Happy 11th of August!

A few years ago I created a series of 11 Life Tips. I meant to add a 12th tip - but the program won't let me do that so here it is - grow your thumbnails long. I find about 3 millimeters is about right. This helps you basically have a flat-head screwdriver and something to open things with at all times. If you want to receive the other 11 tips - click here and you will start receiving them every couple of days. Enjoy!
So, this interesting Summer continues to unfold. I have to say watching Stephen Colbert last night was a highlight. Enjoy.
This reminds me to remind you to join me in getting out of our comfort zones leading up to this year's mid-term elections - 90 days away. If you need direction subscribe to Robert Hubbell's newsletter, Today's Edition. Just do it now. I'll wait here.

Robert is doing a great job of keeping track of all the cool actions we can all be taking - but you know what to do - donate to Democrat candidates; talk to your friends and encourage them to vote. All the regular things - and if you're comfortable, then it's time to do more. Republicans have done their worst to make it harder for people to vote - let's not let that stop us. There's a lot more good that can happen - but it's not going to if Kevin McCarthy becomes speaker of the house. If you need any encouragement on this issue - please reach out to me and I will encourage you!

Another great newsletter I recommend is Political Charge. The person sending this out also does a great weekly re-cap of editorial cartoons.
I ended up getting Covid recently which put my plans to attend Strummit in the dustbin. So, I figured I'd head out to Pickathon (above) and possibly have a replacement festival. Not exactly what happened. Here's my review of Pickathon '22.
Pickathon 2022

Pickathon 2022 - a Review: Earlier this Summer I wrote a short piece called Gentle Guidance about how to enjoy this summer's offerings - as I knew they'd be different and we'd be different. Earlier this Summer I had planned to attend the last...

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Yeah, so I'm not exactly getting the Summer I'd hoped for. Oh well, so it goes! I still manage to see friends; play some music, and enjoy the theater that is going on with the Republican party meltdown.

Next up for me is Singing Alive this weekend - a very sweet small festival outside of Salem that is all about singing. No amplification :) I'm ready for that right now. Looks like it's going to be a great weekend.

There is a GoFundMe going on right now that I want to share with you. Please take a look and contribute if you are able. Carol recently bought the gatehouse @ Camp Sumney and then this happened. She is a real dear and I've enjoyed the short time I've spent with Carol and her family so far (and look forward to more time together this Fall).
Carol Hoch, my sister, organized by Karen Fuhrman

I am Carol Hoch's sister, Wren. She has a brain aneurysm behind her left eye. She's getting brain surgery tomorrow, and probably (Depending on results) a second one later on this week at University of Penn Hospital in Philadelphia. The...

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Well, there's lots more to say, but that feels like a bit of a check-in with me - activism + action step? Check. Music Festival review? Check!

Well wishes - I wish you the best! Check!

Lots of love,
