opportunities is now open.
Baseball camps will be offered in partnership with Diamond and Aces. Run by professional coaches, this camp provides young players a unique opportunity to take their game to the next level. Players of all ability levels will be challenged with specific skill instruction and drill work. Drill progressions will be focused on developing good habits while improving overall game skills. Each camp will cover the skills of pitching, hitting, catching, fielding, baserunning, position work, and mental preparation. The camp will be held at Morrisville Community Park, 1520 Morrisville Parkway.

Developmental sports camps will also be offered in partnership with Skyhawks, the country's leader in providing a safe, fun, and skill-based sports experience for kids between the ages of 4 and 14.

Registration for fall leagues will also start on June 6. Fall leagues will include tee-ball, coach pitch, minor and major baseball, and junior volleyball.

Visit the Parks and Recreation website for additional information and updates.
Morrisville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Beginning the week of April 11, the MAFC program pool will be unavailable for public use on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Open rec swim and water aerobics participants will be accommodated in lanes 5 and 6 of the lap pool. Additionally, the Friday morning water aerobics class has been cancelled.

Now Hiring: MAFC Lifeguards

The Morrisville Aquatics and Fitness Center is hiring for part-time lifeguards. Applicants must be 16+, and scheduling hours include morning, mid-day, after school, evenings and weekends. Not certified? The MAFC will train you free of charge. Learn more and apply here.
Sustainability Data Dashboard available on the Open Data Portal
The Town of Morrisville has launched the Sustainability Dashboard on Morrisville's Open Data Portal. The dashboard provides residents with tracking data showing the Town's progress in implementing sustainability practices. Data for the solar panel array on Morrisville Fire Station No. 1 and recycling participation rates for each of Morrisville's five GFL Environmental service routes are currently available. For details, click here.
Morrisville Smart Shuttle Service is Now Operating!
The Morrisville Smart Shuttle, the Town’s newest public transit service, allows riders to request a pick-up or drop-off from one of 15 nodes, or stops, located around the Town using the Smart Shuttle application on their smartphone.

Watch this short video on how to use the Morrisville Smart Shuttle App by clicking here!

The service runs seven days a week, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, and from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday. Additional details on the Morrisville Smart Shuttle visit
MAFC Smart Shuttle Node Now Available
The Morrisville Smart Shuttle node at the Morrisville Aquatics and Fitness Center is now open and available for rides.

With the new MAFC node, the service will connect residents with 15 locations in Morrisville. An additional node is located at the Regional Transit Center near RTP. A Morrisville Smart Shuttle rider can arrange their pick-up and drop-off from their computer or smartphone. Learn more and download the app here.
Shop Local at the Western Wake Farmers’ Market
The Western Wake Farmers' Market (WWFM) offers healthy and fresh food, goods, and live music from small and local businesses from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (summer hours) every Saturday.

Visit to see a complete list of local vendors and shop local!
Around the Region
AG Josh Stein
Great to hang out with our AG Stein, our next Governor. He is looking great! 
North Carolina Now Survey results
Wonderful discussion on North Carolina Now Survey results with David Crabtree and Brian Hamilton.

Reception for Wiley Nickel 
Enjoyed SMART Reception for Wiley Nickel with Secretary of State Elaine Marshall, SMART Director, Ronald Ingerick, other leaders and of course Wiley Nickel! 

Independence Day Parade
Independence Day Parade at Western Wake Farmers Market!
North Carolina State Senator Jeff Jackson
Inspired by North Carolina State Senator Jeff Jackson to support Senator Sydney Batch, one of the most important races in the State as the fight to hold off the Supermajority gets in high gear!  

Support Senator Sydney Batch
President Biden pledged another $800 million in security aid to Ukraine, including ammunition for advanced artillery.

Google will delete visits to abortion clinics, fertility clinics and other sensitive places from users’ location history.

The U.S. will block oil and gas drilling in the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans but allow new leases in the Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska.

Some activists on the fringe want to bring homicide charges against women who get abortions

A landslide in India has killed at least 18 people. More are feared dead.

It’s going to be a hot and humid holiday weekend across much of the U.S.
Raleigh News and Observer Owner Frank Daniels passes away.  We pay for his family.  
NC General Assembly Passes Budget
(More Detail on Approved Budget in next newsletter) 
North Carolina's Republican-controlled legislature advanced its proposed s
tate budget adjustments in bipartisan fashion Thursday, each chamber voting separately by comfortable margins for a plan that would spend or salt away billions more without added tax cuts.

