Habitat CFC E-Newsletter | April 2020
“Although the world is full of suffering,
it is full also of the overcoming of it.”
Helen Keller
The lives we imagined, the trajectories we charted for our organizations abruptly changed over this past month as the COVID-19 virus became a global pandemic. The way in which we do everything shifted. Social distancing became the norm. The disruption to our lives, our families, our organizations, our communities is profound.

Trauma is often characterized by something that happens to us that is too much, too fast, and too soon. None of us could imagine the full impact of what this novel coronavirus could bring let alone be fully prepared for it. I know we began planning conversations at the end of February. And still it was too much, too fast, too soon. What we faced is small in comparison to those systems and people on the front lines. The beautiful paradox of trauma though is that it can open us up to our better selves and strengthen our resilience. 

At this moment, I find inspiration and solace from our homeowner families and the Habitat model. Our homeowner families embody the very definition of resilience. They have endured the trauma of substandard and unaffordable housing. By partnering with Habitat, they chart a new course for themselves and their families. They sacrifice much to complete their sweat equity hours. They learn new ways of doing things financially, being responsible for a home, and engaging as an active citizen in their neighborhood and community. All of this work is made easier by the Habitat family that supports them. The volunteers that build alongside them. The staff that guides them through the process. The donors that ensure funds are available to pay for this transformation through homeownership.

What is being asked of us now in many ways mirrors this process of what we do for each other as a Habitat Family. We are being asked to stay at home to protect each other and the greater common good like our volunteers, staff, and donors do in partnership with our homeowner families. Healthcare workers, first responders, grocery store personnel, and others on the front lines are making individual sacrifices like our homeowner families do.

Together, we will get through this unimaginable time. And we will be ready to respond anew to our partnership with families in need of a decent and affordable place to call home as we all understand differently what home means when you are forced to stay in it for all your activities—work, school, social connectedness. Until that time, stay safe and be well.

Yours in partnership,   

Dr. Cathy Collins, CEO
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County
'Stay Home, Stay Safe'
For too many local families, home is not the safe sanctuary that it should be.
While our construction sites are closed, we know that the need for a safe and stable place to call home has never been more critical. As we look forward to the day when we will build together again, the Habitat network will continue to advocate for affordable housing and prepare to hit the ground running when we are able to reopen.

Habitat CFC is deeply concerned about the impact COVID-19 will have on the families we serve. With canceled fundraisers and volunteer groups, Habitat CFC's budget has taken a hit we never could have predicted. This is devastating to the progress we wanted to make on building homes this year. We cannot let down the families relying on the hand up that our program offers. Now more than ever, please help Habitat CFC help families build a safe and stable place to call home.

We currently have 17 families in the Habitat Homeownership Program working their "sweat equity" hours, and several more applicants in the queue waiting to hear if they've been accepted to buy a Habitat home. Every single one of them is in desperate need of an affordable place to call home, especially now.

We know that with so many families facing lost wages and increased uncertainty, housing will be more critical than ever. The families in our program, and those that are applying, do not have the luxury of a backup plan.

Please donate today so families won't have to wait one extra day to build a safe and stable place to call home.

Stay safe and be well.

Donating Our PPE To Healthcare Workers on the Front Lines
We were very happy to be able to donate all of the PPE we could find - thousands of safety goggles, a few boxes of N95 masks, and Tyvek coveralls - to help protect the healthcare workers on the front line of this pandemic.

The donation was gratefully received by the team at Yale New Haven Health. If you or your organization have PPE that could be donated, guidelines on what is needed are available here.
To the MANY Habitat CFC homeowners who work in the healthcare field, we are grateful for ALL of the gifts you bring to our community and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Volunteer Spotlight: Rose and CJ Sferlazza
A cornerstone of Habitat CFC's mission is to promote the importance of family in our community. This can be reflected in work with Future Homeowners and is also shown in our volunteers as well. For mother and son pair Rose and CJ Sferlazza of Norwalk, family is a major factor into their decision to start volunteering with us. Almost every week we see Rose and CJ out at one of our build sites smiling and working together on a project. It all started for them when CJ was 16 and he was looking for an organization that would allow him to make a hands on impact on an area outside of Norwalk.

When CJ came upon Habitat CFC he was willing to work with us but due to his age his mother Rose would have to work with him until he turned 18. This was a perfect situation as they were actually searching for a place where they could volunteer together. From the first day, they felt welcomed and that they were making an impact right away. “Volunteering with Habitat will make you feel so much better knowing that you are helping somebody and the experience will leave you with no regrets. Your impact is felt.” 

From CJ's standpoint the project managers stood out as key to making them feel the most welcome. CJ told us, “The Project Managers create a positive environment and makes it a lot easier to get used to the work you have to do. They make you feel comfortable.” One moment in particular stands out to them while on a job site with our Project Manager Jacques. “Pouring foundations with Jacques was enjoyable because he always brought positive energy and gave encouragement.”

