Dear Friends of the Arts,
Isn’t it wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun again? I’m hoping that inspires you to get the most out of every day, and to enjoy the beauty all around us. Be sure to check out the “Inspirations” virtual exhibit, the new “Broad Ideas” virtual exhibit, and the related events. For an evening’s entertainment, watch “New Digs”, only 50 minutes long, and free!
We can’t wait to see you in person again, but for the time being, we will continue with virtual art until it is safe. Thanks so much for all your support and encouragement.
If you would like a tour of the new space (pre-renovation construction), email me at and I’ll happily schedule a time to take you through it.

Our New Home Progress Report
In a normal year, we would have had many enthusiastic volunteers helping us move from Summit Street to Gear Street. But of course, this isn’t a normal year, and as it didn’t seem safe to invite people to help, the move has been covered mainly by our staff. Many thanks to Patricia Lehnhardt and Jan Lavacek for many hours of packing and hauling, and to Karen Wilson and Elizabeth Boggess for keeping us all up to date with day-to-day work. Thanks to the generosity of the Lord of Love Lutheran Church, the new tenants on the main floor at our former Center building, we will be able to maintain our offices and many of the artists’ studios at Summit Street for a while, until we get enough accomplished at the new site to be able to move in.
This is where we will create the performance space
Our architect, Jim Baranski, and theater consultant, Katherine Georgeson, have been working closely with us to finalize designs for the performance space that will be the centerpiece of the lower level of the building. It’s exciting to put some of our dreams on paper, and we hope to start the renovation project soon. Right now, the lower level is basically one giant space, close to 9,000 square ft. Once finished, it will include a performance space that will seat 100, audience restrooms, actor dressing rooms and restrooms, a concessions area, a meeting/classroom space, and more!
The Broads are
back in town!
Broad Ideas - we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
Yes, we will be hosting the 4th annual Broad Ideas celebration of all things female, sharing stories, music and art of those who identify as women and those who support them. Because of Covid constraints, the events will be virtual. Zoom links for all events will be posted on our website,
Calendar of Events
March 1 - March 31

Broad Intentions

We will kick off the month with Broad Intentions weather-grams, an activity we can each do at home, but together as a caring community. You will soon see them decorating area trees. Watch a short video and check out examples of our weather-grams on the schedule tab at Broad Ideas website

March 8, 5pm – 6pm


Be Your Own Broad (B.Y.O.B)

Celebrate the Broad Ideas 2021 show opening and International Women’s Day by joining us for a virtual cocktail hour. Broad Ideas is an Arts show dedicated to telling women’s stories.

Our 4th year will feature the submissions of 65 artists and writers in a beautiful online flipbook that will be revealed for the first time on March 8th. During this opening night event we will also listen to each other’s stories, field questions and share space together.
March 8, 5pm – 6pm (continued)

To access the opening night party event link, go to the schedule tab on the Broad Ideas website: 

March 18, 7pm – 8pm

Songbirds of a Feather- A special Songwriters Showcase

We are bringing Songwriters Showcase back…via YouTube. 

This one of a kind concert will feature the amazing talents of women songwriters. Join us.

You will find the link at:

March 23, 7pm–7:30pm

Clear the Clutter-Nurture the New

Guided Meditation

Join Kate Miller as she honors the Spring Equinox by leading us all through a guided meditation.

Go to to the schedule tab in order to get your Zoom link for this event.
Because of the restrictions of the pandemic, the 2021 Broad Ideas Arts show has gone virtual. For the last three years, in the month of March, Women’s History month, Broad Ideas Arts Show has celebrated women at Galena Center for the Arts through a gallery show, theatrical, and musical events. In order to continue to provide this supportive space, a call again went out to women and those who support women to share their stories. There are over 120 pieces of work in this powerful book representing 65 different artists and authors who come from twelve different states. Their ages range from 8 to over 80.

The digital flip book will be available for viewing beginning March 8th at: and:
Our galleries will reopen when it’s safe
for our patrons, artists, and staff.
Table Reading
Enjoy the reading of this warm-hearted comedy by Betsy Hanson.

There is no set price to view the video, but please consider a donation.

This Midwestern premiere of “New Digs" will be available for viewing now through March 6.

