Shaping the Future of Galt
Support the Sacramento County Fair Junior Livestock Exhibitors
May 21st - 23rd
The Junior Livestock Auction will be held on line this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. Registration is now open with bidding beginning at 9 am on Thursday, May 21st. Please help support our local students. They have remained dedicated, even amid COVID-19, to fufill their committment. For more information, please click the button below.
Construction Notifications & Emergency Road Closures
Click the links below to be directed to the offical notice for each of the following street closures/construction:

Marengo Road Closure - Through May 22nd

Visit us on Facebook by clicking the button below
Stay Connected
Do you have any information you would like to add to our next digital newsletter? If so, please submit your information to us via email at  by Friday evening to be included in our weekly newsletter the following Monday. Please remember to attach any photos, brochures, website links, or contact information that you would like to include. Feel free to call us with any questions at 209-745-2529.

Stay safe, stay well and stay strong Great American Little Town.
Thank you Chamber Members and Supporters
We look forward to getting back to seeing you again at events. Until then, stay safe, stay well and stay strong Great American Little Town.
Call: 209-745-2529 
604 N. Lincoln Way
Galt, CA 95632