Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... Your court order still governs, but consider being flexible to meet the best interests of your children. If either parent’s work exposes them to an increased risk of infection or either parent is diagnosed with COVID-19, consider working together to come up with creative solutions to make sure that your children still get meaningful time with that parent. ..."
"... DeMarcus said she is learning that health care workers, first responders, across the country are facing this same problem. Ex-spouses defying court orders and refusing to share custody because they claim to fear coronavirus exposure. ..."
"... Anthony Cauchi, who founded the group Happy Parenting for Happier Children, said the problem is largely being faced by fathers whose children primarily reside with mothers. In the chaos that COVID-19 has fuelled, the rights of fathers to see their children had fallen by the wayside. ..."
By Hannah Skentelbery - Warrington Worldwide
"... While the country is in lockdown, family solicitors across the land are quietly preparing for a spike in enquiries. As couples are forced into self-isolation, top solicitors are predicting this could lead to a spike in divorce rates. ..."
"... Residents across the state face fiscal uncertainty as people have been told to stay home to avoid spreading the virus. The orders to "shelter-in-place" from state and local levels have temporarily shut down all but essential businesses, leading to furloughs and layoffs for thousands. And that may hamper parents' ability to make child support payments on time. ..."
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