The measure, which was agreed to in private negotiations between House and Senate GOP leaders and released earlier in the week, received significant support from House and Senate Democrats during the first of two required affirmative floor votes in the chambers. Final votes on the plan were anticipated Friday, when the General Assembly hopes to wrap up this year’s primary work session that began in mid-May.

The approved bill would then go to Democratic Gov. Cooper. He hasn’t yet said whether he would sign the budget bill, veto it or let it become law without his signature. 

Cooper signed the two-year budget into law last November — marking the first time he signed a comprehensive budget bill since taking office in 2017. Thursday's measure would spend $27.9 billion for the next fiscal year that begins Friday, but also would set aside another $7.7 billion in reserves and for items like state government construction and local water and wastewater projects, as well as incentives to bring more companies to North Carolina.
North Carolina House Republicans pushed Wednesday for a constitutional amendment that would have voters elect members of the State Board of Education from each congressional district, a move that would erode dramatically the governor’s appointment authority to the panel.

The current rules have 11 members appointed by the governor serving on the board alongside Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and State Treasurer Dale Folwell. The board would expand under the amendment to 14 elected members — in line with North Carolina gaining a congressional seat in 2022 — and add the statewide-elected superintendent of public instruction as chairperson.

The proposed amendment, if approved by the General Assembly in the final days of the legislative session, would appear as a ballot question in the November general election.
US Supreme Court to Hear North Carolina Case
The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday agreed to hear a Republican-backed appeal that could give state legislatures far more power over federal elections by limiting the ability of state courts to review their actions, taking up a North Carolina case that could have broad implications for the 2024 elections and beyond.

The justices took up the appeal by Republican state lawmakers of a February decision by North Carolina's top court to throw out a map delineating the state's 14 U.S. House of Representatives districts approved last year by the Republican-controlled state legislature.
Black Issues Forum
Watch Sunday at 4pm for a new Forum.

Please watch for the Black Issues Forum on UNC-TV!  Fridays at 7 pm and Sundays at 4 pm!

Engaging discussion at BLACK ISSUES FORUM!

  • Fridays at 7 p.m. (premiere)
  • Sundays at 4 p.m.
  • Thursdays at 1:30 a.m.
NC Channel

  • Fridays at 8:30 p.m.
  • Saturdays at 1:30 a.m.
  • Sundays at 6 p.m.
  • Mondays at 12 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
Sunday at 4 pm for our Radio Nyra Interview
Tune in Sunday at 4 pm to Radio Nyra for our Interview with Dreamer Shrishti Sharma!
July 3rd Family Fun Festival at 5:45 pm at Town Hall Drive!  
July 4th, TATA Event
Celebrate July 4th, Independence Day, starting at 5:00PM, TATA (Triangle Area Telugu Association) is donating food to 500+ families at Durham Rescue Mission (1202 E Main St, Durham, NC 27701).
July 7 - Meet & Greet with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Join us July 7th to the exclusive VIP meet & greet with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at 6:15 PM and the public event "I Stand for Peace" at in Raleigh with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Global humanitarian, ambassador of peace and the founder of the Art of Living Foundation.  McKimmon Center, NCSU, 1101 Gorman St, Raleigh, NC 27606
July 14th Morrisville Chamber C-Suite Perspectives
Join us on July 14th Morrisville Chamber C-Suite Perspectives at 8 am at Wake Tech RTP Campus.

Radio / TV
Radio NYRA

Join me Sunday 4 PM on Radio NYRA for another update on local issues.
Join us this Sunday at 4 pm for our Radio Nyra program with Democratic Sheriff Candidate Roy Taylor followed by a Sustainability interview with Shanthanu Agarwal, CEO Susteon.

99.9FMHD4, 101.9 FM and 1490 AM!  Listen at!

99.9FM HD4, 101.9 FM and 1490 AM! 
Join us every Friday on World Edition at 10 am for the Great America Project Panel where we discuss how we rebuild Americas' image with leaders from around the country and world.

OFFICIAL International Broadcast Media
Public Open Dialogue TV is a worldwide multilingual, multi-demographic network focused on inspiring, educating and entertaining the global community. We provide unique programming in areas not covered by traditional media, and provide a platform for the audience to engage with those shows. Formerly IBMTV.
Council Member Rao holds office hours on Friday from 12:00-1:00 PM by appointment only at 100 Town Hall Drive in Morrisville. 

For more information or to schedule a time to speak with Council Member Rao, please email and copy Town Clerk Eric Smith,, 463-6150.
Council Member Steve Rao
Town of Morrisville
Dedicated to transforming Morrisville into an ideal place to work and raise a family!
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