One experience in particular that has been special for Rose and CJ was being a part of a few different home dedications. “To actually be able to see the family and hear their story is impactful. They are really nice ceremonies.” Rose and CJ had the pleasure to say a few words at our most recent dedication on Wells Street in Bridgeport, which was one of the over five homes they have been able to work on. 

For Rose and CJ, volunteering and service is not new to either of them. Rose has volunteered all her life and together they have volunteered at the St Vincents's DePaul Food Pantry through St. Thomas Church in Norwalk since CJ was in the 6th grade. CJ has been volunteering every year they have traveled to Mexico and helped clean up the area of Puerto Morelos while Rose has taught catechism through their church.

Being able to volunteer together at Habitat does not only mean helping others, it is a way for them to bond as well. “If you have free time you might as well do something and have an impact on the community and it's nice to have mom there because it helps build our relationship.”

To see a mother and son getting along so well and valuing the camaraderie that comes with a build day is an amazing sight. Loved ones giving back to other families and working along side them to complete a project is what Habitat CFC strives to help foster in our area. We love having Rose and CJ be a part of what we do and are so grateful for every second that they have put in to help our families achieve their dream of owning their own home. They are an example of a family that is bonded together by their belief in helping their extended family, their community.

We look forward to seeing them again when we are able to resume construction Thank you Rose and CJ!
Congratulations Marcia & Paul!
In early March veteran Marcia and husband Paul closed on their home. We wish them all the best in their new home, and hope that it is a sanctuary in this unprecedented time. A safe & stable place to call home has never been more important.
Thank you Collegiate Challenge Teams!
Thank you to the teams from Iona College, College of the Sciences, and Providence College who volunteered with us here in Bridgeport during their alternative spring breaks! We are so grateful for all of your hard work and loved having your energy and happy spirits on our sites!

We missed seeing the Collegiate Challenge groups that had to cancel their planned volunteer weeks with us. We hope that we'll see you next year!
Celebrating International Women Build Week at Habitat CFC!
At the beginning of March, we had a wonderful turnout of women volunteers who joined us to build during International Women Build Week.

Volunteers began raising walls at our Granfield Avenue houses, constructed interior wall panels in the warehouse, and painted at houses that are closer to completion.

Crews came together for a luncheon at the warehouse to celebrate the contributions of women volunteers and homeowners to Habitat's mission.

Women Build is a community of women who believe in offering local families the chance to build strength, stability, and self-reliance. The program encourages and empowers women to volunteer in the traditionally male-dominated field of construction. With women and single mothers representing a large percentage of Habitat homeowners, the Women Build program is a way for women volunteers to offer a hand up to empower their neighbors.

The spring Women Build Fundraiser, She Nailed It!, has been postponed to the fall. Stay tuned for the new date.
Upcoming Events
Closings and Postponements
In an effort to be proactive in doing our part to limit the spread of COVID-19, the following steps have been taken:

  • As of March 17 at 4:00 pm, the ReStore will be closed. This includes donation drop-offs and pick-ups.
  • Build sites are now closed to ALL volunteers and homeowners working toward sweat equity.
  • In compliance with Governor Lamont’s order, our offices are closed to the public and all administrative office staff are working remotely.
  • CANCELED – Dedication of 563 Stillman Avenue (originally scheduled for Saturday, March 21)
  • CANCELED – Dedication of 25 Orange Street (originally scheduled for Saturday, April 4)
  • CANCELED – Habitat CFC’s Annual Benefit – Back to the Future (originally scheduled for Saturday, April 25)
  • CANCELED – Youth United’s Rock the Block (originally scheduled for Saturday, May 2)
  • POSTPONED – Habitat CFC Women Build’s She Nailed It! (originally scheduled for Thursday, May 12)

Please contact the office with any questions (203) 333-2642. 
Mark your calendars! The 27th Annual Habitat CFC Golf Outing will be Monday, September 21, 2020. Join us at The Country Club of Fairfield for a day of golf at one of the premier golf courses in the country, and help local families build strength, stability, and self-reliance through affordable homeownership.

10:30 am Registration, Driving Range Opens
11:00 am Barbeque Lunch
12:00 pm Shotgun Start - Best Ball
  5:00 pm Reception Guests Arrive, Cocktails, Dinner Buffet, & Silent Auction
  5:30 pm Golf Awards, Brief Program

Registration Coming Soon!
For more information, contact Events Coordinator
Suzanne Francis at 203-333-2642 x104 or
or visit here.

In accordance with Governor Lamont's order closing non-essential businesses, our Stratford ReStore is temporarily closed. The staff have been helping to gather up PPE supplies to be donated and getting the store into tip-top shape for the day when we are able to reopen.

The ReStore is an important source of steady funding for Habitat CFC's work. It you are able to, please consider making a donation to help our organization weather this difficult time.

We hope see our customers and volunteers, and staff one day soon. Be well and stay safe.
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County | 203-333-2642