City of Cumming
April 2020
Covid-19: Stay Informed
The City of Cumming has created a Covid-19 information page at On this page, the City posts notices of all City of Cumming closures, postponements, suspensions of programs, and other important Covid-19 related announcements and news from our community. There's also links to reliable sources of information such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH), and Forsyth County Emergency Management.

Currently, the City of Cumming has closed all City-owned and operated facilities to the public through April 10, and all Cumming Recreation & Parks programs have been suspended through April 26.

Gov. Brian Kemp issued a shelter-in-place order for all of Georgia on April 2, 2020, which will be in effect from 6 p.m. on April 3, 2020 through 11:59 p.m. on April 13, 2020. Click here to read the complete order from the Governor's Office.

City leadership continues to monitor the Covid-19 situation on a daily basis, and announce any changes to City closures, suspensions, etc. on the Covid-19 web page as well as the City's Facebook page. Be sure to check these pages frequently for the most up-to-date information.

By working together, we can overcome the current challenges of this unprecedented time in our history!
April Events Cancelled or Postponed
Due to continued concerns about the Covid-19 situation, several City of Cumming events which had originally been planned for April have been either cancelled or postponed.

Food Truck Fridays on School Street were slated to begin again on Friday, April 3 and continue on May 1 and June 5. The April event has been cancelled, and a decision will be made later concerning the status of the May and June events.

The first Fridays at the Fairgrounds event, which was scheduled for April 17, has also been cancelled. A decision regarding the May 15 and June 19 events will be made later.

Additionally, The Taste, which was slated for April 11 at the Fairgrounds, has been postponed to Aug. 1.

For the most up-to-date information on cancellations and postponements of City of Cumming events, go to, the City's main Facebook page or the Fairgrounds' Facebook page.
April Work Session to be Held via Live Stream Only
The work session of Mayor & City Council scheduled for April 7, 2020 will be held only via live stream on the City's YouTube channel and Facebook page, as authorized by O.C.G.A. 50-14-1(g), due the current shelter-in-place order from Gov. Brian Kemp. Tune in at 6 p.m. on April 7 to view the work session. Future meetings may or may not be live streamed based on Covid-19 regulations in place on the date of the meeting. All meeting information will be posted on the City's Covid-19 information page prior to the meeting date.
Street Department Pickups May be Delayed
Due to reduced numbers of workers and shifts in scheduling resulting from the current Covid-19 situation, the City of Cumming Street Department’s regular pickup days and routes are subject to change without notice. The Department will make every effort to reach all pickups as quickly and efficiently as possible, and asks City of Cumming residents to please be patient while the Department navigates through this unusual time. Residents within the City Limits may still call the Street Department to schedule pick-ups at (770) 781-2019. If your call is not answered, please leave a message with your name, call back number, and information about your pickup needs. Staff members will return calls as quickly as possible. (This notice only applies to residents within the Cumming City Limits; the Cumming Street Department does not provide pickups for residents outside the City Limits.)
Don't Forget to be Counted

There's so much going on in the world right now due to Covid-19, but it's important to remember the 2020 Census. It's vital that everyone in Cumming and Forsyth County be counted!

By now every home should have received an invitation to respond to the 2020 Census. The U.S. Census has counted the country’s population every 10 years since 1790. Counting everyone in the U.S. helps accurately allocate funds for our community’s public resources like roads, hospitals and schools. It also helps local and state governments better plan for the future, and determines government representation. 

For the first time, the U.S. Census Bureau will accept responses online. Responses can still be accepted through mail. Responding to the census is always quick, easy and secure. Click here to be counted and to learn more about the 2020 Census!
City Council Honors Beta Club, Census
During the March work session, Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented a proclamation to the Global Leadership Academy for Homeschoolers Beta Club, which proclaimed the week of March 2- 6, 2020 as National Beta Club Week in the City of Cumming.

Another proclamation was also signed recognizing April 1, 2020 as Census Day. The proclamation reminded the community of the importance of the census and their vital role in making sure every resident of Cumming and Forsyth County is counted by taking the time to complete their census form either online or by mail.

Also during the March Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council:

  • Approved a Vehicle Delivery Ordinance to regulate the safe delivery and unloading of vehicles to businesses which sell vehicles.

  • Approved a city-initiated rezoning of 55.6 acres on Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Atlanta Road and Meadow Drive with conditions previously approved on November 6, 2019.

  • Approved the low bid from John Megel Chevrolet in Dawsonville for purchase of a pickup truck for Utilities' Water Distribution division; and approved the low bid from JetVac for purchase of a Sewer Crawler with Camera and Trailer for Utilities.

  • Approved the following low bids for Utilities' projects: Vertical Earth for the Oakwood Drive Storm Sewer Project; Vertical Earth for the Mountain Road Intersection Improvement Project, which involves making the entrance into the Distribution Shop safer for loaded Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection trucks with trailers as they enter and exit the facility; and Allsouth Constructors for the Bald Ridge Creek Wastewater Pump Station Replacement.

  • Approved a request from Utilities to advertise for proposals for the Parkshore Wastewater Pump Station.

  • Awarded the proposal for mass grading at the Cumming City Center to Jasper Grading & Pipeline, Inc.

  • Approved an Emergency Conditions Ordinance, which allows the City of Cumming to utilize procedures under the Georgia Open Meetings Act to continue City business when emergency conditions exist, and describes how public access to certain buildings can be handled in such situations.

  • Approved a request from the School Street Playhouse to waive the March rent due to the current Covid-19 situation, which caused the facility to be forced to cancel almost all of its March performances.

  • Approved a road abandonment resolution request from Northside Hospital Forsyth regarding Horseshoe Court. The resolution provides Northside with all of Horseshoe Court's existing right-of-way.

  • Renewed the City's liability insurance coverage with Traveler's Insurance, and voted to begin inmate medial coverage through Sirius Medical Insurance Company.

  • Changed the date of the November Work Session to Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020 due to the General Election which will be held at City Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020.

Together4FOCO: Let's All Work Together to Weather this Storm
In light of the hardships that have arisen for many businesses, nonprofits, and families due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce has created Together4FOCO. This website and public Facebook group seeks to bring our entire community together as we work through this difficult time.

From the Together4FOCO website: " Together4FOCO is about engaging our community in a challenging time for all of us. We are here to keep everyone connected so that we all get the support we need. Together4FOCO is an initiative to encourage and facilitate Forsyth County residents and local businesses to engage and support one another."

Check out the Together4FOCO initiative today.
City Council Work Session - April 7 at 6 p.m. ( NOTE: This meeting will be held via live stream only on the City's YouTube channel and Facebook page due to Gov. Kemp's Shelter-in-Place Order.)

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - April 21 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - April 21 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

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