With the New Year comes celebratory news, as ownership of The Livery has transferred, by way of a donation from the Sunapee Harbor Riverway Corporation to the nonprofit Sunapee Heritage Alliance! The SHA has been managing the historic Livery for the past 5 years and the Board of Directors is proud to now own this 1890 landmark. Originally a horse stable, it became an essential community asset, serving as town hall, police and fire station, performance hall, thrift shop and community meeting place. It is recognized on the NH Registry of Historic Places and designated as one of “Seven to Save” by the NH Preservation Alliance. We'll continue to present concerts, arts & crafts exhibits, offer rentals for private events and community meetings… all the while renovating the 1890 structure under the management of Milestone Engineering to current codes and offering greater opportunities for “Music~Arts~Community”.   
Visit for information re: The Livery’s history, to follow our progress, plans and share your ideas. 
On the 4th of January, the keys and spirit of Harborside Trading Co. changed hands from Bob and May Henry to Rhonda and Mark Gurney. Rhonda plans to continue stocking the shelves with Sunapee clothing and memorabilia, and also add childrens' toys and crafts, pet supplies and locally handcrafted items. A grand opening in May is on the calendar. All good wishes to Bob and May for happy and well deserved retirement and thanks for your 20 years as harbor stalwarts. Congratulations and Good Luck to Rhonda and family on their new venture!

Check out their website at: for details and grand opening date.
Ahoy, all you lovers of Lake Sunapee cruises! The Fenton family is very excited to announce there will be a new MV Kearsarge at the dock ready to join the fleet in the summer of 2021! The new dinner boat previously plied the waters of the Mississippi River and will be a grand replacement for it’s namesake, soon to be retired. To see plans of the new boat and get updates on the MV Kearsarge’s arrival in Lake Sunapee: or Facebook
The Riverway’s founding fathers, Dick Webb, Jolyon Johnson, John Rauh and Paul Grevstad had the vision to save and protect our lakeside village. For the ensuing 30 years, the Sunapee Harbor Riverway board has worked tirelessly to ensure the Harbor area of our village is preserved and enhanced for future generations of residents and visitors. The donation of the Livery building to the Sunapee Heritage Alliance is another step in the Riverway’s vision for the future. The Riverway’s story can be found at:
VoicePlay’s amazing a cappella cover of “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”
Simply Beautiful. The enchanting Susan Graham
CFA CREATIVE ARTS - Opportunities for Students
New Works Now 2021 Schedule

Saturday, January 16, 7:30 PM: Drive by Deborah Yarchun 
Saturday, January 23, 7:30 PM: Enough by Celeste Jennings
Saturday, January 30, 7:30 PM: Shook by Zoe Sarnak and Alexis Scheer

All readings will be streamed live. A post-show conversation will follow each reading. 

Admission is free (with a $10 Suggested Donation).
Call (802) 296-7000 or click here to reserve.
New London Hospital
Happy New Year! As we welcome 2021, many of us are filled with both hope and anxiety as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grip our communities.

Town Committee Members Needed

Experience, dedication and some time to serve your community on the following boards:

Advisory Budget Committee - 1 Resident Member
Conservative Commission - 2 Full Members
Planning Board - 2 Alternate Members
Zoning Board - 2 Alternate Members

If interested, please stop in at the Sunapee Town Hall or call Donna Nashawaty, Town Manger at 763-2212.

Lake Sunapee Protective Association's "What Can You Do In The Snow?"
Skiers are schussing the slopes at Mt. Sunapee. Local area Skating Rinks are open, and beckoning skaters to the ice.
… or you could follow the example of this enthusiastic sledding dog!
Given recent events, we all need to dwell upon and further share Abraham Lincoln’s words …. now more than ever.

“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion might have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."
Abraham Lincoln, first inaugural address, 1861

There have indeed been ‘angels among us’ in these uncertain times who made us smile by their humor, comforted us by their kind words and went that extra mile to lend a hand when we were in need.

Local teens on their 'virtual snow day’ who manned shovels and snow blowers to clear pathways for neighbors when nearly 4 feet of snow blanketed our community.

The Arkansas physician whose holiday greetings to 200 cancer patients included a note saying his clinic was excusing $650,000. in bills owed.

Last week, Chef Jose Andre, whose nonprofit has fed victims of hurricanes, wildfires and other disasters all over the world, drove around Washington DC, gathering 120 pizzas to deliver to first responders and opened his kitchen in the wee hours of the morning to keep them nourished as they worked to clear and reopen the nation’s Capitol so Congress could carry on.

Angels all.
We’ll see you in your inbox next Wednesday. Until then stay safe.  Stay healthy. Stay hopeful. Wear a mask!
Wednesday’s email “SUNAPEE HAPPENINGS
highlights a selection of events in our community each week.  

For complete details on everything happening around the
Lake Sunapee area, check out the
Project Sunapee Community Calendar at:

 You too, may submit all nonprofit and civic events
to that same calendar for posting.
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