Greetings from the BHS Wolverine Guard Chairs!
First and foremost - we hope that everyone is well and safe during these most unsettling times!
Given all that is going on due to Covid-19, it is clear that we need to make some adjustments to the Wolverine Guard Award Program for this year. After lots of thought and discussion, here are the changes that we have settled on:
The number of hours necessary to complete Wolverine Guard for the 2019-2020
school year is now 80.
The formula that we used to come up with this number is as follows:
The usual WG requirement is 100 hours.
100 hours divided by 12 months = 8.3 hours/month.
Schools are closed for approximately 2 months. (Actually 6 weeks, but we are
being liberal.)
8.3 hours X 2 months = 16.6 hours of lost time for accumulating volunteer hours.
100 - 16.6 = 83.3 hours.
For ease, we rounded it to 80 hours.
We recognize that some students had planned to use spring break for accumulating
service hours and that the virus and the resulting needs for social distancing and travel restrictions have upended many plans. Please remember however that WG is intended to be a challenge and is expected to require going above and beyond. Also remember that the time frame for WG service included summer vacation 2019 and winter break 2019 and mid-winter break 2020. Given all of these factors, we believe that reducing the total number of required hours for WG to 80 is fair and reasonable.
2. The deadline for submitting WG paperwork for the 2019-2020 school year remains
unchanged: April 30th, 2020.
3. New this year, online submission of the WG application and time log sheets will be
allowed and is preferred.
WG applications and time logs should be emailed to
Exceptions to online submissions will be made on case by case basis. For that please
email wolverineguard@bellevuehighptsa.com.
Here are the links for the required WG paperwork:
Ady Chan and Annie Roth, Wolverine Guard co-chairs 2019-2020
PS As a reminder, the PTSA's Wolverine Guard Award is separate from the Bellevue School District's graduation requirement. However, volunteer hours that are earned to meet graduation requirements can count toward the WGA and visa versa. Students are responsible for submitting their hours to both places. Students wishing to submit volunteer hours toward meeting their BSD graduation requirement should enter those hours in x2Vol (Time to Volunteer) via Naviance as usual. The link can be found at the bottom right of a student's Naviance homepage. WGA hours should be submitted via the WG volunteer time log forms,