Tickets may be obtained by clicking on this link.
The cast for this new comedy features:
Art Roche
Jovian Pham
Matt Blaum
Cathie Elsbree
Stephanie Bussan
The table reading series is sponsored by
Illinois Bank & Trust.
What inspires you?
Browse the artwork of twenty-eight regional artists in our virtual flip book on our website. They have drawn inspiration from nature, other artists, music, architecture, the effects of light, travel, grandmas and grandchildren, pets, and even old silk ties and heirloom ribbons. 

We are proud to be able to showcase the talents of so many artists even when we can’t meet in person. They are continually inspired and in turn inspire us to see the beauty in our world, even on days when beauty seems unattainable. Many of the works are for sale.

Email Patricia, the Gallery Manager, for details. 

Other virtual visual art exhibits here.
Call for Art
Animal Art—wild and wonderful
Another virtual art exhibit is in the works. This time the theme is animals. We live with a vast array of our fellow inhabitants on this earth—in the sea, in the air, on the land. They have often been the subject of artists, from the tiniest bug to the largest of elephants. The deadline for submissions is March 23 for a release in the April newsletter.

Email Patricia, the Gallery Manager, for details on how to be included in this website flip book. All disciplines are welcome.

"Cold and Hungry," photo by Carole Sullivan
View from the Studio
With the physical gallery still shuttered, and soon to be in construction in our new site, we thought you might want to see what our regional artists are up to. Each month we will feature one artist and peek into their studio. Geoffrey and his dad stepped up to be first.
Geoffrey Mikol
With both the pandemic, making social distancing a must, and brutal winter temperatures, Geoffrey has come up with a new way to continue to increase his photography portfolio: “Car Shooting.” He has his dad drive him around very scenic Galena and when he sees something that piques his interest he yells, "Stop." They do (traffic permitting). He rolls down the window, steadies himself on the door ledge and captures the image. He's toasty warm with his favorite music playing on the radio. Even hot cocoa comes along sometimes. Really making the best of a tough time of year for nature artists!
Janet Checker
We are excited to let you know that one of our veteran Galena artists, Janet Checker, is having a show at Dubuque Museum of Art with five paintings in her series entitled “Women of the Americas”. The exhibit will run February 20—April 18.

We featured Janet’s work in our Special Exhibit Gallery in 2018.

For more information about the museum click here DuMA.
Subscribe on YouTube for Notification of All New Galena Center for the Arts Video Releases
Click on this link, scroll down to the Center's logo, move your cursor
to the right and click on SUBSCRIBE. To receive notification of new videos click on the bell icon next to SUBSCRIBED then click on All.
All River Road Talent hosts a monthly art drive the first weekend of each month. All River Road Talent is a synergy of artists building a cultural and visitor awareness of artistic talent in the Galena region of Northwest Illinois. The next ARRT tour is March 5 - 7.
  • Jim Baranski
  • Matt Blaum
  • Stephanie Bussan
  • John Cox
  • Cathie Elsbree
  • ​Katherine Georgeson
  • Betsy Hanson
  • Jane Holland
  • Lord of Love Lutheran Church
  • Joe Mattingley
  • Kate Miller
  • Steve Morehead
  • Rose Noble
  • Jen Nottrott
  • Jovian Pham
  • Gladys Ressler
  • Art Roche
  • Nancy Schuldt
  • Carole Sullivan
  • Cindy Tegtmeyer
  • Irene Thraen-Borowski
  • Connie Warnsing
  • Lenny Wayne
  • Kay Weibel
Support us with AmazonSmile Foundation Donations
We invite you to show your support for the Center when shopping on Amazon. We are now established as a charitable organization for contributions via the AmazonSmile Foundation. The Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us whenever you designate the Center as the charitable organization of your choice.

Here’s how to support the Center:

  1. Visit (you need to follow this step each time you designate donations).
  2. Log in with your regular Amazon account information.
  3. Select “Galena Center For The Arts Inc” as your charitable organization choice.
  4. Begin shopping.

Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate your thinking of us when shopping with Amazon!
Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts, 219 Summit Street, Galena, IL 61036.
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
This program is partially supported by a grant
from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
This program is supported in part by an award from The Chicago Community Foundation, from the Arts Work Fund – Arts for Illinois Emergency Relief Fund housed at The Chicago Community Trust.
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Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman